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Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:the gobbleslurper.png (736.35 KB,1350x838)


ate banana (with my lower mouth)


did you peel it first
my dad needs the peels for his home remedy for a sore leg

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hmm don't think I can un-spoiler it for /megu/
oh well


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my big sister stemps on my dick every day

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upon the
small fat flat wide hips big ballz sph dickgirl
this is it


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Small penis futa is popular (just look at Pixiv) but I always pondered the appeal. A lot of em just look like chubby shota


pyuu pyuud up his butt


 File:0261dcee1be546d7740b5c9b3a….jpg (463.3 KB,1000x1000)

>Small penis futa
Hmm, when I search for that it's mostly futa on male.
>I always pondered the appeal. A lot of em just look like chubby shota
Not like that's a bad thing. Just look at this chubby boy that looks like a newhalf due to his boyboobs.

 File:e1299a4d05b30583480d8bd922….png (577.71 KB,744x1100)


If you can keep a secret... then... ❥
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Maira...... no.....


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Oops, I seem to have forgotten one. This goes between 5 and 6


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I can be ur angel...... or ur devil!!!!
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I read that human urine is actually useful for returning nitrogen to the soil when gardening. I don't think I'll do it, though


yeah don't overdo it. I used to piss in the same location every night until my mother complained to me about the smelly patch of dead grass by the stairs


I used to sniff jugs of piss I would keep under my bed for months.


Is there anything more evil than pissuing outside of your designated toilet bowl?


 File:ECf1Pc2UwAAL2Rm.jpg (152.2 KB,856x1254)

Take a sip, dude.

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For What it's worth it looks like a Cookie character




I agree except I didn't hide the 3DPD thread


This is one of the nicest ones around, though. Doesn't even show the stitches.


the repugnant cunnyclusion

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grabbed by the hinussy


it's really sexy when the girl starts talking like a retard


love it when girls tardsperm


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tonight wanking to some anjunny

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 File:00035-936255645.png (893.28 KB,848x952)


And then to top it off, furry patchy
19 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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this artist was really hard to make a fully sfw patchy so I gave up and switched


That's technically SFW


It is, but it's too distracting

 File:95635446_p0.webm (2.01 MB,428x604)


Humanoid Black Len is fine too!


 File:98341762_p0.webm (526.91 KB,440x572)

But cats?...


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They're okay, I guess...


Hmm, think I recognize this artist. Is this the one that does streaming of the process? It's pretty cool to watch, although I'm never able to see most of it and manage to only catch the end


 File:a4b99d5df4ea93d7235be9fee1….gif (2.97 MB,320x352)

I think you might be thinking of 未来みるく (Hinainf). I'm pretty sure they stream every now and then on the Pixiv streaming thing.

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s*x with shoebill

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