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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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Meanwhile, in Honoka's kitchen


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You're going crazy with those sliders


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which 2hu wud u fug?
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everyone wants to fuck a fat patchy


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Set sail for Tengussy!


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For me it would be Pat--WAIT a minute...!?

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i'll show you something wide


The definition of a chode is a dick that is wider than it is tall.


>>1337 (checked)
Nazuna can only get chodes after getting NTR'd


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insane width


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chody chode

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uh oh

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some stuff is HARD carried by expressions
i mean imagine if she was just sitting there with a single face wouldn't it be so much worse?
look at all this emotion


I couldn't tell if this was a furry or a bug from the thumbnail. After expanding the thumbnail I'm still not quite sure


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la furra
(this one's not as good sadly)


Snow Leopard, I think


The face is the most important sex organ. The holes are just switches you use to generate reactions.


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it sounds silly but it's true

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/megu/ sounds similar enough to /miku/
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Sinensian's Miku is quite iconic. I wonder if Miku is the character with the most "versions", as the her nature as a voice or hologram or cyborg or robot or anything else is still quite open to interpretation. Even officially there's dozens of Mikus


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The Abmayo lora is pretty good


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I like to imagine each Miku is unique to that license holder and develops a personality based on the type of music you have her sing.
Except PinnyP's mikus. He's cloning her.


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Shotazuri is just too good

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My big sister Mashiro sneaks into my room and does weird stuff to me every night.
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the dark days of the precure swimsuit ban are behind us, and what a glorious day it is


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tickles me pink how mashiro sounds similar to mahiro AND how the other characters in their respective series both nickname them by putting an ん after the names


the -n is a shortening of -chan i believe


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Upload it


not a real qaer if you don't have a nnd account.


had one a long time ago, but completely forgot the info... wonder if something like youtube-dl works on nnd, but you'd probably still need an account


embed is unavailable, but it should be watchable on the link itself


Why is kissu so fascinated with cameltoes lately

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want to have missionary sex with futa bocchi


bochinpo the cock!


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wanna put a futa bocchi up against one of these things


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flat(ish) bocchi

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oshiri technique
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big ass strikes again


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can't believe there are posters on kissu who don't like big asses


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big ass mafia staging another attack on anon

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corruption is いいね
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I wanted to test the kemono model out for corruption and it worked out pretty damn well. Not sure how it'd work in the case of a demon girl like I prefer though.


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Hmm... these colors are definitely not right. Seems like something weird is going on.
Well, and it helps to do a upscale to give better detail, but hmm... those colors. What was the model name exactly?


That was under the Kissumono mix

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