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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:15.jpg (901.1 KB,1062x1500)


What happens when you combine a god tier artist, with an elf/orc scenario, and vanilla? Apparently something that gets me incomparably harder than any of the kuso NTR I've read recently. With the added benefit of leaving me with a nice warm feeling afterwards.



 File:elf.png (336.32 KB,556x463)

the thicc girl


 File:001.jpg (343.74 KB,1280x1807)

That this thread has so little replies really says a lot....



every thread on this board has little replies


He looks like a half orc. You dont really see pig orcs that much anymore either


 File:A002.jpg (352.56 KB,900x1271)

Men only want one thing and its digusting


 File:020.jpg (419.63 KB,1280x1780)

I'm sure /megu/ would appreciate this lots.



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When it comes to text gen I'm no good. I need crazy fetishistic stuff to bring me to climax every time, vanilla just doesn't work with AI or writing.

However, when it comes to H-manga, I can read the most passionate and vanilla hentai as they come and feel even more satisfied than if I read some quick mind break story.

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