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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:418cae548096cccc52bd7df6d4….mp4 (5.04 MB,1280x720)


i can't believe i'm going to cum from memes

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people think about orc males too much
what about orc females?


orc girls are in an awkward spot where they're not as savage as orc males, not as inhuman as monstergirls, and not much more ripped than other musclegirls
it feels more like a gap moe thing, although looking at the colored pages of that artist they're not even green or pig-like so barely look like orcs of any kind

 File:0d65a906e31346fecf42579408….gif (3.89 MB,720x402)


bocchi the


the what?


the cock rocket

 File:i_015.jpg (176.55 KB,566x605)


How am I supposed to be a homosexual when they keep drawing men like this??? It's like they want me to go full bara or some shit

 File:2024_04_18_00-53__C6G.png (999.8 KB,2050x659)


now that's one hell of a dump

 File:032.jpg (791.91 KB,1280x1808)


Love when a seemingly standard H-manga ends on a completely out of left field panel
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 File:0030.jpg (616.42 KB,1280x1873)

The proper way to end NTR


NTR being misogynistic feels like a video essay topic


But its not just NTR... Japan in general seems to have an undercurrent of dislike of women. There's a large amount of media that is just women being humiliated/tortured/experiencing misfortune, its weird


You can find the exact opposite as well. Tons of violent stuff in fetishes.


 File:169.jpg (548.62 KB,1280x1807)

The succubus KOTOR'd herself

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The sanctity of the place has been defiled


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 File:980dff9425d431cfb4009cafbf….mp4 (21.2 MB,1920x1080)


very nice


 File:96373ec380f390bb9b229fc20….webm (45.03 MB,1920x1080)

this person really likes oneeshota
can't complain


 File:kreamu.mp4 (29.68 MB,1920x1080)


 File:157067cf450827e37b7d89f3da….mp4 (4.96 MB,1920x1080)

Note: This is a more accurate depiction of a female orgasm than the gushing depictions shown by 3D animators who have never studies human sexuality. Orgasm results in a general tensing of the body. Hentai depictions of female orgasm, however, look more like a pressure washer.

 File:GIYVfkIasAAxCfU.jpg (365.64 KB,1650x1650)


lovely /qa/ girls


 File:GITx0LubIAAud2n.jpg (4.01 MB,4000x3000)


hmmmmm... undecided about this one

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naked randoseru
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sluts are always pierced


 File:9edadcc9b68ebc3e39c5426ae3….jpg (491.65 KB,900x635)

sluts are sometimes tattooed


 File:116602052_p0.png (5.14 MB,1450x2048)


Nipple and belly piercing is pretty hot on anime girls

 File:GIJK42lasAAP_nS.jpg (587.38 KB,1761x3208)


i just really like boobs

 File:d68fa1bd88a91fb90eacbeb02b….jpg (185.85 KB,606x857)


hop in dude


 File:32776ed9d9fd164a593832d76a….jpg (72.26 KB,645x800)


anonymous' chode doing the best it can



 File:20221129_012221.jpg (696.65 KB,777x1068)


sometimes all a SHAB needs is a good shagging
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 File:26a6bdb4e1b7e584ab5fcf5c5….jpeg (598.61 KB,990x1400)

This is how I imagine ass lovers on kissu


 File:Eyes up here.png (1.4 MB,1080x1920)


love that shab ass


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 File:116137293_p0.jpg (2.56 MB,2537x1813)

slag a shab

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Meanwhile, at the Big Ass Mafia HQ


 File:d35bad8dd42338f6abe947465….jpeg (624.18 KB,3590x4096)

That's a comically small ass.


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