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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:114150361_p0.jpg (2.31 MB,1665x2330)


the blue archive abyssal sluts


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 File:bWVkaWEvR0JmY19ENGFNQUF2UD….jpg (745.79 KB,2480x3508)


good skeleton
crooked benis


 File:C-1703179014339.png (531.97 KB,819x787)

actually the skeleton shows her inner vag too nice


 File:20231227_103730.jpg (327.83 KB,2230x3436)

I saw some more of them, although their popularity has really dropped


 File:20231226_115127.jpg (478.11 KB,3002x3353)


i thought abyssals were from kancolle


they are, it's just that there's a resemblance


 File:1edcdf13ea79a49356c043bbc0….jpg (386.69 KB,777x1100)

ah, i see. these are legally distinct abyssals



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