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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:5722bcdcc12d75124c7660868c….gif (2.87 MB,256x256)


this stuff is just amazing i love it
opening with the best usage of slime girls ever
43 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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gyaru on top


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futa on boy


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lil ween lolisho


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another small bugger


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and a len for >>944

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caught you


Interesting style with the thick limbs. Kinda looks out of place for Etna, but I like it

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i think stomach bulges are cute and erotic


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chest going °o°


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the new blue archive girl makes my ween happy


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SH is also a very good artist


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It looks like the non-abyssals' mini cloak is a logical progression from Shuro's nearly nonexistent clothes

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the blue archive abyssal sluts
33 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


 File:20231226_115127.jpg (478.11 KB,3002x3353)


i thought abyssals were from kancolle


they are, it's just that there's a resemblance


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ah, i see. these are legally distinct abyssals



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what if myne was big

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the proper use of /qa/ bellies



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this is also cute


big ageha floppers

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this fuckbunny was too lewd for /ec/


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bunny bunnies

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hefty haunches
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gonna breed with gold ship


I find it kind of funny that the first thorough set of LORAs for Stable Diffusion were the Uma Musume girls. It's like a guy instantly recognized that for the first time people would be permitted to see them nude and so he made a bunch of them.
Using technology you can now see them in sexual situations! (although nothing beats a good doujin)


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Weird that gold ship became the ass one
I thought mejiro bright was

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Real /megu/ thread


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Megu has big breasts for a high schooler who looks like a grade schooler.


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I want Megu to get preggu with my smeggu

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What happens when you combine a god tier artist, with an elf/orc scenario, and vanilla? Apparently something that gets me incomparably harder than any of the kuso NTR I've read recently. With the added benefit of leaving me with a nice warm feeling afterwards.

3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


He looks like a half orc. You dont really see pig orcs that much anymore either


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Men only want one thing and its digusting


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I'm sure /megu/ would appreciate this lots.



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When it comes to text gen I'm no good. I need crazy fetishistic stuff to bring me to climax every time, vanilla just doesn't work with AI or writing.

However, when it comes to H-manga, I can read the most passionate and vanilla hentai as they come and feel even more satisfied than if I read some quick mind break story.

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the dork
21 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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THIS dork


how do i downvote a post


>how do i downvote a post
mix bleach and ammonia and pour it on the post

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