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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:032.jpg (791.91 KB,1280x1808)


Love when a seemingly standard H-manga ends on a completely out of left field panel


 File:30.jpg (516.98 KB,1280x1829)


 File:Thank you based god.jpg (205.75 KB,843x1200)

Came here to post this and already got beaten to it.


 File:1_31.png (Spoiler Image,378.19 KB,1000x1480)

I wouldn't call it left field, but it's nice to see the cycle continue.


 File:_057.jpg (440.26 KB,1280x1810)


It's not out of left field, but good psychological hypno ero with a proper mindbreak ending are my favorite of the traditional forms


 File:0030.jpg (616.42 KB,1280x1873)

The proper way to end NTR


NTR being misogynistic feels like a video essay topic


But its not just NTR... Japan in general seems to have an undercurrent of dislike of women. There's a large amount of media that is just women being humiliated/tortured/experiencing misfortune, its weird


You can find the exact opposite as well. Tons of violent stuff in fetishes.


 File:169.jpg (548.62 KB,1280x1807)

The succubus KOTOR'd herself

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