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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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 File:96545603_p0.jpg (862.16 KB,1539x994)


/megu/ sounds similar enough to /miku/


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I love Miku and I love Abmayo for drawing so much of her.


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There's more than just abmayo


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arguably the better of the two


Its disappointing theres no fanart of pinnyp's mikus


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merry mikumas


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She's waiting...


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absolute madman did it again


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Sinensian's Miku is quite iconic. I wonder if Miku is the character with the most "versions", as the her nature as a voice or hologram or cyborg or robot or anything else is still quite open to interpretation. Even officially there's dozens of Mikus


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The Abmayo lora is pretty good


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I like to imagine each Miku is unique to that license holder and develops a personality based on the type of music you have her sing.
Except PinnyP's mikus. He's cloning her.


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