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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

Pitiful creature... Synchronize yourself with the red smoke, and atone in a surge of blood! Burst Forth, EXPLOSION!

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My big sister Mashiro sneaks into my room and does weird stuff to me every night.


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Idk why but the hearts make it extra sexy


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Maybe because it shows its happy sex and isnt mean or degen like a lot of precure porn?


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This series has to have the sexiest cast in some time, right


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Like I normally cant stand het precures, but there's something about Tsubasa...


he's cute


Hmm... I could see that. I can't see Sora that way, but the others have appeal


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Sora will be hot older
I dont know if it's in some time, Tropical-Rouge's cast is seen as pretty high-tier in terms of attractiveness but the series being a big beach episode helped that, certainly.

In terms of casts sticking in peoples minds right now Go Princess, Healin' Good and Futari Wa seem to be popular


Mashiro is hot enough to carry a PreCure team that's half fag and hag.


They're an /ss/ couple Tsubasa is NOT a fag


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the dark days of the precure swimsuit ban are behind us, and what a glorious day it is


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tickles me pink how mashiro sounds similar to mahiro AND how the other characters in their respective series both nickname them by putting an ん after the names


the -n is a shortening of -chan i believe

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