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/ec/ - エッチ/Cute

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 File:[EMBER] Madome - 04.mkv_mp….png (5.43 MB,1920x1080)


The anime with the ecchi and the cute!!!!!!
10 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


 File:[EMBER] Madome - 04.mkv_mp….png (5.52 MB,1920x1080)


 File:[SubsPlease] Madome - 01 (….jpg (305.89 KB,1920x1080)

Dang, I'm 3 episodes behind already? Yeah, I think I'll catch up to this before bed tonight.


 File:[EMBER] Madome - 04.mkv_mp….png (Spoiler Image,6.39 MB,1920x1080)



 File:[EMBER] Madome - 04.mkv_mp….png (Spoiler Image,5.21 MB,1920x1080)



holy pngs

 File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….png (1.61 MB,1920x1080)

 No.10984[Reply][Last50 Posts]

170 posts and 164 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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when I finish watching it lets combine


 File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (230.82 KB,1920x1080)

Oh, I forgot about this thread! Yeah, just let me know. I have hundreds upon hundreds of Elles!
I guess I could just upload the whole folder into the Filesharing thread. Hmm...


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Shimakaze test


Did it work?


indeed, pretty good performance on that shimakaze

 File:[SubsPlease] Sugar Apple F….jpg (325.9 KB,1920x1080)


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dumb poutard


why does she have the 4chan logo on her shirt?

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2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


i can't explain the joke without being spoilery


if i were able to body snatch anyone i'd definitely go for a nice SHAB


do it with tags


One of the primary antagonists is a body swapping monk from the Heian period of Japan. In order to gain power he stole the bodies of many people for centuries. One of these people was the protagonists mom, so he technically gave birth to the main character. Over the course of the story he switches bodies with someone important and starts off the second half of the story


alright that makes sense didn't know about the mom

 File:93245877_p0.jpg (1.22 MB,1350x1825)


A thread for fluffy tails and animal ears
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Necro for foxes


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Problem with Kissu:
No scapegoat


 File:dfycqfb-21257182-4d26-4bea….png (1.21 MB,1440x1930)

No good artwork of the only cool Nikke


 File:snow-white-by-hungry-click….jpg (916.23 KB,2304x4096)


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I've been playing around with Stable Diffusion and having fun making cute images.
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 File:00471-3028596765-1girl, (f….png (5.08 MB,2520x1680)

Yeah, I downloaded an embedding of her that someone made from training on screenshots of her from the anime.
This prompt I threw together somehow keeps attempting to make video game screenshots. Cool.


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wait a minute...

 File:1bc84b860e1d82f0de195e0e47….jpg (967.63 KB,2894x4093)


Ecchi in Winter == Cold and miserable photoshoots


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need more emphasis on school swimsuit ecchi. where the heck are all the buruma and skumizu posts??

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 File:GBzHptnWkAAXs4Y.jpg (1.16 MB,2894x4093)

I forgot the best one..

 File:3c6c1538e45ccffd31bb619cac….jpg (4.95 MB,2869x4010)


we live in a cruel world where the only inumimi of note is also a gamer
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 File:898571cdf3f9f36b62ad197b4….webm (2.86 MB,608x1080)

This gamer inumimi will kick your ass if you don't change your tune.


As a Korone enjoyer, I see this as an absolute win


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 No.13486[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's been a long time since I've dumped images on /ec/. Feel like I'm overdue. Time for some Liz love.
219 posts and 219 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


 File:4bbf560bcb37c56601077535dd….jpg (773.93 KB,700x989)


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Okay, all done. Until next time.


good shab dump


big dump for a small shab

 File:R-1679619328756.jpg (81.94 KB,579x814)


Does /ec/ have an ecchi image they particularly like? For me it's pic, this must be like the fifth time I post it on Kissu. Cloak, cute hat, no shirt, funny Halloween skeleton SAAAAALIVATING over a loli, it's got it all. Look at that cute face, hnnng.


The PISSU image.


 File:1492660082874_0.jpg (282.91 KB,1584x1020)

no but this one is great


 File:1414765782342.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.03 KB,551x740)

really like this very spooky pic

 File:36826f457e25aeec5d5490b40….jpeg (3.2 MB,2894x4093)


huge treasure chest
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bocchi the...


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post girls that are skeletons, have visible skeletons, or have notable skeleton parts
and cool skeles in general
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 File:bdf5579d90f8e90ef0d2210ad5….jpg (120.94 KB,681x900)

lotta jello this time


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ending with the cutest image yet


that slime devoured a human and assumed it's form


That's okau, because it became a cute girl. >>10863 did it, too, and you can see she's feeling guilty about it, but that only means you get to comfort her.

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