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 File:[HT] Hidamari Sketch x 365….jpg (315.93 KB,1280x720)


Shaft anime referencing other Shaft anime.
Mostly Hidamari and Zetsubou stuff.


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Good old zetsuboushita.


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(´• ω •`)


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 File:[Coalgirls]_Maria_Holic_12….jpg (539.27 KB,1280x720)


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 File:[Elesa-Suimasen] Katte ni ….jpg (448.81 KB,1280x720)


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 File:Pani_Poni_Dash!_-_08_[R2DV….jpg (42.35 KB,864x480)

I can't find the screenshot of one of the aliens holding a Hazuki figure unfortunately and I don't really feel like combing through all the episodes to find it


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I only recognise Madoka, Homu, and Kyoko in that pic—and of course Rrrrrgi himself. Do the other silhouettes reference someone?


I presume that's Sayaka next to Kyouko. If the others are from anything then it's presumably one series per uniform, but I don't recognize them if so (and the haircuts of the two on the right are generic enough that I doubt anyone could tell for certain).


 File:[MTBB] Monogatari Series O….jpg (861.46 KB,1920x1080)

3 Gatsu Nadeko!


 File:Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sen….jpg (168.18 KB,1280x720)

don't think i've ever seen this one posted before
can't read it properly but it might be ちだまりスケッチ, or blood pool sketch


not something I would have noticed

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