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/ec/ - エッチ/Cute

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 File:cac9d61e19f449a769726b36ed….png (1.03 MB,1600x1280)


Legs are glorious.
24 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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alice legs


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pointy ears, (mostly) blonde hair
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 File:[Trix] Dungeon Meshi S01E1….jpg (107.58 KB,675x720)

marcille has a really nice body


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upvoted for the feet :3

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For me (and anyone else) to share their miscellaneous AI generations.
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I love belly peeks!


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Big fan of Tsukushi's art style.


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The boy-girl.

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i slept really poorly last night because i couldn't stop thinking about feet
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I know, it's a VTuber, but those feet are fantastic.

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Whats /ec/'s favorite type of censor?
If you had to chose, would you go with the black stripe or Mosaic ?
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 File:123957284_p0.jpg (3.7 MB,2584x3647)

Cropping is a type of censor (I swear there was a thread for this sort of thing)


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two for one

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 No.737[Reply][Last50 Posts]

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After 4 long years, the seal is finally broken.


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Absolute masterwork in setup and payoff for sweet revenge.


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Asked Santa for these SHABs over shabsmas but I didn’t get my present ;_;


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chu ~<3


 File:Title_remilia.gif (1.04 MB,1278x780)

i saw it


this remi's thighs are too fat for it to be seen
there needs to be some open space

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 No.14530[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I really like this show and it has a lot of great frames, so I shall dump them now and then as the season progresses! I'll post the screenshots 6-10 days after the episode originally airs. (or something)
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Is there anything more humanizing than a character eating a burger? Messy, greasy hand food that's often eaten in extremely casual settings among friends and strangers. It is a part of our shared humanity.
The greatest villain. The strangest alien. Even girls with different hats.
None of that matters in the end.
65 posts and 62 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


 File:124603698_p0.png (1.74 MB,1772x2112)

I guess it's a reference to the McDonald's thing


How did this become a thing?


 File:teeny keine eats a teeny b….jpg (41.06 KB,472x472)

it's cute


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it's for people who like wet&messy but still want to keep it not gross

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what would happen if this happened

asking for a friend


the heck is this


I don't think I have the patience to read this...

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 No.2162[Reply][Last50 Posts]

the /qa/ girl
I spent an hour looking at her images of pixiv and it was a very rewarding experience. How can she be smug and yet so innocently adorable at the same time? Sachiko is truly an enigma, something beyond human understanding
111 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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this is why I bumped the thread, I just had the 2 others on hand but this one was on my recommended page and it's VERY cute


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big dawg for the kong

 File:Felix.Argyle.full.2090082.jpg (787.63 KB,1240x1695)


Post Bois
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Remember to use bleach when cleaning your kitty litter!


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 No.9800[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's been overdue since I've tried to post her everywhere, but...
Cute and ecchi are both good in this thread, because Kuon is both. She is perhaps the embodient of /ec/!

251 posts and 222 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


 File:Utawarerumono_Mask_of_Dece….jpg (454.47 KB,2582x1440)

This is my favorite embarrassed face of hers. It has the perfect combination of annoyance and embarrassment. How dare you make her embarrassed!


 File:Utawarerumono_Mask_of_Dece….jpg (427.45 KB,2561x1440)

Luckiest view in any universe


 File:Utawarerumono_Mask_of_Dece….jpg (409.06 KB,2560x1440)

Onward to adventures with Kuon!


 File:123876021_p0.png (4.6 MB,1640x2992)

Kuon's /ec/ thread has been pushed down in the catalog and this must not stand!
...but I only have one new picture. Maybe I should browse twitter or bluesky or something, but my aversion towards social media is too strong.


 File:bg.png (2.18 MB,1600x1136)

Oh, I guess there's this on that switch announcement page.

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 No.8601[Reply][Last50 Posts]

According to Danbooru, these are called dolphin shorts. I think they're hot, so I'm posting some.
104 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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kind of weirdly flat feet


these feet are cute


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