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Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://[link-ommited][link-ommited]

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 84341 (OP)


Probably will play.
Hopefully they optimized it some since last time, but even then it's winter so pretty good time to play.

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Hmm... that's one person. Not sure if it's worth it with just us two, so let's see if anyone else is...

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I’ll maybe join in depending on what else is out

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January, but it depends on interest or if people are busy until a certain time. Soon, as in the next few weeks would be good. I'm not someone that can host a server, but maybe it can be on kissu's server thing.

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I know that a certain someone was complaining about when the pissteens are going to make a palworld server since he can't host one anymore

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how far the great have fallen

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Actually, I want to play really soon. I'm messing with the world settings and I kind of had to play the game (albeit at extremely low level) to do it and I'm reminded of how fun this is.
I'd like to increase the difficulty a bit and slow down how fast XP rolls in.
You can adjust a lot of stuff, but unfortunately not equipment durability. Stuff in this game has barely any durability until late game.
The "Pal Appearance" rate thing is fun, if you set it to 2 then every time a Pal would spawn, it will spawn 2. Great on regular enemies to make it more difficult, but it also applies to bosses. Maybe I should get opinions on how hardcore people want things to be, as the fighting really isn't difficult in the action game sense, but capturing bosses when 2 of them spawn may be too annoying.

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I would just leave everything at normal settings but maybe make XP go very slightly faster if anything since I remember it being slow as molasses in the endgame and increase the material gathering rate since multiplayer causes shortages for mining locations. I don't really see the need to make more pals spawn especially if it is going to cause duplicate bosses, but if it's possible to reduce their respawn timers that would be helpful

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More XP? I don't think higher level stuff will be any issue any more with with the addition of more islands stuff since we last played. I don't remember what the max level used to be, but they increased it.

The issue is that at low and mid level you fly through levels and don't have a chance to try everything. We can just keep it at the default, I guess. I'm someone that likes taking his time in games, though, and I know that differs from most of kissu judging by various MP stuff we've done. There's so many low level pals but you outlevel them before you even see half of them.

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what happens if im new to the game and dont know anything will i get bullied?

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I'll grab your dick

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While it will be multiplayer, the reality is that you spend the vast majority of your time alone and only see other players now and then (although chat is there). Its gameplay just doesn't encourage people to play together. Only one person can catch a Pal or grab resources and there's a simple 'quest' system to upgrade your base and skills that serves as an extended tutorial.
Unlike Terraria the world doesn't change at all as other people progress, so people can play at their own pace.

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so where is it

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server doko

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At the very least it's not going to open on New Year's Eve when people are doing stuff in giko or possibly in real life with family. It has to be setup on kissu's server thing and I can't do that, but someone will have to download the dedicated server thing on it.

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he stole my pals and bred them

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what do you mean nobody is doing anything tonight its the best time to host it

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possible go[s |][s |][/s][/s]oner '''Moved by followup'''


they were maidenlesss they were NOT supposed to breed

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fixed your post so it shows up as intended

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that's cheating

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I want my palworld server and I want it NOW

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It's open!

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now closed

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So the Palworld devs were forced to remove the ball-throwing mechanic because of Nintendo being assholes. There's this mod to bring back the aiming, but the animation won't play because the modder is afraid of Nintendo.

IP law sure is sane and reasonable.

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I'm failure to launch develomentally stunted teenage manchild man. Did they change the ore spawn locations in the world or is it random?

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Is it up?

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I'll see if i can get it set up before 4:30

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I don't think it's random, no. It's possible that they've changed some spawn locations through some of the patches. The patch notes say that they've added an ore version of the in-base harvesting node thing, which is dumb if you ask me.

All I can say is "soon" because I'm not responsible for doing the kissu server stuff. For the time being we can practice some democracy and see the settings people want for the server.

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Egg timer definitely needs to be lowered to something like 10-20 minutes.

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Yeah, I agree with that. The setting is the time for 'massive eggs', which is the rarer variety that's supposed to take a while. 20 minutes seems fine for that since it's supposed to be something that's inconvenient so you don't just spawn them in right away. The default is like 20 hours, meant for people that play a little bit every day instead of us.

I'm going to post 3 screenshots of the world settings to adjust and then I'll post my opinions and I'd like other people to do the same.

Settings 1

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Settings 2

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Settings 3

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looks good to me

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I set it up but i think the cool guy is doing some settings things or waiting for people to respond or idk

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Any objections to these changed settings?
Pal Capture Rate: [link-ommited]. Just to reduce frustration and grinding a little bit. Think of catching legendary Pokemon with non-master balls.
Stamina Reduction Rate: [link-ommited]. Stamina is used for a lot of things, but it's largely a convenience meter used for modes of travel. Minor change to keep stat/equipment upgrades worthwhile.
Structure Deterioration Rate:: 0! Huge change. This means stuff built outside of bases never decays. More room to mess around.
Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval: [link-ommited]. Resource nodes respawn over twice as fast. >>19756
Time to incubate Massive Egg: 1. The default shows [link-ommited], which I assume is 72 hours. You can do things in your base to speed up hatching, like sources of heat.

No item loss on death. The internet and EA games are not perfect.

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Once the server with its settings I'll move this thread to /qa/ and change the OP

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so is it coming up today or are you just messing with settings

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Yeah it's coming today. I'll go ahead with the settings here >>19786

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You need structure deterioartion. It needs to be there.

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Can't the settings just be changed with a server restart?
I don't think it's that big of a deal

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Just waiting on the guy to get back so he can (re)start the server as I can't connect to it right now

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[link-ommited][link-ommited]:8211 (no password)

It's up, but I can't get the settings to stick. If you want to make your characters now and look around you can do it, but you'll drop all your items and pals on death.
I don't know why the settings aren't being taken. He closed the dedicated server thing and restarted it.

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restarting server

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trying again

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You are probably editing the wrong config file I think there is one in the folder for the server that is different from the normal config file

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had to set the file to read-only.. it's working!
ok going to edit the OP and get this moved to /qa/

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is the server up should i try joining

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No they are going to take your pals to the breeding farm

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Yes. The server is up they haven't announced it yet

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Server is up, but the post is too old to see on /all/

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After you make your character and you choose a spawning spot, be aware that it's not a permanent thing. Once you die you'll choose where to spawn again.

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Just edit the OP

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Moved to >>>/qa/136312.

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