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File:C-1713912837691.png (293.71 KB,596x855)


video essays have gone too far

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 74414 (OP)


Zoomzoom Don quixote would enter uni thinking he knows everything about books, movies and philosophy from watching video essays

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watched a series of philosophy lecture recordings it was top tier entertainment

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I am zoomzoom Don Quixote but I already went to university. There are some really good youtube channels with university lecture level quality, that aren't just recordings of university lectures. The first one that comes to mind is: https://[link-ommited][link-ommited]/@PhysicsExplainedVideos This channel's content is really on par with the undergrad courses I took. Only thing missing is the homework.

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non-/jp/ thread getting moved to /spg/!

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Moved to >>>/spg/3028.

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Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/b/ Post No. 12420 (OP)


do not click it's all dolphin porn

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Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 123553 (OP)

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Deleted by berun from >>>/b/ Post No. 12418 (OP)

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why is my teapot dissappearing

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 72499 (OP)


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (174.33 KB,1920x1080)

what the hell...
are you a bot? Say something that proves you're not a bot

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File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (271.63 KB,1920x1080)

ten minutes before the last doubt in my mind is gone and I consider every 3D teapot thread as a bot that needs permabanning

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File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (268.12 KB,1920x1080)

why is this even happening... how does a bot come to kissu/jp/ and make 4 threads about 3D wireframe teapots...

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this cat is SO asking for it


I enjoy a bit of gentle femdom, but I really can't get into hard femdom at all. Believe me, I tried

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/123246 Post No. 123454 from thread 123246


same ip?


yeah figured I'd IP wipe it


>the teenbro is into gentle femdom
good taste.


shabs won


I was going to say these kids don't qualify as teenbros, but apparently they're big on activism and 'operations' so they actually do count as teenbros



Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/111112 Post No. 123490 from thread 111112


Fetch me a slider

Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/108488 Post No. 123489 from thread 108488



Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/108408 Post No. 123488 from thread 108408

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Bernkastel won

Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 123491 (OP)



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File:830667bb863cba2dfdd587ef5….jpeg (2.71 MB,2560x2880)

You failed the get. Shoo. Hide away in shame.

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its alright

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/122873 Post No. 123444 from thread 122873

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Ah well in the end cirno won
like i said before cirno WABS

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/123456 Post No. 123461 from thread 123456


sharty btfo

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/116660 Post No. 123459 from thread 116660


Not really anymore, sorry dude

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/100566 Post No. 123455 from thread 100566


Whichever ones are labeled as romcoms I will watch, that and Konosuba of course

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/122445 Post No. 123452 from thread 122445

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