No.136312[Last50 Posts]
Palworld server is now online! We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: No.136313
Probably will play.
Hopefully they optimized it some since last time, but even then it's winter so pretty good time to play.
I’ll maybe join in depending on what else is out
>>136316January, but it depends on interest or if people are busy until a certain time. Soon, as in the next few weeks would be good. I'm not someone that can host a server, but maybe it can be on kissu's server thing.
I know that a certain someone was complaining about when the pissteens are going to make a palworld server since he can't host one anymore
how far the great have fallen
I would just leave everything at normal settings but maybe make XP go very slightly faster if anything since I remember it being slow as molasses in the endgame and increase the material gathering rate since multiplayer causes shortages for mining locations. I don't really see the need to make more pals spawn especially if it is going to cause duplicate bosses, but if it's possible to reduce their respawn timers that would be helpful
>>136321More XP? I don't think higher level stuff will be any issue any more with with the addition of more islands stuff since we last played. I don't remember what the max level used to be, but they increased it.
The issue is that at low and mid level you fly through levels and don't have a chance to try everything. We can just keep it at the default, I guess. I'm someone that likes taking his time in games, though, and I know that differs from most of kissu judging by various MP stuff we've done. There's so many low level pals but you outlevel them before you even see half of them.
what happens if im new to the game and dont know anything will i get bullied?
>>136323I'll grab your dick
>>136323While it will be multiplayer, the reality is that you spend the vast majority of your time alone and only see other players now and then (although chat is there). Its gameplay just doesn't encourage people to play together. Only one person can catch a Pal or grab resources and there's a simple 'quest' system to upgrade your base and skills that serves as an extended tutorial.
Unlike Terraria the world doesn't change at all as other people progress, so people can play at their own pace.
so where is it
server doko
At the very least it's not going to open on New Year's Eve when people are doing stuff in giko or possibly in real life with family. It has to be setup on kissu's server thing and I can't do that, but someone will have to download the dedicated server thing on it.
>>136318he stole my pals and bred them
>>136328what do you mean nobody is doing anything tonight its the best time to host it
>>84484possible go[s |][s |][/s][/s]oner
>>136331they were maidenlesss they were NOT supposed to breed
I want my palworld server and I want it NOW
now closed
So the Palworld devs were forced to remove the ball-throwing mechanic because of Nintendo being assholes. There's this mod to bring back the aiming, but the animation won't play because the modder is afraid of Nintendo. law sure is sane and reasonable.
I'm failure to launch develomentally stunted teenage manchild man. Did they change the ore spawn locations in the world or is it random?
Is it up?
I'll see if i can get it set up before 4:30
>>136339I don't think it's random, no. It's possible that they've changed some spawn locations through some of the patches. The patch notes say that they've added an ore version of the in-base harvesting node thing, which is dumb if you ask me.
>>136342All I can say is "soon" because I'm not responsible for doing the kissu server stuff. For the time being we can practice some democracy and see the settings people want for the server.
Egg timer definitely needs to be lowered to something like 10-20 minutes.
>>136345Yeah, I agree with that. The setting is the time for 'massive eggs', which is the rarer variety that's supposed to take a while. 20 minutes seems fine for that since it's supposed to be something that's inconvenient so you don't just spawn them in right away. The default is like 20 hours, meant for people that play a little bit every day instead of us.
I'm going to post 3 screenshots of the world settings to adjust and then I'll post my opinions and I'd like other people to do the same.
Settings 1
looks good to me
I set it up but i think the cool guy is doing some settings things or waiting for people to respond or idk
Any objections to these changed settings?
Pal Capture Rate:
1.2. Just to reduce frustration and grinding a little bit. Think of catching legendary Pokemon with non-master balls.
Stamina Reduction Rate:
0.8. Stamina is used for a lot of things, but it's largely a convenience meter used for modes of travel. Minor change to keep stat/equipment upgrades worthwhile.
Structure Deterioration Rate::
0! Huge change. This means stuff built outside of bases never decays. More room to mess around.
Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval: 0.4. Resource nodes respawn over twice as fast.
>>136321Time to incubate Massive Egg:
1. The default shows 72.00000, which I assume is 72 hours. You can do things in your base to speed up hatching, like sources of heat.
No item loss on death. The internet and EA games are not perfect.
so is it coming up today or are you just messing with settings
>>136353Yeah it's coming today. I'll go ahead with the settings here
You need structure deterioartion. It needs to be there.
Can't the settings just be changed with a server restart?
I don't think it's that big of a deal
Just waiting on the guy to get back so he can (re)start the server as I can't connect to it right now
restarting server
trying again
You are probably editing the wrong config file I think there is one in the folder for the server that is different from the normal config file
had to set the file to read-only.. it's working!
ok going to edit the OP and get this moved to /qa/
is the server up should i try joining
>>136366No they are going to take your pals to the breeding farm
Yes. The server is up they haven't announced it yet
After you make your character and you choose a spawning spot, be aware that it's not a permanent thing. Once you die you'll choose where to spawn again.
Just edit the OP
Is anyone even playing on the server?
i think the max was 5 or 6 players earlier
its bed time though ill play more tomorrow
Everytime I try to build a breeding farm my game crashes what does this mean
>>136385it means the game doesn't want you to breed
>>136385No idea. I'm a while away from building one so I can't test it myself. You could try putting pals away if it's some AI-related bug or angle the camera at the ground to reduce the objects the game is rendering.
it was actually because i had a mod installed from long ago
A mod involving the breeding factory? Stay away from my pals, sicko.
Why do I see so many people on the server but never any bases
>>136402I've come across like 4 different bases so far, excluding my own.
>>136402Well, the player limit is 32 by default so it's made to hold that many people, and each person can have 3 bases. This means the world is very big. Generally bases are most commonly around the middle of the map, often near teleporters. Look for flat areas.
I'll take some screenshots of my base locations after I'm the game again. They're quite remote, though. I finally placed a base I'm going to decorate after having an awkward utilitarian one.
Started playing but I have no idea what to do it just kind of threw me in
>>136468Well you just need to open up the tech screen, press B to build a preliminary workshop, and then go get enough res to make a pal sphere there and then catch some pals.
I think on the top right there should be some orange box that has some guiding objectives helping you along.
a shab ate my pals
If I hadn't played last year I'd be lost too but the game has definitely gotten more complex a lot of it comes from micro managing your base and pals.
>>136468Yeah, as someone already said the orange box in the top right of the screen does a good job of directing you. It directs you to checking the Guide that is for some reason in the Settings tab.
Look for a nice flat area of land that's near some shiny rocks and put down a Palbox. The Palbox marks sets the surrounding area as your base. Bases have their own level (shared) and you raise it by meeting conditions. It teaches you about the game at the same time. Stuff like "Build a workbench" goes along with the orange box's tutorial to make items.
I have to say this game is so fun and the pals are so cute it’s addictive… been forgetting to do really anything else but play it
Also should we enable pvp at some point? Or is that a big no
>>136510How does it work? Do you just kill other players or can you also capture their pals? I feel like it would be unfair to lower level players
Go ahead and enable it if you want the online to go from 3 to 1. It's going to go to 0 regardless in a week or two when people start reaching 50-60.
No.136517 this has been the case for a year and nobody even bothered to fix it? It always felt like something was off whenever I would come back and all my pals are starving and depressed despite there being thousands of food but this is plain incompetence on the developers' part.
>>136517>They most likely will fix this in the upcoming patches.>21 Jan, 2024owned
>>136513Yeah we're not going to do PvP, although it could be fun to mess with at the end when people are done. The attacker has such an overwhelming advantage even if all other things were equal. PvP is why the Haven game has such a disappointing end, although this game has no death penalty so it's more of a minor annoyance.
I think the egg timer should be brought down. It's pointless to have to wait 15-20 minutes per egg. I think it's pointless to wait at all considering how often you need to breed pals if you want busted skill stats.
>>136524Maybe, but at the same time the breeding is so important that being able to instantly do it would kinda make you busted too fast
the /qa/ pose
>>136524The default is 72 hours for the giant eggs, but 1 hour base means it's 30 minutes with the right temperature and then you can get 50% more off by investing points in research. Expeditions take an hour, growing skill fruit takes an hour, getting the resources to feed pals or breed takes hours and so on. Unless you're level 60 with everything else done 30 minutes base is pretty reasonable I think.
Palworld is kind of built on resource management to a degree and time is a resource, so you can invest in lots of egg incubators to speed it along.
Is there anyway to make it so that my pals don't commit sudoku via a hunger strike if I'm logged out for more than a couple hours? This is stupid.
>>136540just make sure you have good enough production to buy enough meds to cure their depression when you log back in
the human settlement sells them
>>136546that's 3000 per shot look if it's the devs' fault why not give every player 1000 syringes for their pals
>>136549I'll put up a store and sell them for cheap if people need them. I can make a whole bunch of money selling items and such now.
Also on the topic of breeding and egg hatching not sure how anyone can be just waiting around 30 minutes in this game since I'm constantly busy managing every single base in my guild in between collecting more pals...
>>136540It shouldn't be happening anywhere near that fast. Is your base located in an area with cliffs and other "complex" scenery that can confuse the AI pathing? It's a lot better than it was last year, but they can still be retarded and get stuck.
Are you feeding them? Do they have beds?
>>136562He's going to be really mad if he finds out you were in his base.
>>136610Oooh, ouch. Yeah, last time when we played it only had the first option where you set how hard they work or something. It didn't work very well, so I only touched it once last time.
REALLY useful now.
...but you still have to keep their pathing clear
guys it's down put it back up :((
>>136617Oh, I think he was restarting it. I just logged in and it seems to be working
Server needs to be reset.
>>136664What's wrong? I'm not the server guy, but maybe I could ping him
Alright, he'll be available for the restart in about 40m.
its up
Is it just not possible to get a random rainbow passive from breeding?
I am quitting until the hunger slider is turned to the minimum, I am tired of logging in to 60 different pals that are starving to death with depression. I can't afford the $3000x60 medication and I do not feel like putting away 60 pals every time I log out and then dragging them back in one by one this isn't fun.
>>136680Rainbow passive? The best I've seen anywhere is blue, and yes I've got a couple randomly when breeding.
>>136694I guess I could look into tomorrow since I assume everyone already has a proper base with food harvesting and delivery, meaning that gameplay element has been conquered. I'm not sure why you guys are having this issue when I purposely made it so my pals have to climb 3 different sets of stairs to deliver food or take a convoluted path to eat cooked food, just so I would see them more often.
Are you guys using the giant pals that are the size of buses? Those things are still retarded and clearly not meant to be used in bases that have any walls or stairs. It's part of the reason I made the pal limit per base so high, you could use a higher number of weaker (but cuter) pals.
my pal bit me
I don't know what point you're trying to make but it's known that the game acts bizarre on multiplayer servers when you're offline, just turn hunger off or way down. It's a stupid thing to have people quitting over and the hunger system is hardly an integral part of the game.
>>136704Yeah it's probably best to tweak it down.
Maybe also consider raising the frequency at which supply/meteors drop. There's like one a day and it's almost never in Japanland...
If you're in the endgame of breeding this will make things less annoying and allow you to plan things out. You don't actually need to do this to beat the game I assume, but if you're, umm.. on the spectrum it's nice. wouldn't look at it until you've done most things in the game as it lists the pals there you will see their name and icon. I try to ignore it, but I've seen a couple blurry things in the side of my vision that I wish I hadn't.
>>136755Wait, where's the boobie spider mod? That's the mount I've been using for a week
>>136756heh you said mount
>>136759Hmm nope. Looks like it's all lower level stuff and I never got any good skills on those.
>>136777*1200 hexolite each
>>136777Put some up at the flea market and I'll take what I need when I get on later.
>>136778mmm nyo
x axis -1207 y axis I don't remember somewhere on sakurajima
New patch just came out, server needs to be updated.
Server's now up to date
on a date with my pal
Why was I not using the guild chest this whole time
Force breeding your pals against their will
my pals cant breed
Then I'm using them as onaholes, against their will.
Is it too late to start playing?
>>136815It's a game played almost entirely solo and the world doesn't change over time. You'll occasionally see little bases that other people have built, but that's it.
>>136828>It's a game played almost entirely soloWhat's the appeal of the server then?
I guess there's some degree of interactions but things are at your own pace
Seeing that image the other day with the lewd spider compelled me to download a bunch of existing lewd mods. They're pretty good.
>>136829You can see each other out in the world sometimes, but also there's a global chat and you
can team up, it's just not always ideal since drops aren't shared. Stuff like tower bosses can be done with multiple people as there's even a UI thing to make sure everyone is ready. It's fun to see other bases, too.
I would contrast it to something like Terraria where other people rushing through mean you can't take it easy due to everything advancing without you. You can remain at level 1 and only see the same monsters in the same areas forever if you wanted to.
>>136829you can have sex with other peoples pals
>>136839romanced by my internet friends.......
>>136839>>136849these sound like reasons to not play on a server...
also damn that's a big file size, looks like ShareX reverted to PNGs when I updated the other day
Gonna need some help with hard mode bosses. I think I have the DPS but its hard fighting with constant aggro.
>>136871I'll probably hit 60 in a few days. I've just been focusing on breeding stuff and decorating my house. I don't like most of the legendary stuff so I'm trying to breed cuter pals to use. It's a lot more work, but it's also a benefit that they can fit through doorways inside dungeons and houses.
Also I've been testing the Dr. Brawn guy. For people that don't know (including me two days ago) there's a rare spawn of an npc named Dr. Brawn that you can talk to every 3 or so hours to roll the dice. There's a chance he will increase the IVs of a pal and give you a new positive passive, or the opposite of both.
He completely destroyed the pal I bred after repeated attempts so it's not worth it. Interesting, though.
>>136878Definitely not worth it when you can lose one of your higher level passives for garbage. It's basically a gacha for your pal stats.
pal married me
lucky pal
Spent an hour on the oil rig for oil, coins, and a legendary old revolver. This shit is awful.
>>136906Yeah I fucking hate the oil rig
oil rig is fantastic it is my favorite part of the game
>>136910Where is my attention supposed to be drawn
>>136911Breasts. I thought it was obvious
Is there a way to take my pals off the server so I can play single player without worrying every time I log out that someone is going to do something disgusting to them?
>>136916your pals were asking for it
>>136922servers stay up long after people stop playing. The real question is when are you going to stop
Is there any reason why the big chest in the oil rig won't respawn
The server is on its own computer so there's no issue keeping it running for a long time.
Due to an unforeseen problem with guilds (shared base cap) the base number is 14 now instead of "4". I'm not sure why the setting shows 4 when it's definitely 3, but I assume that means the number of bases is 13 or lower.
>>136953>I'm looking for a legendary gatling gun right now.Same, either that or a legendary plasma cannon
pals went on a hunger strike
Are mods allowed on this server? Can someone rec me one that reads my palbox and tells me what pals I can breed?
>>136965If I see a mod I will report you to the authorities
This game gets really, really repetitive at certain point. I think I've had my share.
Yeah the "endgame" is basically doing oil rig 1000x trying to get the 0.48% drop on a decent legendary weapon, all the while constantly replenishing ammo because oil rigs are ammo blackholes.
At some point I propose servermin up the damage that players do to enemies. It's absurd how much HP the helicopter has considering the shit fucking rewards it drops most of the time. Also Xenolord is literally impossible to kill without a base full of lvl 60 alpha pals bred with perfect skills.
>>136977>At some point I propose servermin up the damage that players do to enemiesI guess at some point, sure, but not for a while. There are still people starting out and I already worsened the experience by nearly removing the hunger mechanic since people didn't want to fix the pathing in their bases.
>>137013Yeah, that big tree has been looming there since its EA release and is propped up as the big, final area. The view distance in this game really enhances the atmosphere and you can see that giant tree island from so very far away. Once the game hits 1.0 mods will probably become more common, too. It's kind of annoying as it is since anything that isn't a model swap will break with every big update.
Why do they call it palworld if the endgame meta is to not even use your pals but to stack gobfins and get a legendary weapon? It feels more like an FPS game than a Pokemon game
imagine pikachu with guns
imagine all the legal battles
don't have to imagine they're real
my friends legal battles are real!
kissu mansion maidlawyers
>>137074Let her play in the fountain
did everyone on the server beat the game and quit already :(
They've been playing like 1 or 2 weeks. Basically sane as most servers
>>137099I wasn't playing it much at first I've just been stockpiling max iron and coal stacks and now I want to play
this poor pal...
>>137098I'm still playing, although I just got sick so I might be refraining from playing too long depending on how I feel in the next few days.
>>137098There's not much for me to do outside of the oil rig and I've already vented my frustration about it.
If anyone is level 60 and wants to help me kill Xenolord let me know and I'll log on again. I built a base next to an area that will glitch his AI and we can spam laser gatlings to his face. Will need full vanguard gobfins, vanguard(optional) ice mount, and probably like 5-8k gatling ammo.
I tried it solo and got him to half HP with the timer running out.
>>137103Shit man ill probably be ready in like 1 week or so (I smoke weed)
>>137103Ehh, glitching him sounds boring. I'm going to see what he's like later since I have a ton of slabs from expeditions and stuff.
This game is feeding my OCD about preparing for stuff, with breeding abilities and getting souls to enhance and doing the essence merging thing. Then you feed each one before the raid the +25% attack (or defense) food and a regen potion if needed. Oh, and skill fruits to better abilities and probably swap in the enemy's weakness if known. (not sure what Xenolord is and don't tell me)
>>137105It is boring but so is fighting him. His HP is bloated to shit and the fight sucks ass. If nobody wants to do the cheese strat then I'll just wait until the next update comes out and use whatever new weapons/mats they have to take him down.
No.137156 update and new skins. Update the server cause I might check it out for a bit.
update the server pls :((
>Plasma cannon schematic 4
That's a weird name for a pal
>>137178holy fuck, maybe i'll have to jump on now
I had frostallion and jetdragon on the gnfos server but now I'm trying to kill frostallion again and I forgot how hard it was and how long it took :(((
>>137234The upped the difficulty a bit when they turned the legendaries from the previous max level (50) to the current one (60). I'd say their stats are tuned more for more usage of stuff like essence concentration or laser weapons. It's still doable with a lot of time and careful avoidance of damage to you and pals.
Poison and burning works well on stuff above your level since it's percentage based, but it seems like enemies gain resistance to stuff like Dark Souls each time it procs.
>>137314Hmmm... I'm not sure if anything can be done on my end. I guess I can see if there's any solutions mentioned online
>>137178Would you mind dumping that recipe somewhere if you've made it already? Now that I've spent time on the level 60 oil rig I never want to go back. It's just not fun. The level 55 one was, but not this one.
>>137326You're a sick fuck give his creampuff back to him
>>137346top of the pagoda at 159 -393 check the flea market. requies an absurd amount of mats to craft though
>>137349no im breeding her
>>137350do you really think it's wise to cu
ck a guy that works in the US intelligence agencies
>>137350pal goon
[s |][/s]er
>>137392Before you quit do you want to try fighting Xenolord glitched? I feel like its possible but I'd need another person with me...
>>137401Do you have the legendary plasma cannon recipe? I could probably do Xenolord if I had that.
>>137402Someone took it from my flea market earlier...
>>137403I think Cool may have taken it, so I'll wait for him to get back on I guess and have him lend me it
>>137405Let me know when you're ready to fight him
>>137418We could try it tomorrow maybe. I'd like to try it legit a couple more times before completely giving up, but it's kind of annoying because I built my arena base near my other one and after they got wiped out he moved to my main base and destroyed some things.
I'm thinking the way to do this, apart from mass breeding a pal he's weak to (ice) is building an entire rocket platform with all 15 base pal slots and then me and a pal keep its attention on the ground level.
>>137419Tomorrows good. I've been logging in every now and then to catch some Frostallions. I haven't commited to mass breeding and condensing them because holy shit that is so too much effort for a kuso raid boss. Also gonna stock up on burgers.
>>137420Er, oops, on Friday I ended up spending a lot of time in bed and forgot.
Are you up for doing it soon?
>>137496Sure whenever you want
>>137571Doesn't really change much for the glitch strat. Did you still want to try it?
I'd be up for it if Anonymous is
get on
Sorry was taking a nap, still feeling kind of sick.
We can do it now if you want.
ggs gonna miss my pals
server down :( almost got to a max stack of palsteel....
>>137652Are you still playing? Do you have a cool base I can look at?
I think once people are done I'll upload the server files since I've seen people talk of converting them into things that can be loaded in single player. I still want to make a recording of my base for future reference.
>>137787not really i haven't logged in for a few days