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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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merry penis
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She loves corm


undogged corn? bleh!


underrated post


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she had a little too much to eat over the holidays


oh /xmas/ was still open....
need to close the board

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Merry christmas!
Marry christmas cakes!
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she's also a gross and smell weirdo who lives in a cave


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Wow! She is just like me!


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Christmas cakes are 50% off.


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make it 80% off or no deal


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even with hag haggling, it's still a nope from me

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Something something both girls have their birthdays on the 24th and also Merry Christmas
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wife is on the right, left is her sister dressed up as her to fuck with the students at hope peak


Something something day before birthday goddamn I wanna fuck both women


why is she sitting like that


Like what?


Maybe her back hurts.

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kakegurui christmas!


A bit of a lame Christmas, but Merry Kakegurui Christmas!

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Merry christmas everybody
I really should post here more often


merry christmas i hope you had a great christmas


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Yes you should!


It’s hard to post on /xmas/ often when it’s only updated for a few days a year -_-


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don't worry, merry christmas will be every year and all years!


merry christmas!

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Did you get anything for Christmas?
I didn't! Because I'm an adult now!
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Aunt got me a $50 prepaid card and I could finally buy the charger that my laptop (that had been just sitting in storage) needed. Now I can finally play some games! It's a GTX 750m but still better than nothing...
>miku hoodie


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I was really happy, too!


How big is this cushion? You could use it as a pillow or backing for pillows.


I used it as a pillow backing it was really good Flandre's gaze is reassuring


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I will be streaming every episode of Star Twinkle Precure and every episode of Mewkledreamy (first season) for Christmas Eve and Christmas, alternating after each episode.
That's 97 episodes or 38.8 hours! I'll figure out the exact starting time, but it won't matter as much since these individual episodes aren't too interconnected to each other. You just need to know that there's cute girls fighting the villain of the week.
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Started 10 min ago!!!


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the very long mewkledream


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The furry episode is currently playing and next is the Mewkledreamy Christmas episode!


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The stream is now looping! Those endings never get easier...
Contemplating leaving it as a permanent channel, but it's 22gb

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Merry Kissumas!!!
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That’s /maho/. Being too autismo for affectionate merriment


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me on the right


Don't mind me, just posting in a thread


Love Komugi so much. I would fuck that dog, any of her three forms.


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Sadly no christmas Yuas on pixiv or the boorus...

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#Momoitan, the best ONA that nobody knows about because algorithms are a bitch and a half.
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Well, although the internet has like 5 billion more people on it these days I think a lot of the best stuff still only has a small audience. You'll see people spend hundreds of hours on an animation and only get a few hundred or maybe thousand views, but that's all you need if you're working out of passion.
Not good if you want to do it for a living, though, of course.


You are correct. But yeah, I kind of need a revenue stream. I can't work enough in the meatspace to get any real money without getting a heart attack. And it's been 2 years, I need to hit that sweet 1K already.


Well, I wish you luck! It seems like a lot of work and you have to stick to it for a long time until something miraculous happens. I think the key to things is to have fun doing it and if it happens, it happens.


Youtube is not a viable career option.


There AREN'T any viable career options.

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Anyone got the file of Padoru Saber but with the end clip where she says she's here to give niggas presents?

I wanted to send it to a friend.




There we go thanks!

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What christmas cookies should i bake for my sister
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Make a gingerbread house.
The best part is you get to build it, watch it for days or weeks, and then smash it and eat it on Christmas eve.


Why would you make your house out of confectionary?


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The fun part is pretending to be like a kaiju, you can rip off the roof and munch on the gingerbread people inside.
If you were a witch you would too.


merry christmas kissuers


You too friend.

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These girls phased through the wall and stole the chocolate cookies I set out for Santa...


You should feel honored. Instead of celebrating Christmas you can celebrate SHABsmas


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set phasers to cute


It is indescribable how much these sexydorable shoots need the d from me a P-I-M-P!


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Good thread!


Merry Miku
Happy Mikudays
Miku New Year


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Not Christmas-related, but due to the general atmosphere of this song in Project Diva I associated it with a winter night. (and Christmas is a date event over there)


Christmas in 2019 would be nice.

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Let's have a merry and kawaii Kissumas in 2024!
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I'd be "for" axing the xmas theme and replace it with this. Green is a bit of an eyesore imo


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Maybe. It's not much of a theme, though. I guess I could modernize the Xmas one with better, usable CSS stuff since kissu's UI stuff has changed a little and I learned a few things.
I like the green...


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I like the Christmas theme.It has a very particular charm, flaws and all included.
It's not very usable long term for obvious reasons, but it's only for Christmas.


what the flip is this video


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I probably should have made the green darker.
I do enjoy the freedom that entails temporary CSS as you don't need to think about people's long-term tolerances to things.

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This past week I've been very proactive. I set up the Christmas tree and adorned it with lots of ornaments, cleaned the living room and set up some Christmas decorations, set up the Christmas lights outside, and bought lots of little presents.

I also bought another tree, but all the lights were burned out! So, I had to meticulously go through and pull all 200 bulbs. Then, I needed bulbs to replace them so I bought a donor set of lights, pulled all of those bulbs, and then swapped the holders that were on the donor set for the type that the Christmas tree uses. Finding hidden little bulbs was really annoying so I ended up pulling all the strands off the tree and then got to try my hand at lighting a tree. I think I did pretty well. As a nod to the original warm lighting, I left a single bulb among the new colored ones after noticing a single orange bulb was completely dark.
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I set up the nutcrackers that play silent night bells and the little light up town my Grandmother used to put out every year that's probably from the mid-80s. It doesn't feel like Christmas without both of those. I don't care about the lights on the house but they talked me into climbing the ladder a few weeks ago to put them up. Oh and I drug out the fake free of course.

I don't really care about Christmas that much anymore since I figured out what it's really for. But I try to enjoy time spent with family that won't be here for much longer anyway since they still believe.


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Moved the single white light to the top of the tree. Can't wait for Christmas day.


Bought some tinsel and tied it together into a garland to put around the tree. Also got a bunch of little bulb ornaments to put on the tree. The Christmas zone is now very festive.


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I really love the warm glow of incandescent Christmas lights. I'm sure part of it is the connection to nostalgic Christmas stuff as a kid, but I think they just objectively look good, too. I think they've become even more magical since everything has transitioned to pure white LEDs that seem so sterile.


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Updated tree. I think it looks really pretty with the lights off. I'm not sure my picture does it justice.

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