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 No.125141[View All]

mamoru blog
1951 posts and 396 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I always assume they're all girls


I figured it would be obvious with this subject matter that it would be a woman.


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Visiting my family for a couple weeks and it's making me sad because I really, really don't wanna go back to my shithole apartment. I know I should just enjoy my time, but it's hard to not think.


¥ when the temperature is so cold even salted streets are frozen
Feels good to not have to deal with slush


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Haven't visited family in years because I lack the funds to do so... but I'm afraid I won't want to come back to this kuso life if I ever did...


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Hang in there.


ate 'za


brain went totally fucking crazy for about 6 hours overnight


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Today was a bit stressful, but i managed to make it better!




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Was extremely stressed this morning too, but I’m making it through


accidentally spilled hot coffee over my hands this morning ow


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had a pretty fun time at a cork shooting game
against my family's advice i gave it a try after asking a bit to the couple guys working there (he said hidamari was natsukashii) and the first shot was so good one of them went "運命のショット!" but of course none of my followups were good enough to knock the weird hanging sunglasses
the other guy suddenly decided to start taking shots at it too, to help me, and even paid for one of my tries
after the fourth batch i declared it was over, but the guy liked me enough to straight up gift me the snail i was aiming for
1500 yen total, so a pretty good deal, and a fun memory

also learned about a surprisingly specific word shopping for buddha figurines
and from then on everyone we asked knew what it meant

this happened because otouto asked me if the girls standing around dressed up giving out pamphlets were lolis, since he was mixing it up with gothic lolita, dad overheard and googled it


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Have you seen any Rojamis yet?


sadly no, haven't passed by any rodger's


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ate curry udon for the meme


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I boiled an egg and ate it today.


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I slept nearly 24 hours and through dream delirium I came to the conclusion that my perfect game would be a mix of The Sims 2/3 and Illusion's games. In my mind it creates this life sim with not as much focus on the sex as Illusion games are, but still lets you act out most slice of life anime and lets you hit the whole scale of serious to goofy. Also, I believe my mind is telling me I have a thing for white and black girls because one of the girls in the dream was just Suigintou with slight modification.


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While having lunch with extended family a few days ago my cousin told me about the software development business he launched, but what caught my attention is that he mentioned you can use Github to host static webpages for free. I looked into it a bit and spent some time yesterday trying to do so, but I've found so far that Github is a horribly and unecessarily convoluted website to use.

My goal is to end up with a web gallery for my photos and blog so I have somewhere to record the essays I've brainstormed in my head.


After you create the repo you don't need to use the github website anymore. You can clone the git repo onto your local computer and you can just use git cli tool to update the repo/website.


what about neocities?


Using a command line interface thing seems even more complicated. I don't really know what I'm doing and am just trying to follow guides, but I've found that even when I do find the often hidden step-by-step ones, they provide no explanation for what to do if the guide doesn't work or there's an error in installing something. For example, I like this template
but the video guide I'm following only explains how to upload website files and I'm unsure what to use when I download from that repository. When I try to use Static to build the website I get errors and would prefer to keep it as simple as possible rather than installing a bunch of stuff I'm only going to use once. I understand that I'm the ignorant one here but it's still annoying. For now I'm going to use a different template that I have gotten working and play around with it in Dreamweaver. I'd ideally like to end up with a site that looks like this
with no or minimal script bloat.

My cousin mentioned it's possible to get a free domain name by using Cloudflare, and I felt more confident given this is the method he used. Although he has alot of experience with this sort of thing while I have none outside of very basic HTML4 writing in high school. I might see if I can ask him for help the next time he visits.

Sorry for rambling


the founding github team introduced a lot of features that are still around


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my new onahole is so tight i can't even get my ween in


I went to get a haircut and her daughter was there and we happened to be wearing matching t-shirts



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suya time


was freaking out because I got asked for email associated with a private tracker and couldn't remember it, but thankfully it offered a hint like a**@b**.*
I really, really need to manage my accounts and passwords better


huh, weird spoiler tag interference there


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And I'm out of working D batteries.......................


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Get ceiling birded, IDIOT!!!


Had fucking sleep paralysis and that sucked big time.


Had that happen to me just once years ago and still vividly remember it.
Sorry that happened to you.


Easily one of the human body's worst anti-features. FUCK giant spider ladies (not literally).


I swear to GOD I saw myself throwing my bluetooth keyboard for my tablet, and it landed vertically, but I blinked and it was still in front of me, and that fucking sucked!
Never saw any demons though


Ah, yeah I breifly perceived myself in 3rd person when that happened too. But I was just spinning around my bed like the fish from that meme.


man, my past few weeks have been so boring


Time to start that hobby you've always wanted to get into, but been too intimidated to begin.


i've got work to do but I don't feel any motivation


went out to get an egg mcmuffin and snack this morning and I shit you not saw at least a dozen police cars on the road during that trip what the HELL is going on is it approaching quota time or something


ducking my head out on all this valentine's nonsense


oh yeah, it was awful driving around that day where I live
not the biggest police presence I've seen, but there were still way too many of them


power went out and generator isn’t working…. I’m bored….
guess I’ll sleep


it will be quite the risque adaptation if it ever makes it to broadcast TV


I have done nothing but play vintage story for the past three days
very tired


making a seiza stool so i can sit seiza without my legs falling asleep
$4 in materials


Hmm, can I see it?


time to see if i can do a successful water fast

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