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 No.125141[View All]

mamoru blog
1501 posts and 288 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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today is my birthday


happy birthday!


happy birthday, andy


My birthday is over


Thank you by the way


Still not anime girl IRL.


My AC started pouring water into my house even through I unclogged the drain line just a month ago. I have to do that yearly due to dust build up blocking the line. Usually, it only takes about a half hour. I take the plastic cover off the split duct indoor unit and give it a wipe down with alcohol. Then I take the fan out and spray it with a hose. Finally, I use air compressor to blow out the drain line.

This time when I took the cover off a wasp flew into the house. I thought it came in the open window but had the good luck to look through the back of the unit before I stuck my hand inside. All I could see behind the drain line where the black outlines of several hornets and the top of their nest. They'd slipped in between the plastic drain line cover on the outside of my house and the siding.

I had to spray so much WD/40 around the drain line to kill them. Then I had to climb a ladder in the middle of a rains storm to pop the outside cover off.

A HUGE wasps nest came tumbling out when I took it apart. I was so scared that I hadn't killed them good and a bunch were going to come rolling out when I popped that cover open while standing at the top ofa 15 foot ladder. Thankfully, I didn't get stung.

Their nest was so big that it was pushing against the drain line and preventing water from draining to the outside. I'm going to have to come up with a way to seal that gap off. Otherwise, I know wasps or hornets or god forbid yellow jackets will take up residence there again.

Speaking of yellow jackets. I got stung by a bunch of them just a few days later while weed eating my yard. There was a basket ball sized nest at the corner of my basement. I found another larger nest in the middle of my yard the same day. It was located where I had planned on mowing but had thankfully put off.

I waited until dusk when activity slowed down in both nests. Then I poured a bunch of gasoline down both of the holes and lit them on fire. Killed them good.

The next night I was crossing my yard on a moonless night and almost got skunked. A skunk was trying to dig up the gasoline roasted yellow jacket larval. I didn't see it until I was standing right next to it. It make a cute little noise then all I saw was the top of a white tail in the minimal star light. Thankfully, it decided to run away when it startled me instead of spraying me.


Happy birthday!


I consider myself lucky we don't really deal with wasps here very often. I'll see a nest pop up every other year, but they're small and don't really have a chance to establish themselves. Well, it's a result of the area becoming more developed and nature itself retreating which isn't very nice.
I'd be willing to deal with wasps and skunks to have fewer houses and more trees around here...


I'm gonna go to work later


Nearly had heat stroke walking in this weather, not fun


going to stream some RoR2 soon



can't watch, makes me nauseous


dreamt i accidentally downloaded the ultimate scareware rootkit and couldn't get it off my machine
was thinking of just tossing it in the trash


Found Darth Revan minifigure for $4 at a local antique shop. Today is a good day.


Took a nap and had a quintuple inception dream, then a series of trips.
5 was about me meeting my father, 4 was about me waking up from 5 then missing my father, 3 was about me waking up from 4 and telling #qa about 4 and 5, 2 was about me waking up from 3, seeing a huge tornado out the window with houses and all flying around it, 1 was about me waking from 2 only to realize my nap had turned into a 24 hour sleep and I'd gotten fired from w*rk for missing a day without notice, then I "woke up" in the real world. Then began a series of "getting up"s, they were all short so I don't remember what happened but I "got up" at least 10 times and was starting to question reality after around the 5th time... Very trippy.


I remember like 5 dreams of mine a year and 4 of them will be nightmares so maybe it's for the best


wtf I don't think I've ever had a layered dream
talk about a deep well of a mind.


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qlimax ticket got


parents aren't letting me post on kissu unless i finish my middle school homework first



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Tried mixing coffee with coke. Big mistake.


it happens to me a lot when i try to force myself to wake up
i was wondering what that would be like, thanks for pioneering so i don't have to


Tea and coffee mix with a surprisingly small amount of other drinks.


having a żur before i go to work


a girl passing by in a car shouted at me that she liked my shirt


Going to work


post shirt


playing ror2 and forgot that the crab things have an on death 1shot...


bought a vt*ber figure
it's chibi but her head is large (about 1/4 size)


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nothing crazy
she could've been trolling


I can barely see what's on it. Maybe she liked the color.


Why are you wearing shoes indoors?


it's a puma biting a tiny surfboard
i just didn't take them off


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we got back up and pwned it


hundreds of thousands of dollars


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after much deliberation - only one answer remains.
godspeed anon


was she black?


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Got a call for a job, they said interviews typically take 10 minutes. They asked if I had experience with this line of work and I plainly told them the truth. They asked if I had a drivers license and I said no. They asked how old I was and I said 30. Then they said "yeah nah" or something like that and the call was over in about a minute or so.
I want to go swimming in the lake before it gets late but I just ate a huge serving of mash potatoes and feel like I should lay down for a few minutes.
Microsoft updated itself while I was sleeping and added copilot to my PC and they also uninstalled my Pale Moon browser and I didn't even notice. Why would they uninstall my browser?


Going to work later today


today i learned parity and parody are homophonous in burger english


Going to work today




In approximately two hours I will leave the house and get to the workplace to work on my job.


love the comute


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bed -> bathroom -> computer commute


ate a bag of utz ridged sour cream and onion chips and a packet of peanut m and ms
tasted SOOOO good


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