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Have you ever gotten any money from class action settlements? Even though most of them would be pocket changes, it would still be free money to buy a new game or figure for the many hikineets here.

I have found $43 from current opening settlements just in the food category alone which don't require any proof of payment.
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>Housing is a right in almost every country in the world except third world countries.
Not in the Land of the Free.


Depending on which state you live in it may as well be a third world country.


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According to Wikipedia, there is not a single US state that guarantees housing as a right. The only exception they noted was Massachusetts, which notably excludes homeless people from receiving housing, and instead only covers families. Maybe there are some cities that have housing policies, but pretty much every city I've been to more or less criminalizes being homeless and actively makes public amenities like park benches worse so that it dissuades homeless people. The only thing I can think of that's vaguely pro-housing is that cops will pick up homeless people and take them to a homeless shelter, even against their will, if it's at or below freezing outside and they would otherwise die from exposure if they stayed outside.

I guess that makes the US a third world country...


I am a n*rm with a j*b.


Are you literally retarded or do you not know what the word "underdeveloped" means?
Because you keep using the word "First World" which refers to America and NATO.
Fucking moron.

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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
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Catblog: After being bitten on the tail we thought she was fine at first but then developed an abscess that we discovered the morning we were supposed to fly overseas. After rescheduling all of our arrangements by one day we took her to the vet and she had to get a cone around her neck and a drain, and my aunt looked after her while we were gone. She had the cone off and had more or less fully recovered by the time we arrived back.


Cat's been annoying in the cold temperatures. Wants to play like all the time and doesn't put up with a day where I'm busy


NO! That cat's too BEAUTIFUL to deserve being bit.
If you work from home you work for the cat.

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 No.67883[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
362 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


English isn't that much easier apart from the writing system.
As a generic advice, consume more Japanese and contexts will make sense and patterns emerge.




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¥ 2:56
>Later hiragana took over katakana's function in mixed writing, and by later I mean less than a hundred years ago
>and katakana was repurposed to encode loanwords.
There were already instances prior to then of hiragana being used in mixed writing and katakana being used for loanwords.

But overall, this seems like an okay overview.


solid vid


I'm going to be taking a Chinese class this spring. It seemed like a fun idea, but I will probably suffer.

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 No.136312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/518574472406499342
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this poor pal...

I'm still playing, although I just got sick so I might be refraining from playing too long depending on how I feel in the next few days.


There's not much for me to do outside of the oil rig and I've already vented my frustration about it.

If anyone is level 60 and wants to help me kill Xenolord let me know and I'll log on again. I built a base next to an area that will glitch his AI and we can spam laser gatlings to his face. Will need full vanguard gobfins, vanguard(optional) ice mount, and probably like 5-8k gatling ammo.

I tried it solo and got him to half HP with the timer running out.


Shit man ill probably be ready in like 1 week or so (I smoke weed)


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Ehh, glitching him sounds boring. I'm going to see what he's like later since I have a ton of slabs from expeditions and stuff.
This game is feeding my OCD about preparing for stuff, with breeding abilities and getting souls to enhance and doing the essence merging thing. Then you feed each one before the raid the +25% attack (or defense) food and a regen potion if needed. Oh, and skill fruits to better abilities and probably swap in the enemy's weakness if known. (not sure what Xenolord is and don't tell me)


It is boring but so is fighting him. His HP is bloated to shit and the fight sucks ass. If nobody wants to do the cheese strat then I'll just wait until the next update comes out and use whatever new weapons/mats they have to take him down.

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 No.129768[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
296 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it means you're the target audience for once


All of the stuff in Fortnite is like that.
That's just what the kids like these days.


i need a game to waste all of my time on to escape reality but I can't think of a single one i want to play
what's wrong with me


probably a lot because there's like a billion games out there you can do that with


super smash bro's melee
mario kart wii
tf2 sorta
any resident evil or silent hill game.

 No.86336[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post something cool that youtube has recommended to you recently. Note: this is not meant to be a music thread, it can be any kind of video.
114 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I might check this out just out of curiosity. This guy has a cool channel in general.


Not sure if this counts or not since it's somewhat biased by me being subbed


Never watched Breaking Bad before but this is cool.


Vocaloid death metal. Easy to forget such a genre exists. The guy behind the album also has an actual band apparently: https://www.youtube.com/@n.i.c.k9131


mde never dies

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what romance anime should i watch next /qa/?
i loved quintessential quintuplets recently.


imouto likes Kimi ni Todoke


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I don't really watch much romance stuff since it's usually high school setting stuff that bores me. The Madome show that aired about a year ago was quite nice, although its atmosphere is more relaxed and silly instead of heavy.


romance is filled with an abundance of lazy cliche writing but i think a good romance anime, crushes me after.


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Kaichou wa Maid-sama! It's funny and makes my heart flutter.
My Little Monster is also good.

>romance is filled with an abundance of lazy cliche writing
I like this.

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 No.125141[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
1952 posts and 396 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I figured it would be obvious with this subject matter that it would be a woman.


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Visiting my family for a couple weeks and it's making me sad because I really, really don't wanna go back to my shithole apartment. I know I should just enjoy my time, but it's hard to not think.


¥ when the temperature is so cold even salted streets are frozen
Feels good to not have to deal with slush


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Haven't visited family in years because I lack the funds to do so... but I'm afraid I won't want to come back to this kuso life if I ever did...


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Hang in there.

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I'm thinking about hosting a tabletop game, we're going to be playing in GURPS (it's really fucking simple to play, I will help with character creation if needed, use GURPS character sheet [https://gurpscharactersheet.com/] instead of doing it manually.)
I'm thinking it'll be a short campaign; probably 4-6 sessions, more if wanted.
If you are interested please post in this thread.
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do not like them
long toes effect from the parallel lines yuck
dont like toenail polish either especially when its so glitzy like that


another thing is that the toe length does not decrease fast enough as you go from the big toe to the pinky toe. looks gross. toes should not resemble fingers


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GURPS, more like BURPS


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I got the room set up:

We're going to start playing on the 7th of February at 7pm EST*


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Characters are due by the 31st.

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It's time to FREEZE with the 2025 Winter season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more isekai?
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lmao the ost


also zenshuu kinda boring


think when my computer bluescreened it closed the episode of akuyaku reijou ojisan i was watching
don't think i'll reopen it though

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Words of "native" or "germanic" origin in Modern English that start with a "g" all use the hard-g sound as in "gift". While "foreign" words of "latin" origin use the soft-g as in "giraffe". The debate between "gif" or "jif" should be seen as an extension of the French linguistic imperialism, imposed upon the common English people since 1066.

"gif" is pronounces with a hard-g, unless you are French sympathizer; in which you deserve to be shot.
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It's definitely a J sound. I don't really know why I know it, but it's been that way for as long as I can remember it. It sounds much more pleasant, too.


Oh noo! I forgot how I pronounce it. I think it's gif but I might say jif as well.


Hard G. Soft G is foolishness beyond compare!

honestly, I've never met anyone in real life who used soft G GIF, not even people who are actually technologically literate


Wasn't it confirmed it was gif that sounded like "jiff"?


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Hard G as in gif that keeps on gifing.

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I can barely use 4chan these days because of all the captcha fuckery. But even when I still lurk it, from time to time, I find the place just as mentally draining as any big social media site. How do people put up with the constant aggro and bickering over whatever the latest big culture war thing is? Don’t they ever get tired of that? Or making every single piece of media fit into some console war style faggotry with another?

It’s honestly begun to stress me out looking at the place more than ever. I don’t get how people are able to stick to this loop every day.
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It's a mix of boredom and constant gratification. Not instant, constant. If you don't notice it early enough and cut it out, you might get caught in this spiral where you check several pages and sites on a loop of sorts where you switch tabs or apps until something catches your eye where you suck it up and move to the next thing the instant your interest in it wanes. Anger is just something that catches interest very easily and if you've browsed 4chan for long enough you might've on more than one occasion started writing a reply falseflagging as the type of response you yourself would hate the most, as an extreme version of what you're stealth mocking in hopes that other people call you out, only to then double down yourself on the message you hate.
It's really weird how things turn out this way, but the average twitter user could spend all day scrolling increasingly faster down some hashtag about a thing they never even heard of just to catch some post they dislike and spend more time getting angry at it.

I don't think people can stay in this state for particularly long though. I didn't bite this cycle too hard myself but I got burnt out on being angry at nobodies online and just stopped going to places full of people being angry on their free time, though it might have something to do with my free time being limited because i'm a filthy wageslave. There's probably a ton of people who burnt out as well and quietly disappeared, only to be replaced with 10 more anger addicts. Whether this effect plateaus on a grand scale or not is yet to be seen, though so far its only been getting worse and more common.


>but those topics are just a part of the world now
But I don't care about the world or politics or whatever. I just want to talk about anime without ever discussion devolving into political shitflinging.


personally I only seek out political opinions I agree with, life's too short to listen to [outgroup elided for Kissu harmony]


I think everyone can agree that renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America was the right call, but the question remains of what the state of New Mexico should be renamed to?


Join a monastery if you want to be an island. Getting mad and doomposting every time someone uses an offensive term for a group of sexual ideologues currently in the social spotlight just spurs on the negativity you're complaining about. It never should have received the attention it has, but it's too late to stop that now and the sooner we accept it's just a generic buzzword insult the sooner we can all stop pretending like the issue matters.

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 No.105227[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you have any experience gardening?
I decided that I'm going to attempt gardening this year. My dad grew up on a farm and we had crops in the backyard when I was a kid. I still have the old tilling machine that's in good shape and some other rusty tools, but I don't have a hammer to mine silver from nearby rocks so I won't be able to upgrade the stuff.
I think it's too late for my geographic location to start growing early Spring stuff from seeds, so I need to buy some that are already a few weeks old from a local nursery, or maybe online? This stuff sounds kind of fun as long as your expectations are reasonable.
263 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


passionfruit vines seem like theyd get you fruit fairly quickly my older brother had some
i thought about saffron for when i get my garden but the climate in australia's all wrong. saffron wants frost during winter. also the bulbs are still pretty expensive it doesnt seem like you get much of a return on investment unless you do it at scale for a long time


an apricot tree my parents planted some time ago is taller than me and produces like 200 apricots each season
some time ago means.... fuck, probably 10 years ago at this point


Oh, I thought about saffron briefly when I noticed the price of it at the store. I've never actually eaten it, I was just curious about it. I assume there must be some complex process to it that makes it annoying, like vanilla. It must be expensive for areason.
One of the youtubers I watch about gardening is Australian and I'm quite envious of all the stuff he's got going on. I think I linked him in the thread somewhere. My area gets really hot in the summer but we still have weeks of freezing temperatures so anything tropical is out of the question. Oh, and lavender, which I really like, dies here because of the humidity.

Yeah, you can get dwarf trees (my family had them when I was a kid) but they're more susceptible to diseases and it explains how we lost all 3 of them during one summer. There's grafting, too, which is kind of horrifying as a concept but it's how most people grow apples.


>I assume there must be some complex process to it that makes it annoying,
think its literally just you cant automate picking the little threads out of the flower (yet...) and each thread weighs almost nothing


reading about it on wikipedia
saffron farms will have tens of thousands of flowers in a football field sized plot of land
the harvest takes place over just a few days because of the short bloom
so you have to employ many laborers on short notice to pick out the threads and take them to a drying kiln because they cant sit for too long
i feel like this industry is poised to become disrupted by fleets of cheap autonomous drones with AI and manipulator arms... short that saffron....

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 No.89870[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
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haven't exercised in a week because of stupid NEET sleep cycle


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The first physical game I've bought since... Dungeon Travelers 2 on vita I think. The cat looks really bad and even sick here for some reason (must be the light not hitting his eyes).
Going to be a short while before I have it set up, but looking forward to it!




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Getting back into exercising, just did an hour on the treadmill+>>103898

Going to be squatting nerds by New Years


I've been neglecting my exercises again...

At least this time I tried to do 50 pushups after having done none for weeks and I was able to eek out 48, nearly there but certainly I need to start working out again. Don't like the fact that I feel so lazy.

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 No.127496[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
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Still watching old motorsport. Can't embed timestamp so here is link to invisible alcohol fire: https://youtu.be/7o50jDL-SRs?t=3205

The mad honey really doesn't do anything and is overhyped

I got a cool book last Christmas that teaches you how to make Pemmican and a bunch of other food from pioneer days. Along with how to build things like automatic fire stoker and smoke house. Pretty interesting. Pemmican sounds really tasty but I haven't gotten a chance to try making any yet.


those tibetans be risking their life over hype


The locals harvest it because of their religion. The people paying big money from the west are paying it because of the hype.


Got recommended something actually good for once.


tasting history is amazing, I love that channel to death

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