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 No.129768[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
315 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>No idea why you would commit to something like that
Actually it's really not that bad (outside of the DLC). Dark Souls 1 has plenty of systems in place and is much more fair with boss design than any of the later games, so what you can achieve at just level 1 is quite enough to take on most bosses in the game and still deal a good chunk of their health.

My O&S kill shows a bit how strong you can get if you try at level 1. Don't think you can really achieve this level of strength relative to later content in the other games. I don't think I'd ever even try it with Elden Ring.


Woah, I forgot DS used to have no mana bar.


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I've upgraded my PC since this post and it runs a lot better but holy fuck its still so fucking ugly. Ultra settings btw.


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thought about upgrading my gpu for wilds but it seems i am cpu limited at 50 fps.But how? I have a 5600! Thats 2000 numbers better than what it says on the store page!


ahahahahahahahaha you people are such suckers

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 No.74491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Does /qa/ know any fun facts?

One I just learned is that copper is actually more dense than iron.
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reminds me of fine motor skills in humans, which i believe comparably consists of a basic signal to the whole hand for example and then another on top selectively canceling it [citation absent]
funnily enough it also looks like sloths are an ecosystem unto themselves


can't have them falling from the trees while napping can we?


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You can have government grade, radar, spy satellites tasked on targets of interest for as low as $675 a shot.


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I'd imagine people could try and dox people with this, but they'd need to get the time right or else they've just pissed away 700$


this is for people who make maps in arcGIS like for surveying

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 No.95721[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
383 posts and 140 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Made a giant bowl of granola to last another couple weeks again. This time I used about 60% as much honey and maple syrup and I can really tell. I never measured it, but I have a feeling for it. I also added more nuts this time: walnuts, cashews and pecans. I wanted to add almonds but I need to get something to chop them up. Do people use a mortar or something? I don't want to turn them into tiny things that will lodge in my throat, but pea-sized things. Granola, nuts, and raisins, raisins, cranberries, peach. Good stuff, but I need to expand. I want to get some flax seed and other boring nutritious stuff I can hide in it.
Anyway, granola is good. When you assemble your own it's like 25% of the price of the "premade" stuff. It's amazing that there's so much of a premium when it's just throwing stuff together in a bowl and crisping them in an air fryer/oven if desired. Good lazy food.


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Vanilla ice cream and microwaved banana makes for a pretty good dessert.


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Made some easy bacon muffins

All you need is bacon, eggs, some cheese, and an oven set to 400


Those look good. I make egg bites in the same fashion, though it's just egg mixed with chopped veggies and shredded cheese on top. They're great cold too.


made eggs with spam, tried to make fried eggs cooked in spam grease and vegatable oil but I had to scramble the egg hibachi style.

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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
721 posts and 327 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Savannah cat i mean. It's a cross bread between serval and a domestic cat


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midnight black
receptive to cuddles but NO buttstuff


dein schwarzes katz sind asketisch




This sounds like a chuuni magic spell.

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They say be the change you want to see, and that if you like something you should support it. So I preordered the MahoAko BD boxes including the limited edition one with the Baiser fig. Here's hoping we get more series that similarly strive for greatness and ecchi in the future.


Kinda wish I had money 10 years ago like I do now to freely spend on BDs... Could've started amassing a collection a whole lot earlier and I'm sure there's a bunch of limited edition ones that I'll never be able to get my hands on. The effect buying them would have towards the old production would probably be minimal as well. Though, if I were to venture forth and try to make up for lost time while NEETing around does /qa/ know of any good place to find older stuff, or is it just eBay and Amazon? On that topic too, how much into merch or BD buying is /qa/?
40 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Cute little box this comes with


Looks like the box is too large though. There is a gap at the top.


i like the strategic obi on the second volume


its so a fat guys thumb can fit in and pull out a box even when the box is full


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 No.62191[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What have you been dreaming recently?
397 posts and 101 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I've been having a lot of terrible dreams here lately. Ranging from being homeless, killed, raped, and stabbed to death by every single member of my family. I've also have been dealing with a lot of bullshit. I'm on psych meds that's making me feel like I'm going to completely collapse. I also keep feeling like I'm not myself but someone else is trying to replace me. I've had dreams that reflect that through different personalities of myself. Almost as if the dream is showing me alternate realities. Some versions of myself better and some worse than I am right now. I also have dreams of having powers that allows me to control the planet and turning those who wronged me in my life into slaves. I even had a dream where I was in a relationship with my sister. Last time I saw her I hugged her more passionately than I ever have in our entire lives. Crying into her chest and holding her as tight as I could. I'm so fucked up. I almost kissed her on the lips in front of everyone. I need fucking help.


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Best advice I can give is to try to remove or mitigate anything stressing you out, outside of nightmares obviously. Try purification as well, definitely recommend cleaning your environment and body, the whole 'your body is a temple' and all. Having a proper diet is preferable but at the very least take vitamins as deficiencies can affect your mental state. And while it might seem like fruity mumbo jumbo it's worth a shot if you want to go the extra mile, burn traditional incense like sage and put out some rock salt in a dish.


ANOTHER incestfag what the hell is going on


There are at least five of them



Mention this to your psychiatrist, I don't know what your diagnosis is but it sounds like your medications are not effective. There are also medications that specifically help nightmares.

In addition to that:
Sleep on your side, never your back
Don't take stimulants in the evening
When you wake, keep your eyes closed until you wake your body by moving every part of it, this will make you carry less of the nightmare throughout your day
Don't avoid sleep
Avoid any obvious stressors, including media (horror movies, extreme porn, gore, etc)
Sleeping somewhere else for a night or two can help reset things


If you learn how to dream you can avoid a lot of nightmares before they happen. Some nightmares are preceded by a moment where it either presents itself to you (and you either end up falling into it or avoid it) or it chases and closes in on you (in which case you may be able to escape). Don't try to force a wake-up.
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 No.125141[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
1983 posts and 411 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Get ceiling birded, IDIOT!!!


Had fucking sleep paralysis and that sucked big time.


Had that happen to me just once years ago and still vividly remember it.
Sorry that happened to you.


Easily one of the human body's worst anti-features. FUCK giant spider ladies (not literally).


I swear to GOD I saw myself throwing my bluetooth keyboard for my tablet, and it landed vertically, but I blinked and it was still in front of me, and that fucking sucked!
Never saw any demons though

 No.114027[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
368 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Nice I love older women.


I recently bought a drama CD hoping it would have more denpa songs this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whi9FlYzeMc but the attached file was the only song on the whole album... And it didn't even include the one in the youtube link. Still a nice song though.


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Good Omens (1990)


Banging out to this

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 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: October 21st, 2024
557 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


african american teenagers are the final september, there is no possible lower form of september.


I don't think you thought this sage through.


i just bit this sage through


Off-topic sagger


Dumb teenbro defender

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Since someone posed the idea to me after the Lost Highway stream, and I liked the idea myself, I'll be holding more streams on the rest of David Lynch's films until we've made it through them all. I've got no set time for any of this and when I start will be based on a whim, but I'll make sure to give at least 2 days notice for anything I do decide to stream.

I may stream Fire Walk With me as well, but if I do please be prepared for heavy spoilers concerning anything Twin Peaks. Unless there turns out to be a large enough gathering of people interested in watching it I don't know if I'm prepared to rewatch the entire first two seasons yet.
16 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ah shit one sec


JOIN now! I command


I joined but the quality was pretty bad and it kept lagskipping and I'm not hearing impaired and the layout of the giko windows is not great. Maybe I'll watch these on my own to join the discussion.


Guess I'll probably do just yukkuri next time, the stream was working fine on my end not sure how others were getting lag.


I kept getting zapped with sleepy spells during all the exciting bits and missed most of it. Lynched.

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 No.136312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/518574472406499342
248 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Sorry was taking a nap, still feeling kind of sick.
We can do it now if you want.


ggs gonna miss my pals


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The endgame is way overtuned and not very fun at all. I was hoping to be able to beat it via breeding and rocket launcher pals and stuff, but as I've said before it's just wasted effort. Sadly it's a pattern held by the oil rig and presumably the hard mode bosses.
They're cool ideas, but definitely need balancing.
Looking forward to playing it again, although I can see myself logging in again to mess with my base some more.


server down :( almost got to a max stack of palsteel....


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It's back up. Sorry, been off and on the computer.

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It's time to FREEZE with the 2025 Winter season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more isekai?
87 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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pink retard girl is good but she lacks boobers


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guildmaster boobers, though


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and big brown boobers


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and big tree elf boobers


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in summary: fugukan is a nice show

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 No.73454[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you been working on anything? Art, programming, etc.
329 posts and 166 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


if you open up the pen there are nibs inside


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just released my youtube client as a mpv plugin!
now i can search and play youtube videos in the player


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Alright then, time to get back into 3D modeling. Blender is now on... 4.3. They're really going overboard with this versioning stuff. Which plugins are even valid now?


That's flipping awesome, gonna install that now


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hope you will like it!
i also just added sponsorblock support to it

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 No.72689[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
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The things that cannot be cut by my macuahuitl are next to none!


she should cut that awful foot off


looks too vanilla for my debauchery


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DLSite started accepting Ethereum and some other token stuff.

Guess I'll try the payment method some time


About time they started with that

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 No.88567[Reply][Last50 Posts]

330 posts and 185 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Drunk as skunk.


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durnk and watching anime


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I wanna be a VIPSTAR


argh I don't want to get it stuck in my head again


I have been unable to find the usual stuff I go for and have resorted to just getting things from the ABC store and doing random mixed drinks with bottom shelf spirits. Cheaper but less pleasant. Alcohol has been my friend for a long time, but rushing the journey from tipsy to drunk with high abv drinks just isn't as pleasant as enjoying it slowly. Still better than nothing. Somehow enjoying lifes simple pleasures despite it all.

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