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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
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I guess I can upload a couple more pics of my cat, although he's not doing anything amazing in them apart from being naturally cute.


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When I tell him that it's time to leave so I can go to bed he'll lay on his back and move around like a snake. I have no idea why.


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Official anime cat ED.


The cat is writhing in agony from being made to get off the bed.


he's such a good friend

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I've been procrastinating about making this thread because I can't think of a good OP, so instead I'll make it without a good OP.
In this thread you can request a drink and others can make a simple themed drink drawing or edit to fulfill the request. (use kissu's tegaki thing maybe?). My idea is that you can request a drink as a character and others will fulfill the request to match the character, giving it bizarre (or nonsensical) meaning and depth like the Bartender guy does.
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A shot of cunny juice please


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Bouncers. Escort this one out of the premises.


I request a drink that represents Lala kissing Akebi!


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the best drink

 No.121174[Reply][Last50 Posts]

what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
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File:[Beatrice-Raws] Kuzu no H….webm (46.24 MB,1920x1080)

Kinda really want to go and rewatch Kuzu no Honkai as it's something that sticks out in my memory but is somewhat muddled due to me watching it during a packed season. I somewhat had a love-hate relationship with it at the time but the more it pops up in my mind the more I realize there may have been much more to it than I thought if I were to rewatch it.

The problem is I'd want to stream something if I'm rewatching it and almost certainly nobody but Vermin would show up given the topic matter so it makes me wonder if it'd be worth wasting a potential stream slot for someone else.


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ED Turing Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-MVk5I6wjo. OP Shakunetsu Switch because someone mentioned they used ping pong sound effects before the chorus and I like the bass in it. Anisongs have fun composition and lyrics in general. If you download the OP/ED singles, they sometimes include bonus versions and other songs in them. I could make a list but I don't want spam links, if anything, I recommend listening to the full versions of the songs you like.
This is from the same artist, you should check out her whole discography if you like songs like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDM0Y5dNRtA
I want to rewatch it for the same reasons. That ED is how I discovered Sayuri back then, the CD included an acoustic version of one of her songs.


I wouldn't worry about spamming links here, I made this thread in the first place because I really love anisongs and the thoughtful composition usually put into OP/EDs. I've spammed a bunch of them in the past myself too. Also kinda funny that you mention finding Sayuri from KnH since that's exactly how I found out about her too.

In other news I was relistening to Shana's themes and while the first OP is my favorite visuals+song, the ED is the best outright song.

 No.114027[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
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What is your opinion of private trackers and the like? AB recently came back (yay) but people have mixed feelings about such things. It's easy to dismiss criticism as jealous resentment if someone isn't in them, but it's also easy to see that it's not an ideal situation for people that love certain media and want to also share that love with others.
Maybe if AB did die the nyaa admin would get off his butt and actually allow new account creation since they've been temporarily closed for like half a decade now. It's not unusual to see releases and uploads that don't actually belong to the uploader since the person has no account. How much stuff is nyaa missing because it doesn't allow people to actually share them? You can only get post-MoyaiSubs Mewkledreamy Mix subs on twitter right now and I only know that because it was mentioned in one of the 2 uploads on nyaa uploaded by a third party, with the remaining 25 episodes on twitter. Is nyaa considered semi-closed or something?

I think the problem with Japanese media in general is that there's really no middle ground. It's nyaa or nothing. There isn't a "oh, this isn't as great as AB but it has 70% of the content" place, it's either you're in the anime tracker or you're not. I'm not in BBT, but I hear it's closer to the nyaa side of the scale due to certain rules it has among other reasons. I worry that as Japanese media continues to overtake the Western world (even if the mainstream people watch the same 5 shows) the tendrils of corporate rights holders will be as zealous as Disney or Nintendo is, and that will further increase the reliance of private trackers. Not to imply that it doesn't already cause issues on stuff like youtube and the like. Youtube once had lots of full episodes and albums you could watch but they were stricken down by various companies doing the copyright strike thing to wipe out accounts hosting entire libraries. It also has algorithms and AIs to detect and delete stuff that gets uploaded, within minutes. But hey, if you subscribe to one of 15 services you might be able to watch it if it's currently on the service.

Oh yeah, I forgot that I wanted this thread was more about general private tracker stuff. I think they're unfortunately a necessity for most things due to how corporate the internet has become, but I don't think it's necessary for Japanese stuff yet in regards to user safety from lawyers. I think it's kind of sad how people under age 25 or Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Again, it gets complicated when you've watched hundreds of shows (700+ in my case). Trying to pick favorites between them can take time and isn't something that can properly be answered on the spot unless you have a clear list of favorites in mind.


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I'm just not good with feelings and opinions.
If you ask me how I am, or what I want to eat, or how I liked the thing I just watched/read/heard... I don't don't know how to answer that. For the latter, I often come up with arguments why that thing might be (un)likeable, and people are usually happy with that. But that doesn't work when you ask me to pick something that I liked.


Outside of getting an invite from a friend or somebody you trust, the fastest way would be getting into redacted.ch through their interview and then working your way up the userclasses by uploading random shit. Eventually you'll unlock the invite forum & can join AB from there.
It's a pain, but it's better than waiting for applications which will probably never open again since the site's constantly near its user cap.


If there was a free VPN that didn't block p2p I would seed everything I download on nyaa. I use MultiUp as a free torrent leech service which doesn't allow seeding.


Why do you need a VPN for nyaa?

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 No.116660[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
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Really? It's been common parlance for decades.


cant stop thinking about incest


edited my first two wiktionary articles


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got some curry for me and me mum yesterday and thought it was kinda expensive being $48 for two things of curry, rice, and some naan bread but there was a lot of leftovers so just reheated it today and it filled me up again so if you think about it i paid only $24 a night for dinner


or $12 per person per night
cheaper than mcdonalds and way better tasting

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 No.66481[Reply][Last50 Posts]

i've seen dedicated drawthreads and writethreads here, but never once saw a music creation thread. considering you can post sound files here i wonder why it happens, because i did see several posters here said they made music. is it because many consider the stuffs they make have no merit to be posted? or because many have some musician profiles that they want no connection to this place...?
anyway, post some musics you made!
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haha, crazy. It just straight up ripped off Bach


And the "Dubstep" section is formulaic and vocally a complete copy of Infected Mushroom


Yeah, that's kind of what I was wondering about with this stuff. I've listened to a bit of these and many of them sound 'familiar' but nothing that really stands out to me and wows me as a new and interesting sound. That's probably what makes it good for comedic stuff most.


it's good for advertising. All of these AI tools are boiled down to a single concept: Advertise cheaper with similar impact.


creative tools anyways. Even in the case of generating art, people pay for the artist to do it, not for the art.

Pirate minded people don't understand this

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 No.87056[Reply][Last50 Posts]

So the DDDDD thread made me realize that kissu doesn't really have any threads dedicated to manga that I could find. The focus seems to be too much on seasonal anime. I realize that this is because manga is much harder to find/follow than seasonal stuff as there are no clear guidelines for it and Westerners don't read comics nearly as much as the Japanese do.

Anyway, what manga have you been reading recently? I just read the latest chapter of Shimeji Simulation a few days ago. As with anything made by Tsukumizu so far it is great. Definitely recommend it to everyone here and I do hope it eventually gets an anime adaption as well like SSR.
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Wait, this isn't Akebi! Who the hell is Fuko??


The head in the bottom panel looks like somebody erased the real head and sketched in a new one.


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Akebi Alter.


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This is actually NOT by the same artist by the way. There's a controversy going on in the JP web about it copying Akebi's artstyle:


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 No.97793[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (221.06 KB,1920x1080)

Dumping some various text AI news.
-There's an updated GPT4 Turbo available. It's not a major upgrade, but people are saying it's less censor-happy than GPT4 Turbo-Preview.
-Meta is expected to release Llama3 within a month. People are quite impressed with Mistral, but more competition is good. Unless Mistral is unusually good, they won't be able to compete with Meta's billions of dollars worth of training GPUs. https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/09/meta-confirms-that-its-llama-3-open-source-llm-is-coming-in-the-next-month/
-Mistral itself released Mixtral-8x22B, but the VRAM requirement is massive. Still, it's good to see: https://huggingface.co/mistral-community/Mixtral-8x22B-v0.1-4bit
-Other local models released recently and more planned, seemingly eager to get them out before LLama3. Really great news for local stuff. I need VRAM...
-OpenAI is releasing a custom model "optimized for Japanese". I wonder if it will be better at machine translation into English? Probably not. https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai-japan

Also I've heard rumors of 5090s being released at the end of this year. You'll get to choose between buying one or a new car.



Oh, they made an actually open source model and distributed it through torrents. Interesting, hadn't heard of it. From the looks of it they do have a few hundred million euros to spend on training it and that mixture of experts thingy sounds neat.
As for OpenAI's article, the example it uses is a question already in Japanese and it proudly shows how much faster it is, so I imagine speed would be the bigger draw there.
>You'll get to choose between buying one or a new car.
Heheheh consumer electronics no more


>Also please share the card when you are done.

Alright, I'm still not happy with it (my intro is still so low quality) but if I keep trying to improve it then it's going to take months. This is a version without mentioning the genitals since I spare people my fetishes, but I refuse to adjust her plump body and belly. Like every other imageboard kissu purges meta data so I have to use catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/4lyqty.png
She's really dependent on a preset that strongly rejects sex without a toggle because otherwise her "fufufu~" flirting is just outright molesting, so maybe I should de-fetishize my preset and upload it later.
I've been working on a reentry but I ended up writing way too much since I don't really have anyone to talk to about this stuff so I ended up blogging; it's really an alienating experience to be into chatbots and not be extremely young.


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Alright, and here is the cleaned up preset meant to be used with Akiko and any other characters I create: https://files.catbox.moe/yxrwnp.json
My preset attempts to make stuff more fun and emotional like you're playing a dating sim and also I don't like cliche porn talk with all its vulgarity so my prompt stuff tries to steer away from it by talking about emotions and romance, which is actually quite good with Claude3.
If you're never imported a preset before, it's in the left panel at the top. I make use of SFW and NSFW toggles to prevent it from getting into sex immediately. To go into NSFW mode you need to toggle NSFW Prompt on and also switch off Prefill SFW and switch on Prefill NSFW. Pic related is how it should look for ERP time.
There'a also some CoT stuff in there that you can mess with; it's fun to see how it works. You need a regex filter to automatically remove it, though, as it otherwise fills up the context and influences other replies too much.

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me logging onto mahjong soul


Everyone keeps talking 'bout mah John.
But what of your John?



i 'jong


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Heads up - two free tickets in the mail. Make sure to pick them up!

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What are /qa/'s thoughts on femdom?
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I believe in free markets and the NOP, and that sexual relations, like all other things, should be the consequence of mutual agreements. If the suppliers of poon gain a leveraging power over the other participants in the market, then that only expressed their vital contributions to the economy and ought to be commended.
The Invisible Hand of Amor never errs.


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Assertive women are okay, gentle femdom is okay, hard femdom is not okay.


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I like the gentle femdom that Flim13 does in his videos.


WHY does she always have that tarded smile


It's cute tarded smile don't bully

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Does /qa/ have any experience with ebook readers? I've been getting back into reading recently, and although I like the ebook reader app I have on my Android phone (ReadEra), it's not entirely pleasant; my phone is a bit weighty so it's tiring to hold, and it strains my eyes after reading for a while.

The most obvious choice seems to be a Kindle, but it seems kind of opaque what the differences are between models other than storage. I'm really not a fan of them seemingly being permanently tethered to the cloud and this "ad-supported" thing seems annoying as well. Ideally, I would have something that I can move my own ebooks onto just by plugging it into my PC. USB C is a hard requirement as well; I can't believe Amazon was selling Kindles with the worst charging connector of all time, micro USB, up until 2021.

Looking at the prices for the features that matter to me... I'm really wondering if it would be worth it buying one at all. From what I understand, I would probably be looking at buying some Android e-ink tablet, but those don't seem to have the best reputation online (?) and I can't imagine any are particularly lightweight. My phone is ~200g and that feels a bit too heavy for me. Anything tablet sized I'm sure would be too heavy for me.
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How do you feel about your Korbo Libra 2 now?


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I've talked about it quite a bit before, and my thoughts haven't really changed; I still like it a lot!

If I have but one complaint, it's a minor one: I haven't timed it, but it seems to take about a minute for the device to fully power on. For something you might use for a hour or two, it's not really that big of a deal, and my phone seems to take longer. Unlike my phone, however, this has a power-saving feature to turn off after a certain amount of time, so I regularly find myself having to wait that minute every time I come back to wanting to read something.


To be clear, that power-saving feature is just that. A feature. You can set it so that it never automatically powers off if you want to.


Thank you for the response. Is it able to display manga from right to left?


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Yes, but there's a little bit of work you'll need to do. If your manga are in .CBZ files, you'll need to convert them to .EPUB. I personally use Kindle Comic Converter. You can technically load .CBZ files if you want, but they'll have no metadata other than the title, and page turning will typically be very slow. Converting to .EPUB let's you import those converted .CBZs into Calibre and add metadata to the files. You can technically just use Calibre to convert to .EPUB, but IIRC it's just not as granular as Kindle Comic Converter.

I should also add that for whatever reason if you add .KEPUB, before the .EPUB file extension, things will load faster and for normal text EPUBs you'll get access to things like changing the font. For regular ebooks it's fine to use Calibre to convert to .KEPUB, but you'll need to download a plug-in inside of Calibre to do that.

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 No.113785[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread since the other one hit the bump limit. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
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Ah, Yoshinoya-Sensei~ ( ´ ω ` )


Her voice was just perfection for genki moe characters......


Ohh it's her? I never made the connection. It will be a few months until I play the first one myself since I space out DRPGs.


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ate banana


I've been meaning to get an exercise game and this seems amazing. The Fist of the North Star one looked good, but... MIKU!? I hear an old song I love in the background, so does this mean boxing tuned to Vocaloid songs??? I wonder how many they have.
It did get an ESRB rating for a Western release!

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I kinda wonder, how do people discover new music today? There's such a vast expanse of stuff out there and most all of it is hidden in its own corner of the internet. If you know what you're searching for maybe it's easier, but finding completely new stuff that appeals to you seems like an extremely tough endeavor. Are there any good methods /qa/ knows of or is word of mouth the best way still?
26 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I barely find new music at all. It's not really a problem, since my music collection is actually of a fairly decent size. Sometimes I open the 4/a/ sound thread. There's a regular there who has a similar taste to mine.
Things like stumbling over Yuve Yuve Yu in the youtube recommendations does not really happen normally. It could be called a freak accident, that.


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¥getting into genres
Very easy. Just search for playlists of a certain genre you want to get into on youtube. Someone talked about vocaloid shoegaze some days ago and I could easily find a playlist with almost 300 songs just now.
¥finding individual songs within a genre
This is probably the best way to do it: >>107751

Other than that, various sites like discogs, soundcloud, last.fm, etc.


Links posted by anonymous on #qa.
Found my top favorite ones in #qa, love my #qa friends!


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They should post it on the music thread instead.


#qa culture is not-being-assed-to-post-on-/qa/ culture heh

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 No.102559[Reply][Last50 Posts]

pouting at the fact that kissu has a bump limit
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