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File:asdf.png (740.77 KB,1251x1080)


>>>/jp/65426 is an interesting idea, but I think it would be better to go in reverse.
In this thread, continue the previous tegaki drawing by adding another line/object/whatever. You can go into as much depth and quality as you like or just make a scribble (like I will). If someone does imparts crazy detail, you don't need to repeat it as long as it's still somewhat recognizable. I think it would be cool to alter the scene, too, or zoom out or change angle and maybe it can become a story of sorts.

You may want to say that you're working on a drawing so there aren't splits, but that probably won't be an issue.


File:tegaki-1702519635311.png (5.21 KB,380x380)

Here is the glorious starting point!
Whew, being an artist is tough.


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the follow up!




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utaware ears!


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nya-nya whiskers


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Body alert!


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Whoa, I didn't know you could actually import images to draw on. This is nice and means it's far less work. Well, let's say that you can choose to redraw it from scratch if you want to.


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have you considered horns?


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I know what you're thinking. "Shouldn't it be connected to the ears?"
Well, /qa/-tan didn't have ears!


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Behold! (something that people can revert after the holidays are over I guess)


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Actually this seems like a good time for an expansion.
I didn't see a way to do this in tegaki itself (probably never imagined to function this way) but I expanded the canvas in photoshop


Maybe it'd be worthwhile for whoever does the programming on Kissu to add that in.


Does the resize functionality erase the previous canvas.
I don't intend to mess around with tegaki any time soon. It's open source software so you can do this and send me your fork


Usually I try to keep an eye out but I don't think I've seen a draw thread here other than this.


What about >>113726?


I haven't seen that one. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


there's also the MS Paint Drawthread >>67182
and the original tegaki announcement thread had some drawings >>116690


File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (407.91 KB,1920x1080)

You can also make a new one! I'm terrible at drawing so I don't make drawing threads (apart from that tegaki one), but I participate with terrible sketches that only a blind mother could love

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