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File:tenor.gif (1.31 MB,498x278)


what are the perceptions of auto playing .gifs?


We've had this discussion before:

I still think it's dumb and don't like it. It's the youtube autoplay of imageboards and needs to be extinguished from the face of this earth.


why not just add it as an option that is turned off by default?


Not as bad as autoplaying videos but still needlessly distracting.


File:vy4cdv.gif (977.67 KB,480x473)

Maybe auto-playing gifs should be added to all posts as a requirement


I have no strong opinion either way.


Agreed. The evolutionary path of the web is to be more and more in your face, distracting, geared towards instant gratification, etc. And that's not a good thing! I don't want autoplaying audio, I don't want autoplaying video, and when computers become even more immersive you can bet I won't want autoplaying smells. If anything, autoplaying video is worse than autoplaying audio when trying to read something, since it directly competes for your eyesight. (Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion).


>instant gratification
Step off it you old geezer!

>Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion
I'd argue they already have. The number of active textboards is in the single digits.


>The evolutionary path of the web is to be more and more in your face, distracting, geared towards instant gratification, etc.
I don't know about that, have you forgotten early 2000's web design where neon colours, flashing images and unblockable popup ads were all the rage?


I too remember when the internet was full of helpful and happy people


>Arguably the same is already true for still images, which is one reason why imageboards will never fully replace textboards as a medium for discussion
this is almost like saying books with titled and illustrated covers will never be replaced by binders of plaintext printouts
you probably wear socks with math equations on them

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