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File:autism dance.gif (2.98 MB,480x270)


gif autoplay option when, the people have spoken


girls are so cute


really like the part where she does the bird

        ⊂ \        /⊃
          \\ /⌒ヽ//
        ((   \( ^ω^)    ))
            /|    ヘ       
          //( ヽノ \\
        ⊂/   ノ>ノ    \⊃


File:1605877289656.gif (5.66 MB,400x225)



hste people calling anime girls autistic


File:1481378711717.png (741.81 KB,600x900)

even when they actually are?


They can't be, Autism isn't real.


File:mashiro autistically peeki….png (115.42 KB,500x539)

Mashiro-chan wouldn't exist if autism wasn't real


there are no canon autistic anime girls. it bothers me the most when they are actual autists doing it because they want to relate to the character.

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