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File:Plastic Heart.webm (20.74 MB,1920x1080)

 No.10191[View All]

Dev-blog iteration - 2022:
- Bugfixes
- Remove Vichan (The imageboard engine)
- Write a defacto Vichan successor able to support both UI(private)
- Consolidating appropriate services into a single main one
Other things:
- Maintaining original UI
- Improving Kissu UI
- Minor Kissu work and rework
- Improve the quality of Kissu content
304 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




never experienced anything like that. Might have been vpn passing through cloudflare related...


But I've always been able to delete, and right now I could delete a post from another browser. Though, I've never had a problem with deleting with this browser either.


you didn't really provide me with any details.
Which browser?
Is this a different than usual one?
Does this always happen for every delete?


I just realized, I recently changed the browser to use a proxy so that's what caused it, I could delete posts after removing the proxy.


probably cloudlflare, as I thought, then


File:064af005b9.png (130.03 KB,1544x1151)

Go's such a funny language


dead/broken banner links:

https://kissu.moe (shouldn't this link to the summer board?)


File:[SubsPlease] Tokyo Mew Mew….jpg (130.09 KB,1280x720)

Dang, that fish one died? That's a shame. Oh, and old nen is actually completely gone now instead of the message from nenmin.
The 'what' and nen ones have been left there as a bit of remembrance, but I guess the link being broken might be weird. Hmm. I'm not sure if new nenmin wants a banner link to it and that would also kind of violate the actual advertising thing if it did.
The /sum/ one won't matter when the season changes, but yeah that's good to know.


Oh, and I'm pretty sure /qa/44477 was a pout thread. It could be redirected to the current one I guess? Hmm....


that's probably my fault for not updating it
the banner authors can change the links i think...


I have to do it from the database. Authors can re-upload to fix things, otherwise I'll fix when able to


I corrected the /sum/ and the pout one. But the others not too sure. Fishgl is now an archive URL and seems to work.

I'm not sure about the lala one. I'll replace it with a transformation sequence.

Nen and /what/ are more historical monuments of things that passed


>the banner authors can change the links i think...
I asked for this a while ago... >>4295


Hillarious... I open source like the only imageboard utility I've made and no one neither uses it or updates it...

No, it doesn't interest me and it's not beneficial except in this one situation. I'll just do it myself from the DB on request


Way to be an ass about it. I didn't even say anything negative.


If I were being an ass then I would be insulting you.
I simply don't understand the purpose of bringing up something that was briefly discussed in 2020 other than as a complaint


TDD makes a lot more sense after having done it a few times now... it's just writing little mini-programs that fulfill a use-case and then you use the organized set of functions to run this mini-program with the main one.

I don't understand why more programs don't do this... Sure for client UIs and routing might seem a bit redundant but these cases can be omitted if they're not nescicary.


File:New Reply.png (7.42 KB,488x172)

Weird bug I found: if you use noko on the old UI then it causes the delete and report buttons to turn into 'new reply' buttons.


>People in the Go community generally don't come from the functional, immutable etc. corner of the programming landscape. This is why you aren't met with any constructive discussion when these issues are brought up. This is a Plato's Cave type scenario, analogous to how people who lack decent algorithmic knowledge come up with brute force solutions to everything and think they've done the best job possible.

>Go lacks immutability as a universally applicable feature simply because it's designers aren't used to this style of programming. There's no high iq comprehensive answer to this question that'll make you go "damn, i had no idea immutability is actually the worst thing ever. thanks a bunch for opening my eyes to the truth, fellow gophers".

Got me a chuckle.

Open sourced, you can fix it


>analogous to how people who lack decent algorithmic knowledge come up with brute force solutions to everything
reminds me of me


there was a temp reset of a server configuration that I stuffed in to get a stream video to work quickly. Back to normal


UI going to go into bug fixes again, like when I wake up tomorrow I guess.
Have 41 issues tracked, going to try and eliminate them in 5 days so I can put some finishing touches on my Feedback server


Updated with set of bugfixes
A cosmetic undo-redo issue still remains. Will try and resolve it tomorow.


Uploaded 20/40 fixes


File:Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 0….png (2.01 MB,2756x1092)

Margin-left on catalog causes off-screen text on catalog items with a lot of text.


File:Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 0….png (1.78 MB,2740x978)

We can remove it, but now... It's wrapping smaller when it doesn't need to! Unecessary whitespace...


File:Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 0….png (2.3 MB,2754x978)

My proposal add to #grid: flex,wrap,center.
Please insult me more.


I don't want to bother dealing with any of the problems flex brings, but I've removed the margin.


In that case it was a mistake to point it out, please revert it if you refuse to use flex. 1/100 posts text clipping is better than more whitespace.
What problems does flex bring in the catalog on vichan?


posts clipping is worse than whitespace


The problem of me having to deal with future problems with flex. It removes a bunch of older functionality in CSS


But if that offended you, please stop offering me suggestions to fix vichan.


I'm not offended. You gave your opinion and reason for why you don't want to do it and I have nothing more to say so I figured it would be better if I just be quiet and move on.


alright, you're a polite person. I'll add in the flex since I think I'm ahead on my schedule to finish these bugs by the time the day changes.


Kissu-Fr 4.23.30
Resolved all currently reported bugs.

Rest of the month+few days I'll be resolving issues with the side services.
Thumbnailer, banners and feedback


These being some bugs dating back probably a few weeks before August


haven't encountered any bugs recently. Good sign


File:Untitled.png (335.94 KB,1301x976)

Do image sets not combine on other boards besides /ec/ in the recent post feed?


jp is not an imagedump board. Condensing only works with blank posts. Suppose doing it with kita is fine, but this is promoting misuse of jp


site was out of service for 30 min


In a week or so I'll be switching my dev /b/log format into the following format of multiple generals style threads. Likely they will all be stickies:

- Vichan rewrite Tsukuyomi (TBA)
- UI Projects Kissu-UI and Lite-UI (TBA)
- Financial talk (>>6583)
- Feedback&Forms Project (>>10557)
- Banners Project (>>7514)
- Rules, FAQ things... Managerial talk (>>10758 probably a new thread though)

Biggest thing will be that:
- Discussion on projects will be sorted into these categories and misplaced things will go into other locations.
- More stickies
- Each one will have a feedback form with a good OP which I'll check minimum once a week.
- Likely no new dev blog threads. If there's a problem they'll be handled like the happening thread.

This change reflects a more mature age of the site where software is established and projects are the focus rather than work on the UI or Server. Mangement projects, dev projects, financial projects etc etc etc


AGHH how is it possible that our backup service provider goes down as soon as I start migrating our services between locations...


I see that it's possible to select from a bunch of different reverse image search options (under Options->Posts). Could there be one to disable the link entirely?


That probably wouldn't be too hard to disable, and I suppose it's not a bad idea if people never use it since it would free up some page space vertically. Yeah, I think vern could do that, but we'll have to see what he says.


doesn't sound complicated. will try


I did your suggestion(total of 5-10 minutes) and it just leaves the download button at the bottom. Does it look better to you this way.


In the new UI on the phone it leaves the link
In the new UI on desktop it removes it entirely it's exactly what I wanted. Thanks


Thread discontinued


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thread pisscontinued

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