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File:1957181.jpg (389.69 KB,1697x1200)


March 20th is in 8 days


Isn't spring on the 21st?


It varies slightly from year to year.


Can they do this!?


They can move the year.


Could be worse, we could live in one of those civilizations with a fixed 365 day year. That's why you can't trust those elites and their calendar systems, gotta get up before sunrise and see what constellation the sun is rising in. Except that drifts too.

Alternately we could move to Iran.
>The modern Iranian calendar is currently the official calendar in Iran. It begins at the midnight nearest to the instant of the vernal equinox as determined by astronomic calculations for the Iran Standard Time meridian (52.5°E or UTC+03:30). It is, therefore, an observation-based calendar, unlike the Gregorian, which is rule-based.


what if I'd rather move to Turkmenistan?


Then the calendar will still move around relative to the equinox, but if you're lucky enough to live through a crazy dictator, he may rename all your months:

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