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File:b870a7a39b39705d1f8ae9e08d….jpg (588.44 KB,1280x960)


It's bothersome how people treat certain things that they like as extensions of themselves and react to criticisms of those things they like as if they themselves were being attacked.


What people like and why says a lot about them as a person and an attack on what they like could often be an attack on them as well. So I think it's reasonable that this would happen.


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (300.61 KB,1920x1080)

Mm, well, yeah I agree with the other reply. People have values and stuff and feel a connection to things. I guess it depends on what kind of thing you're criticizing and how you're doing it.


Drivers often identify with their cars.
>He cut me off!


Who are you quoting?




Me. I drive.


I'm definitely guilty of this.

I think, when you take a thing very seriously, you tend to forget that the same is not necessarily true for others. If I love X and you say you think X sucks shit, my knee-jerk reaction is to think that you hate it as much as I love it, even though that's probably not the case.

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