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File:fruiters.jpg (663.52 KB,1200x1200)


plucked some fruit




File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (211.43 KB,1920x1080)

Plums? Don't think I've eaten one of those


File:fruiters ate.png (1.2 MB,900x900)

i ate all of them the same day
some were soft and sweet some i should have left to ripen
the source of the fruit is, i live in a unit and in the communal area in front of everyone's houses there is this plum tree that i always see dropping fruit all over the ground because nobody takes responsibility for it so i plucked some fruit before they could fall


dumb kuso birds always chew up the majority of the plums, not even to eat them whole, just peck and tear up part of the surface. the ones that fall tend to be 1/4 eaten.


i brought out a stool and picked seven healthy plums


File:moist.jpg (134.09 KB,456x456)

Nice. Sweet and juicy plums are divine.

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