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/win/ - Winter

Seasonal Board for the Winter Season

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File:[SubsPlease] Wonder Egg Pr….jpg (161.67 KB,1280x720)


Is it me or do people generally seem less active in January? Everyone online place I hang out in (granted it's not many) has lower activity levels and it seems to happen every year. I know some people are still young enough to be in school, but I don't think there's a similar effect during other times that school returns after a break.

Does everyone have the post-holiday blues?
Does winter sap energy, even if people are inside?
Are they doing something else? What?


>Does winter sap energy, even if people are inside?
Was going to suggest that it was because it is summer and everyone's outside or on holiday. Probably not the case with most of the world in winter though, I suppose.


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I'm focusing on my goals: japanese, music, my webpage, fitness, making money, scientific writing and restoring the Otaku Empire. I never heard of, nor do I have time for post-holiday blues.


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It's been slower, but the quality hasn't really dropped off much. So I think it's fine to just accept the slowness and do other things in the meantime.


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I'm focusing on my goals: english, avoiding music, DDOSing anon's webpage, bulking, spending money, unscientific writing and destroying the Otaku Empire. I never heard of, nor do I have time for post-holiday blues.


File:[SubsPlease] Hanyou no Yas….jpg (179.19 KB,1280x720)

Bleh. I didn't mean Kissu specifically, but the internet in general


Maybe there's more leagues or new games out to play in January, like how I've been completely absorbed in PoE for the past week or so. Maybe that applies to others as well.


I spent most of december too unmotivated to even post and now that i have to do things again Im staying off the internet as much as I can to stay focused
Id assume most people are going through something similar and that a similar dip in activity also happens in september/august
so pretty much post holiday boke combine with people getting used to new schedules

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