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File:[Doki] Yuru Yuri - 10 (192….jpg (798.85 KB,1920x1080)


The US Space force soldiers are called guardians.


Linguistically, guardian and warden are so called doublets.


It's not uncommon for corporations to give there employment cattle cool sounding names for there otherwise unimportant unassuming roles. I'm willing to bet these guys will just being cleaning up all that awful space debris so get cleaning space jannies.


Space jannies are cool as heck, though.


It would be, honestly just wanted an excuse to say "space janny" because picturing a big fat tabby cat with only a fish bowl on smacking around space junk seemed funny to me.


File:MV5BMTAwMjU5OTgxNjZeQTJeQW….jpg (172.34 KB,630x1200)

I think it's just a reference to this, and also the Space Force logo is basically plagiarism of the Star Trek one. Senile old fart Reagan had "Star Wars", also.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51245262 <-- Star Trek logo thing


File:[AK-Submarines] GIRLS und ….jpg (789.98 KB,1920x1080)

Linguistically you are called a nerd.


Funny you post Marie, as both words entered the language through different version of French; guardian from Norman French and guard through Old French.


Guard itself is a Germanic word in origin however, not a latin one.


You're right, I meant to write warden.

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