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File:Screenshot_20250126-210222.png (458.42 KB,1080x2400)


COVID tests that people are shoving up their noses have micro beads of super absorbent polymers. So if you're blowing white snot it's because someone has smoked the drugs around you that cause you to expel the beads through your perivascular system. This was someone's idea of a sick joke because people who test for illness are "babies".

Deleted by berun from >>>/ec/ Post No. 15360 (OP)


be careful about that 5g on your phone, you never know when they're going to use it to fry your brain


this wasn't very erocute


they have my dna in a national database against my will dna info has been digitized and shared with the allied intelligence community they are entitled to one and all genetic material if you refuse blood draw at child birth cps will be called and its a misdemenor i accept diy crispr theres no way to know if they have the right to sell that dna information for companies providing medical equipment might even have a clause that forces the hospitals to exchange genetic information trust them not to make profit off our data or dont even think about the subject at all irs are hunting me down if i travel and surrender my citizenship i am forced to pay taxes against my will disappearance is my only option

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