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People like you are consumerist dogs, eat shit and die for your faggot corporation.

Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/aut/3192 Post No. 3223 from thread 3192


Tired of some guy shitting up the thread with unwarranted aggression. If you want to attack threads do it on 4chan


Goo[s |][/s]ner.


>Because using an emulator to play a game that you have been denied


This poster is niggercattle and the reason our world is going to hell


I have nothing to say to someone who wishes to take away my rights for the will of a corporation.
In short, neck la neck yourself out of kissu.


If it's not a trollpost then you're unironically niggercattle, simple as.


Back to that again? Why don't you just shut up if you have nothing to say?


It's true though, you're niggercattle; you would rather be a slave to corporate master then having the ability to emulate shit.
God damn moron, fuck you. Go back to reddit.


No, you are just an idiot with a poor understanding of the world.
And I don't even use Reddit...


Then stop acting like a faggot redditor.

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