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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:1340694066278.gif (288.18 KB,320x240)


Happy 9/11


File:1604212264545.jpg (473.65 KB,1164x750)

Thanks I'm really enjoying it.


File:1513517015665.jpg (66.62 KB,474x358)

Wish I had a loli breakfast machine.


Im the same age as 9/11


Can't believe I forgot, happy 9/11 everyone.


File:idiot.png (107.08 KB,288x471)

i honestly didn't realize today was the day until just now
i've been losing track of time...


File:1642532014809.png (629.2 KB,1192x982)

Happy 22 birthday


wow this site is full of teens


i still remember afghan Pearl harbor like it was yesterday




File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (295.58 KB,1920x1080)

Is it me? YES! I'm going to do things right this time!


I still laugh at all the edgy images from back in the day.


It peaked with the hogan ones imo




File:F3gqNEpbkAA9czR.jpg (123.1 KB,1500x1500)

im the same age as kissu


File:1542723878951.jpg (130.62 KB,600x338)


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