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If I'm not going to be dumping these in IRC they're going here


/secret/ post



Been a lot of prominent people who have recently expressed concern over the present day luxuries being being a product of our times, and a time that could be coming to an end. That "smart" devices could end up being a huge issue. Things like that


A guy too dumb to use Pop OS cant predict anything


Yeah, but he's not the only one, though it's a voice often said by more annoying tech people who don't like the present times.


I dont disagree, but I think it'll be mainstream. Unless something cataclysmic happens it will likely be restricted to subculturea


I thought this would be something reasonable but it's just about live service games going down and connected devices and infrastructure.
I don't think it's an issue, if smart devices become unreliable people will just stop using them.

I think there are potential issues that could effect us in the future but they are things like resource shortages and economic issues. Though even then I don't know how likely that will be. Societies are a lot more resilient than people give them credit for and they do actually have agency and so can react to problems.

I didn't watch >>2411 as I am not going to watch reactor content.


Everyone quotes "jerbs" but nobody ever acknowledges the rednecks going back in time to turn the goobacks gay


its what i mean, but it's a new brand of appocolypse.
IoT will cause the death of us!


There is nothing wrong with IoT devices like POE APs, IP cameras, and other smart home devices. If your concerns are purely aesthetic like, "woe is us, fear the IoT refrigerator," then they are not valid.

There are established basic security practices when it comes dealing with IoT devices you do not trust, and it involves practices like setting up VLANs to segregate them into their own networks, away from your other devices. You don't even necessarily need to use VLANs if you don't have a managed switch. So long as your IoT devices are WiFi enabled you can set up a guest network and restrict access to your intranet. You could even use a RADIUS server. These are not new security concepts. VLANs and RADIUS were specified in the late 1990s.


There needs to be more open sores development in it.
Also, some of the devices are freaking dumb, there is no need to network analog devices like lightswitches or thermostats.


>There needs to be more open sores development in it.
There is already a very large open source project called Home Automation which centralizes the management and control of disparate IoT devices.

>there is no need to network analog devices like lightswitches or thermostats.
Then the corollary is also true; there is no reason not to. If anything, combining multiple sensors information gives better access and control to your home, such as being able to schedule your thermostat on a timer to only kick on when you're at home, and leave the AC or heating off while you're away. Likewise you could easily do the same with light switches and things up so that they automatically turn off without any movement in the room. Simple things like this can easily reduce over all electricity consumption when implemented in a smart fashion.


Call it local net of things and I'm on board


Wow CPython removing one of the problems with it


heckin love GNU pages


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the heck is Bun


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any tech nerds talking about this


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Hmm, not sure how they're able to track installations, though. Does Steam actually release that information to the developer? It seems like useless information


not a tech nerd myself so i have no idea


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also it's retroactive too


Looked at /v/ and it seems some people have a theory: gacha. After I googled "top gacha games" I've learned that Fate:GO, Genshin, Arknights, Blue Archive, Azur Lane all use Unity. It seems to be a genre that relies heavily on the engine, and it's extremely lucrative needless to say.
Naturally a company won't care about any indies using it, their greedy eyes will be on the giants.


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Well, just look at their CEO


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Private equity...


John Rich


Should've changed his name to John Unity


It's more to do with the type of game itself than anything else. Most 2d games and anime style games are on Unity whereas the more realistic 3d games use Unreal. Generally anyway(Escape from Tarkov uses Unity).


Unity as a company makes negative dollars every quarter. Sucky idea but they need a better business model.


This crop is identical to one I made years back, but I don't remember ever posting it anywhere......


your crops got hacked


Every single AAA board member needs to die RIGHT now


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Seems like the Unity thing is getting more and more fallout. Lots of developers have chimed in. Seems like a lot of them are doing a "wait and see" approach, but I imagine most can see the writing on the wall even if all of this is walked back. It's a company firmly in the "squeeze it dry and move on to the next victim" phase of the corporate life cycle.
Unity has closed some offices after claiming to have received death threats, but I don't believe it. While I could see some gacha addict doing that, it won't be months until such a thing would be felt and even then they would need to make the connection.


Unity is such a huge piece of the gaming landscape that it's hard to see it going away. That would basically leave Unreal with an almost complete monopoly on the industry,

I think that somebody will buy out Unity, after all, I am sure Microsoft or Google could think of a benefit to having it. Thought that's probably not any better.


Microsoft going to get legislated out of any more mergers



Hate screencaps

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