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/sum/ - Summer

Seasonal board for the Summer Season

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File:3106807a16fa1fa7ce785eb347….mp4 (1.73 MB,1920x1080)


AC is an invention created to spread germ particles into the air and reduce the household oxygen percentages.
You will never succeed at life if you don't have your windows open and wearing light clothing


File:ZZY 0122.jpg (4.22 MB,3550x2510)

That does not work here, it's too hot, you'll die if you leave the windows open. Electric fan is better.


>>2037 is correct, OP is not from a humid area


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My ancestors are smiling at me, AC users, can you say the same?


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Well... Uh... About that...


you will never succeed in life if you spend entire fucking summer in heat coma


>reduce the household oxygen percentages.
This is true for indoors in general. I feel like a few of my university lecture halls must've had really bad air circulation because when fully filled I always managed to fall asleep despite being fully awake moments before. Something about stuffing over a hundred people in a closed off room without good air circulation seems like a bad idea. Probably lost a few brain cells every time I went to that lecture hall from the higher CO2 PPM count.


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I open my window at night in an attempt to 'refresh' things, but during the day when people would die if they were to stay outside in the sun... I think I'll manage.
I'm kind of surprised people haven't tried to invent a way around this, it seems like something that would be very easy to market and sell.


A/C and HVAC stuff is cool!


I have old, poorly sealed windows and my room averages about 60% humidity.
I rarely feel the need to be cold during the Summer, heat hardly bothers me actually, but I still keep it running at least half the day to deal with humidity out of concern for my books and such.


I just put a box fan in my window since I am not allowed to have an AC. Works quite well


Yurine made this post


Where I live, it gets so humid that I actually start to have trouble breathing. I need the AC if I actually want to do anything besides sit around and do nothing.


idk how that is. Native American people live in the rainforest and still manage to hunt+gather


People who live primitively dont know what they're missing out on
and if >>2054 lived in a tribe he would've probably died as a child


imagine showing TV video of summer and beaches to eskimos and causing them to kill themselves


Maybe they are happy where they are.

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