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Please have a conversation with me.


hello, how was your day


Hope you are doing well anon!


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Do you like baseball?


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It's been average. What are you up to?
You as well.


You wanna play a tabletop RPG with me soon?
Baseball is okay!




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I don't think I've ever played a tabletop game in my life, unless Orange Juice counts, so it wouldn't be much fun with me.


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Do you like video games? Anything you're playing? I'm going back to beat all the games I left on hold as a kid and so I'm doing all the Castlevania games right now


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I'm playing Touhou 12 right now, trying to get a Normal NNN. I started again after a while of not playing wanting to get more Hard 1ccs since I only ever got a singular one, but I got caught up wanting to perfect Normal for some reason.
I think it's actually more difficult than Hard since it requires consistency all the way through, even if most of the patterns are pretty easy.
Definitely practiced enough at this point, so I intend on getting it done tonight if I don't end up moping around the whole time. Then I'll play Hard again.
Never played. I didn't have any game consoles as a kid, so I didn't get to.


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