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File:d0bc56a9fa24f49db43b5d56b7….jpg (102.56 KB,568x534)


I cant wait for transwomen to ascend enough in society to magically #metoo 'real' women


didnt read but i was going eat greek yogurt but tub sides started forming mold and smell was off wasnt smelly in disgusting or vomitting inducing manner just off apparently scraping off the sides and smoothing the top can prevent mold and able to last entire month i mostly have been eating it with only honey protein powder is expensive



>wake up
>turn off alarm
>get out of bed
>go to the restroom
>wash my face
>brush my teeth
>take off pajamas
>put pajamas in laundry basket
>take a shower
>dry myself off
>walk back to bedroom
>pull open curtains
>check the time
>make my bed
>straighten the sheets
>fluff the pillows
>walk over to my closet
>browse through my clothes
>grab jeans and a t-shirt
>put them on
>walk to kitchen
>start the coffee maker
>pour myself a cup of coffee
>grab a banana
>eat the banana
>rinse my cup
>put cup in dishwasher
>grab my bag
>make sure my keys are in there
>head out the door






File:1274951825741.gif (13.95 KB,309x318)


File:[SubsPlease] Around 40 Oto….jpg (257.37 KB,1920x1080)

I had anchored this thread, but maybe it's more interesting (in a "I told you so" way) to see /secret/'s degradation into the general internet mean of everything being politics, ragecomics, transsexuals and nothing else


bring back cunny


but I don't wanna talk about transsexuals...


i need to grow scoby

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