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What can change the nature of a man, /secret/?


There is actually a fancy monastery near where I live that was turned into a restraunt/conference centre. It's still run by the monks even.


did he delete all his videos other than the Sonic one


Not much point in doing so since they were archived and reuploaded just days later.
The internet is great at saving trite content for perpetuity.


What was so bad about his old videos that he felt the need to delete them and become a monk?


he did it a while ago after having a feeling and he's chased this feeling all the way into giving up everything to sit on your knees for 12 hours a day and get government tax credits for it


Well good luck to him.
Though I find monastic life these days to be disappointing. Ever since the Pr*nting pr*ss was invented and took all the good jobs they had.


new meta: quitting


Youtube cutting funding for tubers i guess


It makes sense. Youtubers are like Solar panels. Solar panels have a life span but as we are only just entering the widespread adoption of them expired Solar panels are not an issue or very common. But in a few years we will see a sudden flood of them.

Youtubers are much the same. Most successful Youtubers started Youtube 10 years ago or so when they were in their teens or 20s. Now they are in their 30s and probably rethinking this whole Youtube thing.


Oh he has only been a YouTuber for a year and is quitting his day job not YouTube.
Well in 9 years he will quit YouTube.

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