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File:anarchistMilk1.png (633.27 KB,1000x1500)



Is that it? That's the comic?


i do believe that's it (not op)


not a very good one, but Sterner made a good buisness idea but killed it by being extremely pedantic about what it was and the ideology around it. He couldn't get customers and the idea failed leading to his divorce


File:anarchistMilk2.png (608.8 KB,1000x1500)

oh there actually is a second part... it's just sad


File:himawari shrug.png (196.96 KB,500x282)

perhaps milk should be apolitical


Oh wait that actually happened?


Yes. It's a true story


You'd say that but at the same time you can label milk as belonging to a political party and people will buy it


On reflection, politicized milk would be raw milk.


File:Capture.PNG (53.02 KB,630x544)

Here's the official Joke Explanation™.


RELIGIOUS milk now that's a great idea


Religious milk shared anarchistically




File:Jesus_wanted_poster.jpg (322.96 KB,1378x1800)

I do like the interpretations of anarchist Christ.


I do too, that's actually a really cool picture of him.
Too bad the Romans had to co-opt the religion in the 300s.


What's the 'red beard' part about?


He has a red beard?




Huh? I think I overthought where this was going and gave them too much credit because I thought he was going to give each member partial ownership of the business based on how much they could contribute and a vote on company decisions based on that ownership with the profits being shared amongst everybody with ownership according to how much they own and each owner would have the right to sell to his ownership to somebody else whenever he saw fit and that in the end the joke was going to be that it ended up like a normal corporation. But that was not how it ended and the ending it did have was disappointing.


such is life


the ending it has is fine

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