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File:89624374_p0 asd.png (763.6 KB,848x837)

 No.72689[View All]

Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
364 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:QE[[Y]T~T91W8%T9G1ETF_K.gif (576.95 KB,150x150)

SAVED you the trouble here's the cat


File:6[3}S5MK_I@1U7JMY(TALCJ?px….gif (375.8 KB,280x280)

there's another!


looks like a retarded bunny how did it come to this


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Literally this cat in real life


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The /qa/t.


This got a Steam release. How??? I really don't understand Steam.



As long as it's not violent and 2D I think steam is more lenient. But it's not like Christian parents understand what unity engine eroge is


Guy used a modest amount of AI gen on things such as bgs


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Some files he included of his upcoming game


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I wish I had hand-eye coordination.


NOT ero, but it looks like the base for a really fun game


well, he's one of those guys who really likes to play with the various flavours of NTR and be philosophical about it. So you might not like it. His games are avoidable NTR though


Have to buy using the points loophole


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BBQ is a fun guy


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I'm playing this again, but as a different character. It's crazy to think how deep this ero game with dickgirls is, and the art is fantastic. That being said, I just can't fap to it. I think it's that the girls are drawn as sticks. Freaky monster girls are awesome, but they look so emaciated and I just can't get into that.
It would take too long to explain this Creation character, but the gist of things is that I can create duplicates (with limitations and bonuses) of humanoids I've been "intimate" with, which is similar to the Evolution character. The Evolution one transformed directly and became very strong, but this Creation one if focused on making stronger allies.
This game just has so much stuff... it's impossible for me to play the proper "timed" mode because it's overwhelming. I might do it after I get more accustomed to stuff, but as it is is I panic too much with a time limit.
I completely missed that you can terraform the area on the other side of portals, building roads or gathering resources. How the heck.... this game just has too much to do AND there's three major classes to play as. AND you can choose to play as Unique characters you've discovered in previous playthroughs and while they don't have fancy skilltrees they have cool bonuses. AND you unluck various other stuff.
Man... if ever there was something that deserves the infamous Patreon porn game money this is it.


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neat little trophy they give some creators


gotta show it to mom


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Started playing this Shinobi interrogation nukige and was surprised at just how much content there is in it. I don't want to skip days so I've been allowing the hentai level to rise consistently but it seems like it locks you out of other content the more you focus in on one area, and I'm not sure if it's just the way I've played it or not, but 3 trainings in a row seems to be the level up mechanic for it.

Aside from the training sessions you also have some dating sim like activities you can partake in in the interim and from the DLsite page it looks like the other sub heroines are loveable too. Though I assume that since this game's locking me out of certain types of training if I level up too much without investing in that field or specific type then it might lock me out of the subroutes if I break the main heroine too early, but I'll test that tomorrow.

Either way, normally I'm one to not care too much about these games since I'd rather read a doujin instead of deal with art that's usually not on the same level, but the live2d is well done. It also helps that I've enjoyed CGs from this artist before and this is really some of their best work yet. All the girls seem really soft too which I like and there's a good amount of different fetishes to explore in it too like futanari. I played it in JP because I can, but the author has an AI translated English version out too that dekinais can use. And I'm not sure I'd test it myself or not, but going by the conversations with the imouto (I think... somewhat spedread a little bit but that's what I'm pretty sure I heard kage call say she was) it seems like there might be a way to go for a pure good ending and not break the main heroine. And even though I probably won't go for it I like having the idea of a potential option for it.


Their other game, Moaning Wood is a fun little boardgame thing that I liked playing. Not too hard


>Now, let's talk about FPS, it's been a while since we've discussed this area. First, let's look at the progress of our latest map directly through the images.

>There will be a total of 9 independent game maps, including an OP and two boss maps. Currently, OP, 02, and 03 have been completed, with 6 maps to go.

>Also, there are plans to rebuild the base, which will make it easier for various covert NTR events to occur in the future. It will also facilitate the introduction of settings like cameras.

>But seriously, making this FPS really... really burns money. What was I thinking when I suddenly decided to make a 3D FPS with UE5, haha.

>Actually, I wanted to buy a CT125 this year, but after thinking it over, I decided to wait until next year; I really can't afford to spend recklessly right now.

>All NTRCGs for the main heroine 1 have been completed, and next, we will start on the drama CGs and pure love CGs. Depending on our financial situation, we might release the game with only the content of heroine 1 completed before all the content of heroine 2 is ready.

>To put it simply, the content for heroine 2 might be added as a major free update later on, not as a DLC, similar to how Monster Hunter updates


DLC now means that it's not free?
I don't remember that being the case in the past.


there are just very few situations where new free content is downloaded separately rather than as an patch, so it's easy for it to colloquially mean paid DLC
the last time I can recall the distinction being relevant was the revised mass effect 3 ending


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It's a wholesome family-friendly game about a brother and sister taking care of each other.


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Fuck I fucked up.


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Does that mean no more coze zoning?


Was she angry because you didn't use protection, or because you did?


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Imouto only gets mad when she wakes up. Onii-chan must be sneaky sneaky.


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The next game from the /qa/ dev is coming soon.



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Really makes me wish for another Omega Labyrinth game...


I've been playing Mad Island.
It's alright, you get to play as both a boy and a girl and go around trying to survive on an island. Got like pretty tribal women too.


https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01143103.html games like these are why I always will pirate a group I have a no impressions of before giving them $s.


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This game is pretty fun. It's like one of those streamer games that exists to frustrate you with difficult, but logical controls and frustrating progress loss.
I had to save scum it because it went too hard with progress loss at the end, but the ero is well made.



Very cute art!


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The whole game is a climbing/jumping up thing? Yeah, those games are ridiculous.
It's strange to think that it's basically a genre that goes back to Ice Climber (if not something else before it) but as far as I'm aware it didn't really become a subgenre until recently. I've been thinking for a while that something like a reverse Terraria would be amazing, something that has a lot more to do than just repeating the same jump 100 times.
This does seem like it'd be a great fit for the "touch an enemy, get raped" genre of H games, though.


yeah. It fits the formula well. While in some games pressing left and right to escape is just tedius and seems pointless, but in this game, especially on the level one before the end, basically all I was doing was mashing left and right to try and find a way to escape


You know I like that authors sometimes have creative urges and want to write long sex scenes, but man do some of these scenes just take forever. Was reading through one bad end scene in this RPGmaker game I was playing and it was just a rape scene but it lasted like 10 minutes (albeit I'm not the fastest JP reader) and then when I skipped through it to watch it in speed it still took like 2-3 minutes to skip through.

There has to be limits to how long you can make a scene... And that's what sorta scares me about AI. If people start using it for script writing, from my own experience, one quick scene can be extended into an entire fap session. I fear that some people will just remember the excitement afterwards and then plop all their generation in without regard to pacing.


rpgmaker games are a very mixed bag. Hard to find ones that are good. Most often the better ones are not RPGs but games that use RPGMaker to create other games.



The only other engine I'm aware of is uhh... WolfRPG or something? It seems to work quite well and I think I've seen a greater variety of games using it, but it could just be my own personal experience. I don't play H games too often.


wolfrpg is basically untranslatable so I dunno. But the games tend to be good. I think it also has 3D RPG possibilities.

I just mean that RPG Hgames are overall a miss because they're made by people who only excel at art if anything.


a lot of creators have been moving to machine translations, but they don't even speak English so they can't playtest them. Leads to a lot of bugs making their translations unplayable.

The language is correct though, but it messes up with some niche terminology. Interesting enough the translation is also trying to impart some sort of technical knowledge of japanese culture by translating sexy as seductively. I bet they're all using GPT


Played an eroge written in Godot. Rare


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There's an interesting NTR game coming out which I played the demo of, but it's in Wolf RPG. In the struggle between learning how to translate compiled games and using the game as a way to learn some simple Kanji.... I dunno, but it seems like a good female-protagonist "self NTR" corruption game.



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VP must be up there with one of the greatest selling ero games of all time


It's a shame that VP is far from what VH was going to be. I like it and all, but it's just rape. No real allowable customization in the way you play. Maybe with the money made in sales of VP someone will be interested in taking up the mantle of finishing VH, who's actually competent enough to do it.


Serena is a dumbass, but the rest of it is your fault!

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