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I'm reading through Uta 2 and 3 again with someone else in the VN thread planning to read it soon, so I think Utawarerumono deserves its own thread again! I did manage to take two previous Utawarerumono /qa/ threads to bump limit back when Season 3 of the anime was airing back in 2022 so let's go for a third!


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Utawarerumono ZAN (1) is currently scheduled to hit Steam in 2025! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3074840/Utawarerumono_ZAN/
It's a bit strange that it exists, but it's a musou game retelling the story of Utawarerumono 2! I believe there might be some different story elements, like some different SoL things or something, but it's been stuck on the PS4. I've heard some people prefer ZAN's scenes over the VN's for some moments, so I'm eager to see them myself.
There is a a ZAN 2 that is the story of the third, but it was never translated so I'm not sure what the plans are for that. I would assume it's going to come to Steam eventually, though. Aquaplus has been quite good in bringing stuff over these days. (although they still hate the idea of selling merchandise in any reasonable manner)


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Oh, and...
Aquaplus announced that they will have an Utawarerumono announcement in November!
They've also announced a ToHeart thing since it was an anniversery event of theirs. I heard a theory that the ToHeart one will be a remaster, but I really don't think they could do that for Utawarerumono since it's all so recent (and they already did Utawarerumono 1 a few years ago).
So... what could it be? Monochrome Mobius was a bizarre in that it was a prequel that did not use the Utawarerumono name, and plus it was a traditional RPG and not a VN.
My preference is for it to be a new pure VN, but who knows what Aquaplus has in store? I guess I wouldn't object to an Utwarerumono DRPG (like Dungeon Travelers) game, at least if they fill it with tons of scenes! It could be a sequel to Monochrome Mobius maybe? Personally, I'd prefer they move the Utawarerumono story forward after 3.


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Oh, and I've shared a bunch of Utawarerumono music in the filesharing thread!

Did I not upload the artbooks? I guess I should do that later...


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Did you know? (you probably do)
Utawarerumono also has three full anime adaptations and some OVAs so if you're not a VN person you can still experience it!
The specials for the first one are very silly and also feature nudity at times. There is only one short 13 minute OVA for the new stuff, but it's about Kuon's childhood so it features some great fan service! Don't watch it until you've seen/watched 2 and 3 to completion, though, as there's a somewhat major spoiler in it.

The quality in Utawarerumono 1 is very well known, but 2 and 3 unfortunately can't meet those high standards. 2 is alright when it comes to quality, but 3 did suffer a bit from a lack of budget except for a few select episodes.


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Kuon's Final Strike in Utawarerumono 2!
Kuon is kind of a jack-of-all-trades character. She's a monk type that can heal somewhat decently, and it's cool that she can gain Zeal so easily. It's really nice that she also has a ranged attack that moves her closer to target, too. But, her damage just isn't very high and her defense isn't good.
It's hard to compete with other characters that have a more specific toolset. I think she's supposed to be a character that hangs out between the ranged characters and pure melee, and gives support to damage or healing respectively.
I really struggle to get the timing down on the bonus damage on her moves, too...


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Here is why Ougi and Atuy are cool. Well, this one doesn't really show how awesome Ougi is, but it at least shows his high damage and status effects. He's so fast that he gets more turns than anyone else, and he's got the 50% chance to nullify received short range damage (VERY rare skill) and his Counterattack rate is 75%! I give him two pieces of equipment and send him behind the front line: One that increases his damage by 30% when below 25% Health and another that prevents death and leaves him with 1hp once. It's really fun!
Meanwhile Atuy has a polearm so her attack range is higher and her Enhanced Formation skill lets her attack again after killing something and she can move twice in a turn if the second choice is to attack, which means she can Move, Kill, Move, Attack in one turn! (I'm really bad at timing the crit of her attacks though)

Hopefully as I describe this stuff people will start to understand why I think this gameplay is better than Disgaea and similar games. It's just so cool to see the characters play so differently from each other.


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This shows Zone of Control. It's an ability that blocks the movement of enemy characters, which lets sets them up to be tanks or bait out counter attacks. Enemies have it too, sometimes. Jachdwalt's triggers here, but the enemy attacks Rulutieh instead.
Rulu is a Tank character as you can see, lots of defensive skills and her attacks with Cocopo deal lots of area damage! Natural health regen, too!


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KUON DODGE! Wow, she's good! (if you equip her with equipment that allows dodging...)


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Nekone can heal and attack in the same turn!


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Rulu's important Final Strike


fatardmily to the rescue
>people will start to understand why I think this gameplay is better than Disgaea and similar games
yeah i loved paper mario and i can see it's quite similar, with the kind of extra mechanics that make fights more vivid though still keeping jrpg specialization


nekone can floof and snoof in the same turn


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I'm playing Uta 1 right now. It's fun.


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Shab just spat on me.


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Playing uta 2 now
Seems like we're dealing with another case of an amnesiac protag, although this time waking up to mysterious girl instead of eruruu/aruruu. I wonder if the fire burning sound signifies anything important
First time witnessing hakuowlo (assuming that's him) without a mask, which is interesting.

Wondering if I'm gonna have to ramp up the difficulty later on, prelude was quite easy on normal mode even as someone with little experience with turn based games. Haven't reached any battle section yet though, won't judge until then. I recall reading that the mechanics here are a bit different from prelude so I'm looking forward to that


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Goes right for the tail again. Classic


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Do NOT sigh in front of Kuon!


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Nice! You're in for a treat! The beginning of it all!

Great to see! I won't comment on any potentially spoiler story stuff of course!
Prelude is quite simple and easy. 2 is more difficult, especially the post-game bonus battles. 3 is where it really finds its stride and gets difficult, though. 2 and 3 can be regarded as the same game and it's normal for games to only get difficult in the second half.
I'm purposely avoiding any spoilers in my posts, but I'll make use of spoiler tags and stuff in the future since I plan to make some videos of scenes. Unfortunately there is no scene selection thing, so I'll have to make use of my strategic saves. I thought it did have it, but I must have confused it with Prelude.


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Finally achievements are worth something


>Unfortunately there is no scene selection thing, so I'll have to make use of my strategic saves.
Huh? uta 2 and 3 have scene selection...


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Where? I'm referring to the thing that usually unlocks after you finish a VN and there's a menu where you can select events to watch and not the Utawarerumono thing where there's locations to select to advance the story.


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Remember to check the Glossary! There was such an extreme amount of effort put into this. Sure, there's entries for characters and locations, but also food and animals or clothing. It's really amazing how thorough it is, and 90% of entries have an associated image that you'd otherwise never see.


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Christmas cake smuggy.


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Was the ero in the first game important or just tacked on because every VN had to have ero?



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I answered that in the VN thread a little bit ago: >>133067
But the short answer is that they're tacked on.


No loss then. If I wanted porn I'd go take my pick of 2hu doujinshi. Sex is best when—like you said—it's natural and has the relationship built up behind and backing it. Otherwise it's just sex and they forget about it two seconds later; it was an excuse along the way and not a foregone conclusion.


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Is there any reason for deploying magic users in battle? Magic attacks are seemingly only good for dealing AoE chip damage.


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Lots of cute onee-san types in Uta, especially Touka.


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From what I can remember magic in Uta 1 wasn't very good apart from healing occasionally if you could spare the character slot. This is something improved a lot in 2 and 3 with massive range, debuffs, sigils and of course damage.


That blond one from Uta 1 named something like Urutory has so much MILF appeal


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Kuon butte.


kuon tail


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Yeah, Utawarerumono in general is pretty good with the mature women, although the young ones are really great too. It should be impossible not to find one of them that's extremely attractive to one's tastes I would think. Well, maybe.

I think I know that scene! (re-reading 3 soon!)


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i like this face


Oh wait, that must be Utawarerumono 2... I think? Bleh, hard to remember each sentence. That must be when they're packing to travel to the capital in 2? Maybe...


I can't believe she saw my ween. Kuon really is a kimo fujoshi.


I'm playing Uta3 for the first time. Really like the mood and setting. Also, Nekone is such a good, strong girl...

I was also pleased to find that I could run it on my laptop through proton experimental.


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Nice! Since you finished 2 you have a general feel for the emotional experience that you're going to get with 3. Ah, what a (Uta 2) brutally painful and emotional "to be continued" ending it was. It's hard to read through that part knowing it all beforehand. Suffering everywhere... I don't know whether to feel worse for Nekone or for Kuon. Nekone is indeed a strong girl! It's hard to not love all of the characters, but Nekone is certainly a stand-out. I'm limited in what I can say now since you only have 2 under your belt, but Nekone is easily a highlight of Utawarerumono's writing. Since you beat 2, what did you think of what is essentially Kuon's theme, Koi Yume? (that plays during the epilogue with her return home)? It's one of the songs that are guaranteed to make me cry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4aq57YZbVg
Utawarerumono 2 does a really great job of endearing you to the characters; their highs are your highs and their lows are your lows.
Remember to watch the anime adaptations when you can! Season 2 has a lot of great SoL moments that really shine in anime form. Quite a few unique scenes while VN scenes are enhanced by the silly faces. There are also a couple story elements that are switched around, especially in Season 3 (Uta 3) when they unfortunately had to compress it a bit.
Ah, I'm really looking forward to reading through 3 again soon.


Yes, the ending of 2 is a total rollercoaster of emotions. Oshtoru ;_;7 deserves his place as one of the top bro-tier characters in fiction. Haku's attempt to mimic Osh magnifies the void of his absence so masterfully. Everyone mourning Haku instead just drives that dagger deeper into Haku's heart, which in turn forces him to progress past his lazy bum personality into a capable leader, even against his own instincts. As for the adopted imouto, I enjoyed Nekone in 2 but my respect for her tripled in light of the current events. Really looking forward to seeing how her relationship with Haku grows with their shared secret.

I've heard great things about 3, but I've done well to avoid spoilers. The other thing I'm fired up about is the setting where all the odds seem against the cast, tasked with protecting a remote shangri-la and saving the kingdom. It sounds like a standard fare tale, but the intensity is all there. Hoping to see some cool keikaku doori style stuff and epic battles.

As for the music, koi yume is good. I really like the OP's: Nuedori has this mystical, ancient and earthy feel, while Hikari is pure hype and wonder. Suara is just insane. Good thing to hear the anime is good as well, I think I will look into it eventually.

One thing I don't like as much is the gameplay, it's not bad but I feel like 3 especially would have been really cool as a Sengoku Rance/KR style TRPG given the armies at war setting. Starting with Ennakamuy as a base and conquering up to the capital would have been satisfying. It's not a deal breaker and I find myself enjoying it when I get into the groove, but I also just want to continue on with the story and see what happens next...


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I'm glad the stupid image was deleted so we don't have to look at it anymore, but also saddened people will not see that my onomatopeia spitting also spells out the name of the now deleted character that was being spat on.


>>>/trans/19603 safe


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>Yes, the ending of 2 is a total rollercoaster of emotions. Oshtoru ;_;7 deserves his place as one of the top bro-tier characters in fiction

I thought it was very touching how he spoke as both of his selves at the end. There was a scene a while earlier when he wondered to Haku about which was his true self.

>One thing I don't like as much is the gameplay, it's not bad but I feel like...
Hmm, I guess that makes sense. But, I think it's really good! Each character's specialties really start to shine as you need to use them strategically in different areas. I also really like the mid-battle banter between the characters and it's hard to imagine that in a more 'grand' setting. It really wouldn't feel the same to command a bunch of faceless soldiers.


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>Is Kuon really that old? It feels more like she's in her early 20s to me.

In Utawarerumono great care is taken to not actually indicate the passage of time via stuff like dates or ages, so you basically need to theorize this stuff.

Well... [Utawarerumono 1 spoiler]
The Proxies are said to have great longevity, but I can't remember if their specific lifespans were given. I think it might be twice the human lifespan? Not sure if that's accurate, but it's what's in my memory. It's never really elaborated upon if that means they spend twice as long in each stage of life, like an adolescent being 30 years old. It's not something given much weight in the story, but it's something that makes the age of each character unknowable based on their appearance. But, at the least you can say that they look much younger than they actually are.

Utawarerumono 2 and 3 medium spoiler:
Kuon's older moms (Karu-so-many-different-spellings and Touka) by the time of Utawarerumono 2 and 3 are probably in their 60s. Karukaluralilelulau in particular is notably "mature" and insecure about her age and speaks of "the next generation". She's still monstrously strong and demonstrates her abilities alongside Touka, though. Appearance and personality wise people would probably assume Kara is in her 30s and Touka is late 20s in Uta 2 and 3, but that's certainly not the case. Camyu and Aruruu don't seem any older than Kuon despite being her younger moms. Enough time has passed for Kuon to be born and reach an age of what I would guess is mid 20s in human terms. Kuon is such an extraordinarily skilled apothecary and it's emphasized that it takes significant training and experience to reach her level, and that takes time. She is not a savant and has difficulty studying, so it's not something she did like a super genius.

Utawarerumono 2 and 3 MAJOR spoiler:

REMEMBER THIS IS A HUGE SPOILER! But Kuon's situation is a bit different. Being 50% Proxy, 25% Human and 25% God means that gauging her age would be even more difficult. But, I simply assume she has grown at the typical Proxy rate. With hints of immortality it's possible she has a 'settled' body for the rest of existence.

So, with all this in mind I think Kuon's age is early 30s at youngest, but there's a range of possibilities.


So what you're saying is, Kuon is entering Hag territory?


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I, I mean we need updates! I'm not reading through 3 again until a couple weeks from now, but what about you other guys?
Where are you in the story? (using spoiler tags if necessary) and what do you think? Kuon, perhaps?


I just found out that Kuon knows how to make aphrodisiacs.


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Muhoho~ (´ ∀ ` *)


Why yes, yes indeed.


Kuon's body is a natural aphrodisiac.


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Uta 2: Poop jokes
Uta 3: Fart jokes


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Why is the divine scion and heir to the Yamatan throne wearing highleg panties...


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big tail


want to press my cheek and hands up against that tummer as she lifts her massive hunk of a sword, feel the muscles and tendons shifting like taut steel cords under the skin


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Let's see... this is a BIG SPOILER that's about a quarter or so into Utawarerumono 3? If you've seen Anju get her weapon then you know this scene.
When making a clip I started watching my favorite moments from the anime again.
Even with some QUALITY visuals, I still like how the anime did it. I wish season 3 wasn't such a wash when it came to quality. But, as I've said many times it's a miracle that it happened at all. The instrumental version of Dream of Love which is essentially Kuon's theme was a nice touch.
I'll start re-reading Utawarerumono 3 sometime soon! And then I'll attempt the LLM AI translation of the bonus chapter thingie that came with the S3 BD and also Aquaplus is announcing the Utawarerumono project sometime in November! (I should look up the date)


Forgot about the laser beam SFX heheheh


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pic of me looking at a shab


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The first draft of that post had a "I hate that one guy for pointing out that it sounds like lasers" sentence in it...


All me


I think I found the effect and it really is a laser gun:
Compare this with 0:53 I am super confident it's exactly this one


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Delicious christmas cake with a very fitting name.


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Wait, what does Munechika mean?
Her younger self is also very cute in Monochrome Mobius. I do prefer her more mature look, but it was nice to see more of her.


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Mune is how you say chest in Japanese. Although I see that her name is written in katakana, so it probably doesn't mean anything.


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Yes I'm posting it again!


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waiting warmly


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I hope it's a galge spinoff game.


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It's so dumb that this is the only direct way to get the vast majority of Aquaplus stuff. They have pop-up shops rarely for events like this and sometimes lotteries so you can't even choose what you're getting. I don't know why they hate the idea of selling merchandise so much.


>you can't even choose what you're getting
you can choose post facto by buying it all then selling the rest


Apparently I missed this being uploaded 5 months ago, but it's for the event that's about to start! Feels good that it culminated with Uta 2/3 music!


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New game, Utawarerumono: Shiro e no Michishirube, announced for Fall 2025. Will be a sequel to Monochrome Mobius.



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Relying on an IRC chatgpt translation so I had to copypaste chunks, but:

In the announcement, the latest installment in the "Utawarerumono" series, titled "Utawarerumono: Shiro e no Michishirube" (Path to White), was revealed. It is scheduled for release in fall 2025. The supported platforms are yet to be determined.
As a work bearing the "Utawarerumono" title, it is the first in nine years since "Utawarerumono: Futari no Hakuoro" (The Two White Emperors), excluding "Utawarerumono: Lost Flag." At the event, the title logo and opening footage were revealed, along with the announcement of the production staff.
On stage, voice actors Kentarō Tone and Yuko Minaguchi made an appearance. Tone-san hinted intriguingly, "It seems to continue the story of 'Monochrome Mobius.'"
As an episode from the recording sessions, Minaguchi-san shared, "We're still in the middle of recording, but there have been some incidents. There was a session where we all had to say something together on cue—'Ready, set, go!'—but when Tone-san said it..."
"...it was 'Go!' (laughs)," sharing an anecdote about how the distinctive cue threw off their timing.

Additionally, a message from Naoya Shimokawa, the producer of the series, was read out. He commented that "this work is the culmination that encompasses everything in the 'Utawarerumono' series." The system is said to be based on "Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten," but will be more evolved.

The original "Utawarerumono" was a PC game released in 2002. It was later subtitled "Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono e no Komoriuta" (Lullaby for the Fallen) and released for home consoles. A version titled "Utawarerumono PORTABLE" was also made available for the PlayStation Portable.
In 2015, the second installment, "Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen" (Mask of Deception), was released, followed by the third installment, "Utawarerumono: Futari no Hakuoro" (The Two White Emperors), in 2016. Spin-off works such as the "Utawarerumono Zan" series,"Gizoku Tantei Nosuri,"Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten" have also been developed.
Additionally, it was announced that development has resumed on the project "Jasmine," which had been previously announced as canceled in 2015.


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In the pic I posted there the girls on the side are obviously meant to be Touka and Karura, but it's strange. They look so young, so when is this going to take place? Is it maybe going to skip around in the timeline to show different moments? It's weird to see them drawn in such a different style, but the huge image gallery of 3 360p images mentions that there was an OP video so I guess that would align. I hope the OP video is uploaded soon!

>Additionally, it was announced that development has resumed on the project "Jasmine," which had been previously announced as canceled in 2015.

I wonder if this means a true VN sequel that moves the story forward. The producer up there said this Path to White game is the culmination of Utawarerumono, so that's a weird thing to say if they're already working on something else. But, I guess it could be the culmination of the current Utawarerumono story.


Although.. hmm... maybe it's not Touka, but a relative of hers? Obviously they can retcon minor stuff from 20 years ago, but I don't think the two were aware of each other in the first Utawarerumono.


Jasmine is not related to Utawarerumono, it was a new Aquaplus IP that was cancelled.


Oh, nice. That's great news, too.


OP trailer from someone recording it in the audience! It's unlikely this won't be directly uploaded soon, but for those like me that couldn't wait.
Peculiar that it's showing the "creation" of Mutsumi at 2:06 with the brain in the jar and it's tying it to Monochrome Mobius stuff.
I want to wait to see a higher quality online video before I comment on anything else, although with presumably few (if any) people here having played Monochrome Mobius I won't say much. I was never able to finish it because my computer started having issues with it for some reason, so I need to go back and play it soon. I heard they nerfed the difficulty, though, which is a bummer. I liked that it was quite frustratingly difficult at times.

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