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File:1639938732775.jpg (116.17 KB,850x515)

 No.131758[View All]

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86 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I just don't feel like I can play this game anymore. Too many things just happen and I can't feel my skill growing at all.

Mahjong Soul Game Log:https://mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?paipu=240731-cd1b3224-2eb7-450e-bb9c-ee7fbfabc9e7_a924782294

Here's the last game I'll play probably for another 3 years. IDK. I guess I still have some jade to collect


those chinese bastards are cheating


are you joking, being semi truthful that they use AI, or is there some strange cheat


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could go for a jong if anyones around


i don't mind. Was just going to have 5PM breakfast and watch some anime


jonged well today


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nyagger moment or 4th place avoidance hard to tell


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what the fuck is qixi


Chinese Valentine day, please understand.


free stuff?


wowowww..... 7000 bond points so generous...


imagine if we had a "Hera" on kissu...


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I got yagooey...


you did it! you won jongsoul


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yakuman get


holy... did you win?


yeah, the next turn was east 4 and i was the dealer so i just folded early and won. (it was an east game) the animation is really cool, first time seeing it.


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what a kokushi haipai looks like btw


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we want the jirai-kei audience


guess I'll unlock the charas


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Glad it's not the Mewkles!


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Oh its out? I played a little bit of it and thought it was garbage. Can't imagine spending more than 5 bucks on it.


it has the graphics of an asset flip and the mishmash character artwork of looking up stuff on pixiv


touhou is what happens when an IP gets way too open that anyone can prey on the type of fans who have to own it all.


Two free summoning tickets in the mail.


time to log in and get two blue items


Steins Gate collab... with riichi city.


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MJS collab with Idolmaster. I don't know any of the girls outside of the original series.


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After more than a little back-and-forth, I've finally made it to expert 3 in 3P


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Finally got my girl bonded. Would've happened a lot faster if I'd thought to save up purple gifts in advance.


What does it mean to be bonded in a mahjong game?


get an outfit that's hard to obtain. Unlocks certain voice lines that the character says during the game. unlock some story and currency towards other characters


Naisu, bonding takes so long in this game I've still got a ways to go for my next character.

Fully bonding your character lets you unlock extra emotes/new outfit.


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It's finally time for me to get bullied in the Jade room!


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the retard master


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Make sure to login for new years rewards.


What's the gifts this time


Ticket and purple gifts.


got some chuuni girl from my scroll. thanks


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Which one? There's a chuuni hebe and a chuuni occult girl.


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this one





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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh and I don't have any money

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