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File:Elden Ring - The Road to t….jpg (557.27 KB,900x1350)


The new DLC releases in just a day and a half, have you beaten Mohg yet so that you can access it? Supposedly it's an all around improvement on everything that was already great with the base game and the world is enormous for being a DLC. I'm really hoping for it to be filled with little secrets and interconnectivity that makes for a great open world and was something that I sorta felt needed more polish in ER itself. Also I want it to be hard because I've gotten too good at games in recent years. AND I want more Ranni. Everything needs more Ranni.

By the way did you know there's an official spin-off gag manga about Elden Ring?


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I'll definitely be starting a new game with a new character as there's no way I can just jump back into some character with a bunch of weapons and skills and remember what I was doing. Plus starting off new lets you start off with the easy stuff until you get used to it again.
I know nothing about the DLC, but I want to play Elden Ring again sometime even if it wasn't getting any DLC.
Sucks for all the mods that will break, though.


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the base game itself was already too long for me to beat


someone say elder nyans


filthy gal


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Gonna play some Elder Nyans!


elden nyans


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My greatest bro sacrificed himself so that I could beat Melania


elder nyans and elden nyans


This is the only video game content I was looking forward to, hopefully new weapons are fun to use and find


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Steam tricked me thought it was releasing at 12 but it's actually coming out around 6....


New DLC is really hard, but kinda fun. I'm considering whether to face bosses solo or not but I really love my mimic tear and it feels like not summoning Igon for his fight would be playing the game wrong.


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Yeah I had that feeling too with Elden Ring, and I can see why Miyazaki keeps saying that he's not made the 'perfect rpg' yet and that he's a ways away from it. The bosses are mostly just hyper aggressive rollspam-catching metagaming annoyances and while some of them are great spectacle and fun to play against, it does feel more like fighting against the developer rather than the boss a lot of the time. It really makes me appreciate, and I know it's been said to death, the design of Demon Souls that much more, having a boss you can outsmart is more fun than a boss you can outplay, at least when it comes to FromSoft gameplay where it's not really that complex. You can have a Malenia or two scatter about, but they shouldn't make up the majority of the fights. That said, I think that Bayle was pretty fun, especially if you summoned Igon for it.

The world itself I think is really amazing and the connectedness is a nice touch up above the base game where the verticality of it all is really taken to a new level. Only issue, like you said, is that there's really not much of an incentive for world exploration when there's not much for you to really find by doing so. Extra scadutree/the other fragments are nice and feel rewarding to discover, but most of the other pickups are just crappy crafting recipes or materials that get used up and never really utilized much. I'd prefer if there were a way to craft cool new weapons or something, but then you'd have people complaining about balance or some dumb shit. I think that PvP balance should be a side thought to having a good PvE experience. Also the ambushes are so common across the world that it's almost predictable at this point.

That said, I think that there should be another system of currency besides souls/runes/whatever for these games. Something like gold or whatever that would be used for merchants and you could sell off the items you find around the world for it instead of picking it up from enemies. That way you'd have some tangential use for everything even if it were some piece of shit crafting mat that nobody would use. It was sorta already done in Sekiro, and I think it worked really well there. Not sure why they abandoned it when going to this game, unless it's just because 'that's the way souls games are'. I think they should strive for something better.

I do still like and enjoy SotE, but my criticisms are so abundant because I like it and want the team to do something better in the future.
(reposting here since I would want to talk more about fromsoft's design without taking up the vidya thread)


File:Go! Go! Loser Ranger! - S0….jpg (296.21 KB,1920x1080)

Oh, is the entirety of the DLC behind some boss then? There's no early weapons or anything? It's basically a new landmass or something?


Yeah it's all behind the true form of Mohg.


File:Go! Go! Loser Ranger! - S0….jpg (215.73 KB,1920x1080)

Uhhh... which one was that? I don't remember any of their names apart from uhhh... Malenia and Ranni.


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Anyone got a velvet sword of st trina they are not using? I want to dual wield but there's only one per playthrough. I'll trade you if you want.


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now this is souls

Don't think I have one, where do you find it?


I managed to find someone to drop it for me so don't worry about it. The weapon itself is located in the cerulean coast region just before a big boss fight.


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So I figured out why every boss is a fucking bitch to fight. It's because they probably designed them all around you using this in your Physick...

I guess I got my wish in a way of them making a new Sekiro......


from reading their descriptions this and the bloodsucking one seem to be insanely more powerful than most other tears


Yeah they really are, I can see that bloodsucking one being combined with the already insane 0 fp one to make an even stronger beam. The timing for the perfect deflect is a bit tough to get down though, so that's going to take some adjusting. Seems to be way more forgiving for a punish on enemy moves than rolling will ever be which is a bit of an annoyance.


is the game hard


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Perfume builds are so much fun and even broken when paired with rolling sparks. Gonna enjoy it before it gets nerfed.


What's a perfume build? Looks like the sekiro firecrackers


In the base game perfume was a consumable item which you could use to kill enemies but in the dlc they made perfume bottles one of the new weapon types. They are kind of like fireworks but like any other weapon they have basic/charge attacks. They have cool effects like the one in the image I posted and they feel fun to use. As I mentioned before, pairing it with the rolling sparks ash of war creates one of the strongest DPS builds in the game. (assuming you're using the lightning bottle) I'm using the frost bottle which is less powerful but still strong and I love my frost builds.


Hehe, so cool


Only thing that I think sucks about it though is that it's a limited time effect from your flask instead of a talisman or something that you could use to make your entire gameplay like this.


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PVP is fun

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