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File:[Masterpiece & LonelyChase….jpg (104.14 KB,744x484)


Reminder that I'll be streaming Xanadu tomorrow at 8:00 PM EST! >>>/qa/137775

On: https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri

I have NO idea what quality it is, it's on my backlog and I want to watch it. I think I may or may not have heard it's a tranwreck of an OVA so it's probably highly recommended that you booze up before the stream. But it's also only 50 minutes! That means you can hold your pissu in the whole way!

Let's have a fun Sunday!


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File:43570385_p0.jpg (343.61 KB,567x1004)

Stream is in 40 minutes! Going to crack open a beer now.


File:[Masterpiece & LonelyChase….jpg (99.07 KB,744x484)

So I opened up the first few minutes of it to maybe get a better picture of what it's about, and I see some sort of mecha isekai here.


may delay it 5 minutes really need to go to the bathroom and have been holding it in while trying to do tl on medalist



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