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1857 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


which may be good to non-religious people


but for keeping the religion stable it's not really effective


those stricter rules keep people coming


and if you loosen the rules people just convert to a more extreme religion with stricter rules


pope isn't looking very good < hmm? I heard he was discharged from the hospital last night.



oh no




echos of when the fbi wanted a backdoor into the the san bernardino shooter's iphone https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple%E2%80%93FBI_encryption_dispute




do you even see the way he types


holy shit


i may sound mean but i'm not fucking joking


what am I supposed to see in that image


it's fucking eerie to me


it's musk texting one of his...


whores? i guess you'd say


looks like an image placed on an existing image of a smartphone


it's on /pol/ so I'm going to assume it's heavily sourced and trustworthy though


probably taking pictures of it in a way that doesn't alert him to it being screenshotted





iono. sounds like rich people ramblings to me. eerie and gaslighting, sure but i dont know what to make of it either


it was meant more for somebody because of something i said



bet you could get him to send death squads after you


if you were to tell him he's turning out just like his father


Buffet verbatim saying the current US economy is a scam. https://puu.sh/KoKIP/5e652224f6.png


had all his assets sold for a while I think... but he is probably going to die sometime


upon death assets get liquidated with really inconveniently



billionaire investors existing at all is proof that it's a scam


but it's a scam that worked for him, so it was good



how are israel's atrocities constantly lost to the history books


better PR and their enemies can barely even run functional civilizations and are literally in the tribal warfare stage, ISIS hates hamas for ideological and also territorial reasons, palestinians themselves are also outcasts of the arab world because there have been cases where they spill their conflicts into neighboring countries like jordan




its a religious conflict that stretches back to the middle ages and has taken on hundreds of warped interpretations of religion from ottoman pan-islamism to american evangelism, it truly cannot be helped


the whole levant should be an internationally controlled zone or handed off to a non-abrahamic country that deserves more land like singapore or south korea with a permanent rotation of UN peacekeepers. If the nation of france can be stretched all the way to french guiana then this can work



can #newsdesk list the 5 most important accomplishments of the previous week? i can...


masturbated, ate banana, slept, bathroom, fed cat


1. snoofing 2. floofing 3. snoozing 4. goofing 5. troofing



5 major accomplishments a week is just stupid. I make a major contribution a week. If I were in the government I'd be making up tasks, it's not like anyone is going to read them. power to the sociopaths basically


whores? i guess you'd say < i'd say concubines


masturbated, ate banana, slept, bathroom, fed cat < PICCING HIM?!

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