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it's better to let people do whatever drugs they want to do


than to spend all the money we spend locking them up


and instead the money would be better used for rehabilitation facilities that could get people that wanted to turn around back on the right path


imagine the mental disonance between demonizing HARM facilities but promoting the right for silk road to exist


creating a social stigma against people that use likening them to criminals is what causes them to not seek help in the first place


shut up lib


shut up, whatever


i don't get it i thought that progressives and commies were for decriminalizing drugs too


The reason people are celebrating ulbricht being free is because the guy has a fucked up sentence and was punished


though i guess you're chinese communist


So Trump, being a cool nigga, freed my nigga ulbricht.


Also smonk weed every day.


"so much for the tolerant left"




all freedom is just openings for other people to control


yeah but anyone that's against freedom can suck my nuts


only thing that needs regulation is corporations that get too big


great, it doesn't exist so I'll never have to


and that then themselves start to impede other people's freedoms


We need to destroy these megacoroprations.


i agree


There shouldn't even be mega corps. Fuck that. That shit is gay.


You know the last time there was a mega corp, they controlled all of India?


uhhh, south korea is the same way right now


but it's ok


they have solo levelling, so they won



Solo Korea is a horrible, do not go. Nortk is okay


would loeve to go to North core


yeah you can go enjoy life there


i'll be fine here


freedom of travel is the only freedom


even then it's able to be control


no choices are genuine


everything fits into a system that can't be controled


https://x.com/KirkLubimov/status/1882087152449888566 oh no ;_; please thik of the corpos


aren't there hordes of unemployed indians in canada, surely amazon can staff all 7 warehouses with them


yeah. all the delivery men are middle east/indian and they still said 'fuck this shit'


i guess canada post has a monopoly now ;_;


or maybe amazon and the middle easterns and indians all collectively decided that learning fr*nch was a bigger waste of time than closing up shop


wow, economic nationalism... i don't like it but at least it's not corruption


maybe we can take back Tim Hortons from QSR by striking


and completely divest our economy from a terrorist state


Où est les bâtons de 32Go RAM de la vermine? Arh, si je le savais!


Restaurant Brands International


they're coming from Taiwan


marked up by Amazon


delivered by Canada Post


https://globalnews.ca/news/10971767/amazon-canada-closes-warehouses-quebec/ god I fucking hate the double think of liberal capitalists. The combination between hating migrants who will work for cheap to get a foothold and hating the idea of paying good wages for local workers


can you not pick one or the other?

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