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same to you, mister socal.


man am I happy that there’s a side of my family which isn’t insane


because they agree with you?


dont wanna turn this into an argument over pro-transgender or anti-transgender but the tone of the white house press releases.. lol https://www.whitehouse.gov/articles/2025/03/yes-biden-spent-millions-on-transgender-animal-experiments/


The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual). [sic]


utterly embarrassing, as usual. is there really a benefit to speaking like a teenager on official sites


it's "based"


The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un was right (as usual)


File:33f9429904.png (438.76 KB,575x658)


8 million dollars, if you give one of those to every American that's like, under 2 cents. But it adds up


it adds up to probably like a dollar of taxes...


the only uncomfortable truth that can be argued is that cutting social security is a net benefit because it means they're leaving the elderly to die in order to correct the unbalanced age distribution instead of adding more immigrants and automation to the labor pool to bring about a socialist system


but you'd need to argue that there shouldn't be a socialist system.


communism is when ugly deformed freaks


Ugly Male is my fetish


i like loli prostitution




wants datacenters but not the chips that power them


uuhhh didn't you hear? The chips will be made in America because otherwise Taiwan will be tarriffed and they'll have to compete with Intel's fabs being at a discount


it's a surprise that Germany is even an economy when France exists


remember last year... or 6-8 months ago when intel was perceived to be overinvesting in 18A (1.8nm) despite already being in the red https://www.reuters.com/technology/inside-intel-ceo-pat-gelsinger-fumbled-revival-an-american-icon-2024-10-29/ .. intel shares surged from 19 to 27 in february because broadcom & nvidia are testing some shit they taped out



so now intel fabs wont be at a discount, and taiwan is trying to stroke trumps ego by investing 100 bil in usa but leaving 2nm back in taiwan


...and both intel and tsmc are going to be competing for water in arizona of all places


French Senator Claude Malhuret just called Trump an “emperor” and Musk a “jester high on ketamine”:

“Washington has become Nero’s court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine. We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor".



can japan pull off a kansei dorifto and deliver fully worker 2nm by june




is intel actually staging a recovery right after they fired the CEO for taking a risk..



CEOs are expendable in capitalism


the company should go private. It's board of directors are too focused on share prices that they are making products.


their dividend is dumber than driving in trucks of water to make chips in arizona





we all know which country isn't getting kicked out of the USA


which country that Trump does not say a word about


south korea /s


he has mentioned them a lot in the past, that they should be more greatful for US bases on their soil


by that basically just to give more cash to the US I think



what is it with powermongers and building shit in the desert https://finance.yahoo.com/news/saudi-prince-500-billion-plan-224306737.html


In April, Mohammed bin Salman will hold a meeting in New York in an attempt to woo Wall Street to finance Neom, a massive, $500 billion floating Silicon Valley in the desert. (2022)


if it's Saudi it's not designed for US consumption. If they say it is, then it's definetily not






raid: shadow legends...


or maybe that honey thing we talked about a few months ago

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