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File:38d57489_e02.png (16.63 KB,698x400)

 No.1[Reply][Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for Kissu's #qa
Connected in relay to Sageru #qa

4000 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


true labor of love...


ecchi wars


ecchi laura

File:newspapers.png (1.28 MB,1200x900)

 No.207835[Reply][Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for #newsdesk
Connected in relay to Sageru #newsdesk

1902 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


1. snoofing 2. floofing 3. snoozing 4. goofing 5. troofing



5 major accomplishments a week is just stupid. I make a major contribution a week. If I were in the government I'd be making up tasks, it's not like anyone is going to read them. power to the sociopaths basically


whores? i guess you'd say < i'd say concubines


masturbated, ate banana, slept, bathroom, fed cat < PICCING HIM?!

File:c4pkff.png (284.14 KB,512x512)

 No.580[Reply][Last50 Posts]

New chatroom for /chat/
Connected in relay to Sageru #chatgpt

4509 posts omitted. Click reply to view.






Someone made it post scary code on IRC, ban nao.


I see. well, this isn't my channel to ban people in


you'll have to scrub your log files just to be safe

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