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File:Army.of.Darkness.1992.1080….jpg (568.09 KB,1920x1040)


I am going to stream Army of Darkness in a little under THREE hours!
It seems like more people show up around this time, so this is one hour later than the standard seasonal stream starting time.


If you don't know what it is, you should go in blind, but you should know that it's a cult classic from the early 90s and its influence is felt in many things from various movies and TV shows to Warcraft and many FPS games.


55 minutes!


File:Army.of.Darkness.1992.1080….jpg (203.75 KB,1920x1040)





This is one of those movies I saw like 20 years ago and barely remember from anything but osmosis online. Watching it in full with a full attention span was great. I love Raimi's comical style and the goofy nature of the movie makes it a timeless classic that anyone can enjoy.


File:Army.of.Darkness.1992.1080….jpg (334.69 KB,1920x1040)

Just as good as I remember, maybe even better!


pulpy and cheesy


I first saw it as a little kid because my older sister loved it and I could only really like the silly skeletons. I'm not sure if it's the first movie to make funny skeletons, but it's what I associate them with. I watched it again about a decade ago and was able to appreciate it a lot more. Although campy, some of the camera work and other cinematography stuff was really good and you can tell there's a lot of talent there.
Good stupid, chuuni-ish fun!

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