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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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Vets have it rough. Googled a bit and the consensus is that vets have it worse than doctors.


It's because they get into the profession because they love animals but end up having to put down a lot of animals. Doctors don't generally have to do that.


>Doctors don't generally have to do that.
wtf i'm dropping out


when i was a kid i wanted to be a vet bc i loved animals. when someone told me what that implies i ran away from home crying


Don't worry, it's just optional.
You can perform medical experiments on prisoners.
Democratic People's Republic of Korea might be interested in your services.


I work as an ophthalmologist's assistant. I really enjoy seeing intravitreal injections and corneal drills.


What you just said right now is really terrifying. You know that, right?


have you ever poked someone with your quill ophthcribnon


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Makes perfect sense, yeah. I guess there's people that take their pets in for routine checkups and you also get to see young pets and give them their shots so they stay healthy and such, but you're also surrounded by so much illness and death. You're ultimately helping people and pets, but you still see a lot of terrible stuff.
It takes significant willpower and a strong desire to help others. Very admirable.


>a strong desire to help others
The longer I work in healthcare, the more I hate people, especially old people. Just die with dignity instead of clinging to life.


nuh uh not gonna


Why does that sheep look like its in constant despair all the time


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The perfect kissu mansion nurse.


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Thank you so much!!


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He worries about things too much and plays the role of the older straight man in segments which adds to the humor of various things going wrong. He isn't exactly in despair all the time, but common things that happen every episode are enough to get a reaction out of him.
Mehmeh is a really good character.


The boy he loves has a girlfriend.

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