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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:Untitled.jpg (1.38 MB,3000x4173)


For me its Fischl


File:[Serenae] [CommieRaws] Tro….png (3.46 MB,1920x1080)

We have an /xmas/ board that needs activity!


File:94936153_p1.jpg (1.4 MB,1650x2200)

I'm dreaming of a white K- no that sounds perverted..
The Christmas girl of whose legend is sung


File:waterfox_EK7ibznCka.png (1.31 MB,1341x1054)

Every time someone posts that girl I see this SA:O side character from the Fatal Bullet game (which is really fun by the way)


Kuon's lips

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