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Wow what a fascist, such a faggot that image is.

Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/74538 Post No. 74581 from thread 74538


what the fuck is this post


oh fag because bundle of sticks
and fascist because...


Because their symbol is a bundle of sticks: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Fascist_symbol.svg
Pretty harmless joke imo.


Well, it's a joke post about a bundle of sticks being a faggot, but the eagerness people have to mention political stuff this year unprompted has put people a bit on edge


You know, because faggot and fascist are literally the same thing, you guys need to fucking relax


¥ the eagerness
again, fucking relax, it isn't someone going on a tirade about how America is the Great Satan or something /pol/, it literally means a bundle of sticks.


It's the "fascist" that people are reacting to, not the "faggot". Most people here aren't going to have knowledge of this >>17089. Posts don't exist in a vacuum. "Fascist" is a word tied to extreme thread derailment lately and another mod took the safe option to preserve the thread.
Additionally, I recently moved some posts to /secret/ and then had to lock it because people were going /pol/ in it. When trust is broken it takes time to regain it and my own trust is currently exhausted. If this other stuff hadn't been going on then this deleted post would have been seen very differently, but unfortunately people do not currently receive the benefit of a doubt.


>people do not currently receive the benefit of a doubt.
Hmm, I should say the full benefit of a doubt. There's still doubt, but not as much as there would be during ideal times.


>It's the "fascist" that people are reacting to
And I didn't stutter, it literally, translated straight from Latin Fasces, a bundle of sticks.


so who are you guys going to vote for




I'm probably not going to vote for either person in the presidential.


things have been pretty negative lately and i wish people would just chill


Fun fact: It is impossible to chill in a vacuum, since there are no surrounding particles with which to mediate heat transfer.

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