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File:[SubsPlease] Kaii to Otome….jpg (221.05 KB,1920x1080)


Had one of those moments while watching seasonals where I genuflected on my watching seasonals and what am I doing watching these instead of working on much better shows that exist in my backlog why am I wasting my time with this when I know I'd enjoy something like Ginga Tetsudou 999 or Terra E much more and probably get something out of it compared to numbing my mind thinking on this stuff. Hell I could be listening to audiobooks as well of stuff I want to read. If I'm not even at the very least making funny contextual posts about an anime why am I watching it. You ever get that feeling?

I guess at the very least if I get nice faces out of it that's something.


and here i am watching stuff from my backlog and thinking about all the /qa/ anime of the seasons that i've been skipping for the last seven years


File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (311.21 KB,1920x1080)

Well I mean those I certainly don't regret watching alongside usually a handful of shows a season but other ones that exist which I keep up with I have to ask myself "Why?" especially since they usually take a while, more than their episode length, to finish because I get distracted.


No, because I make a shitton of very funny contextual posts that nobody appreciates because I'm the only one watching them which lets me feel superior to all of you casual shitters.


File:[Chihiro] Watashi no Yuri ….jpg (207.98 KB,1920x1080)

But have you watched all the best funne faec shows?


I don't engage in "old good, new bad", no.


having fun is all that matters


File:yeah desu.webm (125.86 KB,1920x1080)

If it hadn't been for the rise of the so-called informational technology, I would be reading Pynchon, Nabokov or Gass right now.


File:[HorribleSubs] Kono Subara….jpg (80.82 KB,696x720)

>I don't engage in "old good, new bad", no.
Nice missing the point


new good, old bad? hmmm


File:[Sav1or] Yuru Camp△ (Laid-….jpg (233.57 KB,1920x1080)

The problem is that it's hard to choose what to watch from your backlog sometimes and you can't discuss it with other people if it's not a super popular show. With seasonals you feel more motivated to keep up with them and also have no worries about marathoning it or finishing them quickly since it's released weekly. I'm watching everything related to Yuru Camp right now but it's taking time to finish it because I'm taking it easy since it's not a very marathon-friendly franchise.

Also, fitting picture because Kaii to Otome is trash and you shouldn't waste your time watching it.


[x] genuflect

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