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R:1 / I:0

blog test thing

Gonna be replying to this with things I find interesting. Not gonna be going into my personal life at all, contrary to the thread name.
R:119 / I:93

temp css testing

I'm going to use this thread for testing temporary board theme things instead of relying on a post that gets buried and forgotten about inside the sticky <----style> @keyframes kf { 0% { background-position: 0% 0%;} 100% { background-position: 2000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1705911877267.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; background-size: cover; animation-name: kf; animation-duration: 50000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } <----/style> @keyframes bday { 0% { background-position: 0% 0%;} 100% { background-position: 50000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1701400052587.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; background-size: cover; animation-name: bday; animation-duration: 50000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } :root{ --mascot-override: url(/test/src/1701399055382.png); --mascot-width: 300px; --mascot-height: auto; } @keyframes mascot { 0% { transform: scale(0.7); rotate: 0deg; filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } 50% { transform: scale(2); rotate: 40000deg; filter: hue-rotate(36000deg); } transform: scale(0.7); rotate: 0deg; filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } .mascot-img { content: var(--mascot-override) !important; /* !important should be used here because we want to remove other people's mascots for our own temporary ones */ animation-timing-function:linear; animation-name: mascot; animation-duration: 10000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; width: var(--mascot-width) !important; height: var(--mascot-height) !important; /* maybe there's a way to remove these two lines...*/ z-index: -0; border: 0px solid #0000; background-repeat: repeat; } @supports not selector(:read-only) { /* Browsers at palemoon's version need this */ .mascot-img { background-image: var(--mascot-override); } div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/secret/src/1696337408892.gif); background-position: top right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-right: 115px; min-height: 110px; position:relative } #lowercontents, .main-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/secret/src/1696337366737.gif); background-position: right; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; cursor: url(/secret/src/1696338171951.png), auto !important; } CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE? <##style> @keyframes zunda { 0% { background-position: 9000% 0%; } 100% { background-position: 0% 50000%;} } body { background-image:url(/test/src/1696895217336.jpg); background-attachment:fixed; background-position:center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } #uppercontents { z-index: 90; } #lowercontents::before, .main-contents::before { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/secret/src/1696337366737.gif); background-position: right; background-repeat: repeat; background-size: 5%; background-attachment: fixed; animation-name: zunda; animation-duration: 20s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; position: fixed; z-index: -2; content: " "; width: 50vw; height: 50vh; top: 0; left:0; opacity: 0.7; } #lowercontents { z-index: 1; position: relative; }
R:3 / I:0
R:8 / I:0
adsf asdf asdf ban me
R:2 / I:0
R:4 / I:3
R:9 / I:4

Thread for css testing

thread for css theme testing

>thread for css theme testing

¥ thread for css theme testing

thread for css testing

thread for css theme testing thread for css theme testing thread for css theme testing thread for css theme testing thread for css theme testing

thread for css theme testing

thread for css theme testing

thread for css theme testing

THREAD FOR CSS THEME TESTINGthread for css theme testingthread for css theme testing thread for css theme testingthread for css theme testing

thread for css theme testing
thread for css theme testing
thread for css theme testing
thread for css theme testing
thread for css theme testing
R:336 / I:161 (sticky)

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