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File:Utawarerumono.S02E17.False….jpg (223.65 KB,1920x1080)

 No.10534[Last50 Posts]

I'm going to use this thread for testing temporary board theme things instead of relying on a post that gets buried and forgotten about inside the sticky <----style> @keyframes kf { 0% { background-position: 0% 0%;} 100% { background-position: 2000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1705911877267.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; background-size: cover; animation-name: kf; animation-duration: 50000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } <----/style> @keyframes bday { 0% { background-position: 0% 0%;} 100% { background-position: 50000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1701400052587.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; background-size: cover; animation-name: bday; animation-duration: 50000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } :root{ --mascot-override: url(/test/src/1701399055382.png); --mascot-width: 300px; --mascot-height: auto; } @keyframes mascot { 0% { transform: scale(0.7); rotate: 0deg; filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } 50% { transform: scale(2); rotate: 40000deg; filter: hue-rotate(36000deg); } transform: scale(0.7); rotate: 0deg; filter: hue-rotate(0deg); } .mascot-img { content: var(--mascot-override) !important; /* !important should be used here because we want to remove other people's mascots for our own temporary ones */ animation-timing-function:linear; animation-name: mascot; animation-duration: 10000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; width: var(--mascot-width) !important; height: var(--mascot-height) !important; /* maybe there's a way to remove these two lines...*/ z-index: -0; border: 0px solid #0000; background-repeat: repeat; } @supports not selector(:read-only) { /* Browsers at palemoon's version need this */ .mascot-img { background-image: var(--mascot-override); } div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/secret/src/1696337408892.gif); background-position: top right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-right: 115px; min-height: 110px; position:relative } #lowercontents, .main-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/secret/src/1696337366737.gif); background-position: right; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; cursor: url(/secret/src/1696338171951.png), auto !important; } CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE? <##style> @keyframes zunda { 0% { background-position: 9000% 0%; } 100% { background-position: 0% 50000%;} } body { background-image:url(/test/src/1696895217336.jpg); background-attachment:fixed; background-position:center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } #uppercontents { z-index: 90; } #lowercontents::before, .main-contents::before { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/secret/src/1696337366737.gif); background-position: right; background-repeat: repeat; background-size: 5%; background-attachment: fixed; animation-name: zunda; animation-duration: 20s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; position: fixed; z-index: -2; content: " "; width: 50vw; height: 50vh; top: 0; left:0; opacity: 0.7; } #lowercontents { z-index: 1; position: relative; }


<#style> /* Page background */ body { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1698457344058.webp); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-position: bottom right; background-size: cover; } #lowercontents, .main-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1698456564905.webp); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-position: bottom right; background-size: 50%; } /* Improves OP text readability on Luna; looks kidna bad on Kissu theme */ .op, .op p { color: #b0b0b0; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #333300; mix-blend-mode: color-dodge; } /* Cursor Stuff */ /* Normal cursor -> Green bottle cursor */ * { cursor: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1698457411763.png),auto!important } /* Clickable stuff -> Red bottle cursor*/ i,a>img,input[type=text],input[type=search],input:not([type]),select, .updater, a:hover,a.qr-number:hover,a.post-highlighter:hover, summary, input { cursor: url("https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1698457400507.png"),auto!important } /* Reply Mascot*/ /* Suika peaking from the side*/ div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { background-image: url("https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1698456574458.png") !important; background-position: bottom right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-right: 115px; min-height: 110px; position:relative } /* Suika hanging from above */ /* div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1698456585603.png) !important; background-position: top right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } <#/style>



[s heading|font-size:18px][/s]



File:kuoncollage-min.png (4.13 MB,3456x2881)


File:kuon peek.png (303.04 KB,697x720)





File:lala ship.png (134.08 KB,306x311)


File:chibi kuon mascot.png (359.82 KB,600x801)


File:5.png (141.74 KB,700x700)


File:kissu 5bday4-min.png (1.51 MB,6000x1000)



File:[tsukuyomi moonphase][hazu….jpg (291.5 KB,1280x960)



(Feel free to submit characters/things that remind you of kissu >>65278
and I can try to add them. Sorry if I missed anything)

@keyframes bday {
0% { background-position: 0% 0%;}
100% { background-position: 50000% 0%;}

#lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window {
background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1701400052587.png);
background-repeat: repeat;
background-size: cover;
animation-name: bday;
animation-duration: 50000s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
--mascot-override: url(/test/src/1701399055382.png);
--mascot-width: 300px;
--mascot-height: auto;

@keyframes mascot {

0% {
transform: scale(0.7);
rotate: 0deg;
filter: hue-rotate(0deg);
50% {
transform: scale(2);
rotate: 40000deg;
filter: hue-rotate(36000deg);
transform: scale(0.7);
rotate: 0deg;
filter: hue-rotate(0deg);
.mascot-img {

content: var(--mascot-override) !important; /* !important should be used here because we want to remove other people's mascots for our own temporary ones */
animation-name: mascot;
animation-duration: 10000s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
width: var(--mascot-width) !important;
height: var(--mascot-height) !important; /* maybe there's a way to remove these two lines...*/
z-index: -0;
border: 0px solid #0000;

background-repeat: repeat;
@supports not selector(:read-only) { /* Browsers at palemoon's version need this */
.mascot-img {
background-image: var(--mascot-override);


File:akebi op bd.mp4 (23.62 MB,1920x1080)



File:akebi op bd.mp4_snapshot_0….jpg (161.35 KB,1920x1080)


Hmm, maybe we could do a bunch of stuff. What if we have an /xmas/ week? Nice sleepy days of warm, feel-good stuff? There is a certain BD of an anime I've been wanting to show off since it's truly beautiful in motion and I don't know how many people have seen it in BD form since it's a recent one.


File:1494070530599 half trans.png (380.76 KB,700x965)



File:KF bg 2024 half opac.png (1.21 MB,2902x628)


I forgot to do it on time again, but better late than never. Happy 7 year (gasp) anniversary to Kemono Friends!
My friends are here @keyframes kf { 0% { background-position: 0% 0%;} 100% { background-position: 2000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1705911877267.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; background-size: cover; animation-name: kf; animation-duration: 50000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; }




File:winter 2024 stream bg.png (1.48 MB,1781x1215)



File:Tropical Precure Op2 28 qu….mp4 (22.95 MB,1280x720)




File:Tropical Precure Op2 28 qu….jpg (14.67 KB,1280x720)


File:wanderful precures resize.png (505.03 KB,1122x756)



File:Akebi's Sailor Uniform - S….png (2.53 MB,1920x1080)



File:by request.png (2.6 MB,1920x1080)


File:elle bg collage.png (7.97 MB,3456x2881)


File:elle 2.png (119.32 KB,301x284)


File:elle roll.png (289.35 KB,533x668)


>>27662 <#audio autoplay controls> <#style> @keyframes elle { 0% { background-position: 0% 40000%;} 100% { background-position: 40000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1709347014156.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; animation-name: elle; animation-duration: 40000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1709347251641.png); background-position: right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; padding-right: 115px; min-height: 95px; } :root{ --mascot-override: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1709347801964.png); --mascot-width: 300px; --mascot-height: auto; } @keyframes mascot { 0% { transform: scale(0.4); rotate: 0deg; } 50% { transform: scale(6); rotate: 360000deg; } transform: scale(0.4); rotate: 0deg; } .mascot-img { content: var(--mascot-override) !important; /* !important should be used here because we want to remove other people's mascots for our own temporary ones */ animation-timing-function:linear; animation-name: mascot; animation-duration: 20000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; width: var(--mascot-width) !important; height: var(--mascot-height) !important; /* maybe there's a way to remove these two lines...*/ z-index: -0; border: 0px solid #0000; background-repeat: repeat; } @supports not selector(:read-only) { /* Browsers at palemoon's version need this */ .mascot-img { background-image: var(--mascot-override); } <#/style>


File:1 - Dear Shine Sky.mp3 (7.14 MB)



File:Honeyview_tsukuyomi_moon_p….png (63.79 KB,300x238)



/* Miku custom css to modify and give the site a vocaloid theme. Work by cool-guy Fixed, converted and published by ECHibiki */ /* This code block creates the miku cursor */ body { cursor: url(/static/miku/f1.png), auto; -webkit-animation: cursor 1000ms infinite; animation: cursor 1000ms infinite; } @-webkit-keyframes cursor { 12.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f1.png), auto;} 25% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f2.png), auto;} 37.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f3.png), auto;} 50% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f4.png), auto;} 62.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f5.png), auto;} 75% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f6.png), auto;} 87.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f7.png), auto;} 100% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f8.png), auto;} } @keyframes cursor { 12.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f1.png), auto;} 25% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f2.png), auto;} 37.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f3.png), auto;} 50% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f4.png), auto;} 62.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f5.png), auto;} 75% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f6.png), auto;} 87.5% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f7.png), auto;} 100% {cursor: url(/static/miku/f8.png), auto;} } /* This code block creates the mini icons on the sides of replies */ div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { margin-right: 30px !important; background-image: url(/static/miku/icon.gif) !important; background-position: top right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; } /* This code block creates the dancing mascot */ #lowercontents { background-image: url(/static/miku/dance.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: bottom right; } .mascot-img { content:url("/static/miku/dance.gif"); width: 280px; height: 250px; object-fit: cover; border: 1px solid #0000; }


File:nyaa.png (5.7 MB,3456x2881)



File:megu asdf.png (606.4 KB,957x909)





File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (392.63 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (393.32 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (393.66 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (393.76 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (393.74 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (393.79 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (390.76 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (392.38 KB,922x894)


File:986713284.1_[SubsPlease] K….png (393.01 KB,922x894)



File:1713371549171.gif (1.02 MB,498x373)


File:spring 2024 stream bg dark….png (2.06 MB,1781x1215)



Streams, nyaa!


File:kuon cover.png (1.95 MB,1362x1200)

The best for last!

Utawarerumono 2 and 3 music collection!

Suara - Utawarerumono Itsuwari no Kamen & Futari no Hakuoro Song Collection
Suara - Hito Nanda (from the 2022 anime)
Utawarerumono Itsuwari no Kamen - Game & Anime Original Soundtrack
Utawareru Mono Itsuwari no Kamen & Futari no Hakuoro (exclusively vocals, includes a few new versions of Utawarerumono 1 stuff as well)
-Utawarerumono 2 and 3 Additional Soundtrack


File:Honeyview_uta collage.webp (1.38 MB,3323x2235)


<--style> @keyframes kuon { 0% { background-position: 0% 40000%;} 100% { background-position: 40000% 0%;} } #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(/test/src/1716963916621.webp); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; animation-name: kuon; animation-duration: 90000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } <--/style>


File:uta2 op.mp3 (7.71 MB)


File:__roxy_migurdia_mushoku_te….png (576.28 KB,773x834)

people are dumping in my thread reserved for CSS files again...


File:Honeyview_kuonbg.webp (1.01 MB,3456x2881)


File:mascot 800px 100alpha.png (231.37 KB,800x500)


File:tiling bg 960px.png (684.11 KB,960x960)


File:sakuna 128px 100alpha.png (30.01 KB,128x128)


CSSPOST_CSSPOST_CSSPOST_CSSPOST_CSSPOST div.post.reply, .reply > .post-contents { background-image: url(/test/src/1721454296757.png) !important; background-position: bottom right !important; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-right: 115px; min-height: 95px; position:relative } #lowercontents, .main-contents { background-image: url(/test/src/1721454291857.png); background-position: bottom right; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } .mascot-img { content: url(/test/src/1721454286391.png) !important; width: 546px !important; height: 366px !important; object-fit: cover; border: 1px solid #0000; background-repeat: no-repeat; z-index: -0; @-moz-document url-prefix(){ .mascot-img{ background-image:url(https://kissu.moe/static/themes/hazuki.png) } }


File:tiling bg 960px.png (684.28 KB,960x960)




File:fft.mp3 (3.58 MB)





File:summer 2024 3.png (1.75 MB,1781x1215)


File:summer 2024 5.png (1.77 MB,1781x1215)


File:summer 2024 5.png (1.76 MB,1781x1215)


File:1723503211843.png (1.05 MB,1282x1127)


File:kuon removed bg.png (906.68 KB,1282x1156)


File:toptest.png (732.73 KB,2560x327)


File:inn bg test.png (2.26 MB,2560x1440)


File:inn day test.png (2.11 MB,2560x1440)


File:reply bg test.png (2.2 MB,2560x1440)


File:Untitled-1.png (23.67 KB,20x2000)


do you love the color of the sky


File:autumn 2024 3.png (2.22 MB,1781x1215)



File:autumn 2024 4.png (2.22 MB,1781x1215)


keep seeing the nekomimi moon as the Palemoon logo.


File:ween2.png (770.14 KB,1152x648)



File:nina kong.png (372.72 KB,910x1010)



File:Hazuki.(Tsukuyomi .Moon.Ph….png (3.92 MB,1574x2198)




File:[mottoj] Tsukuyomi Moon Ph….jpg (67.71 KB,1024x576)


File:TMP ED4.mp4 (9.43 MB,1024x576)


File:Tsukuyomi Moon Phase - 01 ….jpg (46.27 KB,720x480)


File:kissu 1 year stream wallpa….png (1.04 MB,1920x1440)


File:Maybe Lucky.mp3 (14.03 MB,175x131)


File:giphy.webp (337.17 KB,270x480)




File:flakes.webp (4.74 KB,480x480)


File:deershoes.webp (16.74 KB,480x480)


File:lights.webp (52.06 KB,480x480)


File:santa walk.webp (326.93 KB,500x373)



File:snowman.webp (117.92 KB,480x480)



File:hohoho.webp (7.21 KB,480x480)


File:antlers.webp (55.73 KB,480x480)


CSS POST CSS POST CSS POST CSS POST CSS POST CSS POST CSS POST CSS POST style> /* Top Frame Area and Board Subtitle */ .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734817523449.webp); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position:top #background-size: 300px 300px; } #lowercontents, .main-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818752633.webp); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } /* OP */ .post, .post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734815161969.webp); background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* REPLIES */ .reply>.post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-position:bottom right; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat } /* side-segment is lower area | text color carries over to RSS feed */ .side-segment, .sidebar-container { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818231592.webp); background-position:bottom; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat } .thread-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734820100441.png); background-size: contain; background-attachment: fixed; background-position:center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /style>


File:lights2 (2).webp (25.3 KB,480x120)


File:santa flossing.webp (240.37 KB,500x500)


File:deershoes.webp (16.74 KB,480x480)


File:xmastree.webp (19.18 KB,500x500)


File:sleigh.webp (164.16 KB,480x240)


File:cane.webp (48.92 KB,480x480)


File:slime.png (412.07 KB,798x1008)


File:slimeopac.png (411.9 KB,798x1008)


File:mewklecurebg.png (1.3 MB,1920x1080)


File:mewklecurebg2.png (1.42 MB,1632x1080)


File:mewklecurebg3.png (1.4 MB,1632x1080)



File:Adventures of the Gummi Be….mp4 (13.4 MB,960x720)


File:inori 50 opac.png (845.09 KB,1199x1080)


File:inori2.png (452.72 KB,498x833)


File:inori3.png (72.71 KB,189x317)



File:inori3.png (75.5 KB,194x325)


File:bleh.png (1.17 MB,1781x1215)

lazy and sick bg

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